Here's another one, just in case one wasn't enough. The prompt is drowning.

Have fun.

It was moments like these that Beck wished would last forever. All was quiet and dark, the temperature was perfect, the stars were out, and most importantly he was with Tori, the girl who meant the most to him. Nothing could've been better.

When Beck told Tori about his love of all things night, she embraced it with open arms. He was immensely glad she did; even though the odds were against it, he couldn't help but think that she wouldn't care much for it. He should've trusted her more honestly, but self-doubt could be a powerful thing. After he told her, they started doing things at night when they could get away with it, like going to drive-ins at really late times, or going to spots with the perfect view of the sky.

That's what they were doing at the moment. A blue blanket lay between them and the ground as they rested on it, looking up at the sky. Beck took his camera and was able to take a few shots he knew would look perfect once he had them developed, while he and Tori talked about anything and everything. After taking his last shot, he lay down on the blanket and put one arm behind his head, the other wrapped itself around Tori's waist.

She'd fallen asleep sometime soon after he relaxed; and he would've followed if it weren't for how beautiful she looked in the moonlight. He never would've forgiven himself if he missed an opportunity to simply see her beauty. He removed his arm from under his head and grabbed his camera as stealthily as he could, so as to not wake her up. It only took one picture to do her justice, and she probably would've woken up if he took any more pictures, so he reluctantly put the camera back down and relaxed once again.

He still couldn't believe how lucky to was, to get a girl like her. She wasn't perfect, but she was the closest he'd ever seen; and even though they hadn't been going out for more than a few months he could already tell she had a hold on him he wouldn't trade for the world. She was pulling him down, down into the depths of her, and he was drowning. But he couldn't bring himself to care.