I'm back and with another story! Read and review pleaseeee! (I'll give a shout out to the first person to review!)

Disclaimer- I do not own if I did I wouldn't need to write up my ideas on fanfiction…

Dick's POV

It was the typical dark and scary night except that it was also pouring rain outside. Now when you live by yourself in an old old old home, that is missing parts of the roof from and old fire it gets pretty wet and cold. Yep I'm living the life. And what makes it worse is that my motherly figure/ secret mentor is out of the country. She's currently in Paris robbing some big time jewelry store. If you haven't figured out who she is by now I'll give you a hint she dresses like a cat and has a crush on a man that dresses like a bat.

I could always just take a bus to Gotham and try and sneak into her apartment. But then again what if some other people that live there sees me trying to break in? They would probably call the cops. It's times like these when I wish that I had friends. The only down side about that would always be worrying that my dad will come after them and kill them. Well there's always that one blonde girl. Sportsmaster's daughter, I bet she'd let me stay with her for the night since we both share the 'I hate our stupid and cruel criminal dads' card. But what if her dad or sister stops by for a surprise visit? They would see me immediately recognize me and tell my dad where I am. Great I'm back to the: I need more friends or allies problem. Guess I'll just go for a walk since I'm already drenched. Maybe I can find a dryer place to stay, or a naive person that will let a stranger stay the night.

I roamed the streets of Central City until I ran into a man that calls himself Captain Cold. Oh no! I recognized him which means he could recognize me! I have to take care of him to bad Selina band me from killing people, what good is an assassin without being able to kill? Perfect he was talking to me but I was too wrapped up in my thoughts to listen to him. He started to attack me. Psh, like he thinks that he can land a punch or kick. I evaded all his moves and landed a few of my own, and then he was down. I saw a flash of red and yellow and knew that I have been spotted. "Woah dude! You are amazing! You just took down captain cold! Do you know how impressive that is? And you did it all by yourself I can't even do that yet! Are you a superhero you must be since you can fight that good!" the mini flash said insanely fast.

"Uh no I'm not a super hero or even a hero just a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"How'd you learn to fight like that you have some serious skill man!" I was starting to panic what was I supposed to say? Captain cold began to moan which drew the attention of the two speedsters and gave me a chance to slip away. "Woah where'd he go?" said the smaller speedster when he turned back around.

Hahaha! The look on their faces were priceless! I should disappear from people more often. Well, I refuse to head back to that run down house I stay at so I'll be making my way to Gotham. I have been walking for hours. Why did I decide to walk here instead of taking a bus?

"Hey kid it's not safe to walk around Gotham alone. Someone like me good ol' uncle J might find you." I turned to find the voice of the person that was talking to me. "Oh it's just you. I thought that it was someone that I could kill. So I heard that you ran away from home is that true? If so you could just join me and Harley and we could get revenge against your father."

"As good as that offer sounds I'm ganna have ta pass."

"What scared to play with the big bad boys?"

"Well I don't consider you big or bad just insane and I think that if I stay with you I might just go crazy."

"That hurts my feelings so I think that I should teach you a lesson in respect." He said while licking his lips.

"Go ahead I've already warmed up when I took down captain cold." He was getting angrier and I wondered if I should stop talking but it's just so tempting to mess with your victims.

"Oh you're going to get it." He slowly stalked up to me. Once he got into my range I gave him a well-deserved punch to the jaw and a kick to the gut. He staggered backwards and I also walked backwards to the wall behind me. "You know if I kill you I bet your dad will be happy he thinks you're a failure!"

"You don't need to make up things just because you're scared of getting your ass kicked by someone half your age. I bet I can get you down in three hits."

"Well looks like you overestimated yourself because you already used two hits and I'm still fine."

"For now at least when I'm done with you you'll be sleeping." That got the clown pissed he came charging at me. But what he didn't know was that I wanted him to do that. When he was a mere foot away I flipped up causing him to hit the wall and scream in pain. I landed on his shoulders which then made him collapse to the floor. I sprang off him and made my way to the light post. I quickly climbed it and stayed perched waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

"Where are you kid?! Scared to play with the crown prince of crime?"

I silently jumped down from my spotted and landed right behind joker. I kicked him hard in the face he fell instantly. He was right about to lose consciousness when I said "Joker you should know me better. I have only played with the big bad boys." When I finished he was out like a light. Ha! And he didn't think that I could take him out in three hits. Well I can't just leave him here he could tell somebody where I am. I took out my phone and dialed the police. "Hi um ya no emergency but I found joker unconscious and think that you guys should lock him up." I then told them our location and went back on my way. Shoot I should probably call Selina and tell her that I will be headed over to her apartment in case I get caught and they call her. "Hey how are you?" I said into the phone "I'm ganna break into your place cuz I'm drenched and have nowhere else to go. Hope that's alright with you." I heard someone following me and looked into a glass display case. By doing so I saw the outline of my stalker. "Hey I gotta go your boyfriend is tracking me." I hung up the phone before hearing a response and turned around. "You can stop following me now!"

He stepped out of the shadows and walked towards me. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"I'm none of your concern."

"You single handedly took down the joker in three moves, and you're in my city. Who are you?"

"No one you need to know. Or will see again. Now if you don't mind I'm going to head to my friend's apartment."

"The one you were going to break into?"

"She knows I'm headed there and it's not like I'm going to steal anything so I don't get why I can't go?"

"I never said you couldn't."

"But you have the look on your face. I've seen it enough to know what it means."

"Hey look-y what we have here. You daddy wants you back home. He's offering big money for whoever brings you back. And I could use the money so come here twerp." A strange looking man said with a bunch of other people following him.

"Yeah right." I retorted which probably wasn't the right thing to do because he got out a gun and shot me in the upper arm. Lucky for me Batman was still here and he kicked the shit outa those stupid people. The only down side was that he took me back to his cave to get fixed up.

-At the Batcave-

"Master Bruce you are back rather late I was just about to call Clark and ask for him to find you. My goodness who is this and what happened to him?" his butler asked.

"I'm just a kid who wants to be left alone!" I said angrily. "And I can fix myself up thank you very much it's not the first time I've been shot!" I went over to their medical supplies and started to take the bullet out.

"Master Batman-"

"you can call him Bruce I already knew who he is."

TA DA! First chapter done! This story will have 8 chapters in case you were wondering. The more reviews I get the faster I update! Hope you also read my other two young justice stories master plan and triple the grayson! See ya next time!
