Where was that little shortstack, she had to wonder with a smile on her face…. He was supposed to come and join her now that her duty to her game was over and done with. He was a couple of hours late now; and she had already double checked the perimeter… Where was he?

She sighed. She wasn't a worrier. She was as cold as ice in the past but now? She was rather kindhearted. She took life by the throat and kissed it until it gave her what she wanted; no, needed. She didn't really ask for something like this; it was risky.

Which was her shortstack sweetums, Felix. Who was still running late, and she just had to see if he was alright.

After a couple of steps she hops on her hover-board and high-tails it to Game Central Station out in the extension cord. After she gave a smile to the world she had to call home, she found her husband of two years looking at her with wide eyes and a bitterly shocked face. It made her smile vanish at the sight; but she wasn't going to demand answers yet.

She hops off of her hover-board ASAP; walking straight to him. Her boots clicking against the metal floor.

"Sweetums, is something going on between you and that wrecker again—?" is all she could squeeze out; before she's met with surprise.

"Tamora, hold me!"


In the pixelated fashion that made him who he is, Felix fjumps onto her; hugging her — holding her, as he's rather… choked up.

That alone makes her concerned. While he was asking to be held, she had to… she picks him up and just places him down on the ground. From his sniffling, it sounds like that makes him even more upset. Which doesn't ease her very much.

"…C'mon. Lets get this outta ya…"

She leads the way to the familiar lobby seats — graphics card and plug-themed rug in front of them, as well as the gateway to Street Fighter.

Once they both sat down, Felix sitting on an armrest besides Calhoun for height reasons, he wipes his eyes of any tears.

"… Now. What's going on?" She said it in a strict tone at the start, and it lead to the most comforting voice Felix had ever heard. Which… it's surprising he's not full out crying.

He decides to be blunt.

"… Ralph and I are getting unplugged tomorrow. To make way for another shootin' game that all these new rapscallions play… like yours."

… his dynamite gal is knocked speechless with that kind of news. Eyes wide, and her mouth unable to spit out anything that comes to her mind.

It's here when Felix starts getting closer to the edge of crying; which… Tamora sees coming and wraps her arms around.

Even knocking his hat over his eyes again, which eases the pain. Even earns a chuckle out of the fixer upper.

They decide to just rest their foreheads together; after the Sergent took his hat away for a smile. They had one of the moments they both adored from the other where they could just… breathe and let it all go. And smile in each other's company.

"… Well, hey, shortstack.."


"It's not a total loss. You and that wrecker'll have new places. In my neck of the woods. Right?"

Felix chuckled at the concept. "I.. did like that one time where I got to be on your team when someone washed their hands of your game far too soon for my liking!" He smiled at the end part; which caused a nice laugh from his dynamite gal.

"And hey! Your friend can earn all the medals he wants… the right way. No more climbing up my beacon!"

"Haha! .. I like the sound of that…"

Who knew being unplugged wouldn't be so bad after all?