This is probably just going to be a 2-3 shot

"Kai! Come on it's time to come in" a young woman in her mid-twenties with long cerulean hair was stood in the door watching her son have a snowball fight with his friends from down the road.

"But mum. I don't wanna come in I wanna play" the young bluenette wined pulling a similarly small redhead into his arms.

"Kai come on I already called Tala's dad he says he can stay over tomorrow if he's home in five minutes" with the news that the young redhead could sleep over if he went home the duel haired boy shoved him away towards his house. Waving bye the two ran home.

"Do you promise he can stay?" the bluenette asked holding onto her trouser legs. Stroking her son's duo coloured hair she gave him a warm smile.

"If he's home on time then yes he can" as she finished her sentence the phone rang. Half walking half dragging she made it to the phone "hello." She tried to pry her son from her legs as he kept hugging them.

Managing to do so, she bent down handing him the phone. Looking at the phone bemused he placed it to his ear "pant I…I pant m-made it pant" a small voice was heard through the phone the speaker struggling to breathe

"See you tomorrow" the smiling boy hung up passing his mum the phone.

"I take it from your smile that he made it?" she asked. Though she didn't really need the answer she knew that he had as soon as she heard that heavy breathing on the other line she knew Tala had just made it home, which was quite impressive as he had just left Kai a few minutes before.

"Yea he did, he's coming over tomorrow right?" he looked up at his mum suspicious for a second a mini glare placed on her when she didn't answer. He had been practicing it for a while; he had to get good at intimidating people for his friend who always got into arguments with the other kids on their street. If he didn't improve on his intimidation methods the small redhead would have fights none stop.

Patting his head she nodded guiding the boy into the kitchen for dinner. Before she entered the kitchen she glanced at the clock. 8:30 he was late, he was never late and if he was he'd always call. An uneasy feeling in her stomach rose but the young mum ignored it focusing on one mischievous boy who had spotted the cookies she had made earlier. Right now she had to focus on protecting the food before they all disappeared like the first half had.

The bluenette had tired himself out, almost passing out in his mother's arms as she carried him to bed, painted cheeks resting on her shoulder as the garnet eyes kept drooping before snapping back open.

"Is someone tired?" She asked the sleepy boy who in response buried his head in her hair "I'll take that as a yes" she ran her fingers through the small mop of cerulean hair hugging her son closer.

Placing the more than half asleep boy in his bed she tucked him in kissing his forehead. "Goodnight Kai" she whispered leaving the room keeping the door open a fraction to allow a stream of light in. A mumbled answer told her the boy was mere seconds from sleeps warm embrace.

Smiling slightly she looked at the time on her phone 9:15, biting her lip she couldn't help feeling a flash of worry hit her.

"Stop panicking he's only an hour late I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this" she tried to assure herself but her mind kept going back to the previous night's events.


"I told you to leave and never come back! What part of that is hard to understand?!" A slate haired man was stood crimson eyes burning with hate at the others smug smile.

"I'm only here for the child benefit" the man's equally crimson eyes bore into the younger of the two's not caring that he was infuriating the man even more with his composed tone.

"Benefit? You have no idea what is a benefit to him! You were an awful father and a coward!" A cerulean haired woman from behind entered the room to see what all the commotion was about.

She had been trying to get their son up the stairs to play while the two Hiwatari's talked things through but the talking was soon done with and was quickly replaced with shouting.

"I may be many things but I am no coward boy" he took a step towards his son with the intention of rebuking him for his words.

A small sound from behind the woman halted him as his eyes travelled to the small body behind her legs. Stood behind the young woman was a small bluenette staring up at the two elder men scared by the shouting he heard from his father who he had never heard angry before.

"Violet will you please take Kai upstairs" the younger of the two asked looking at his wife with almost pleading eyes. Nodding she picked up her son shushing him as she cradled him.

The young bluenette was looking over his mother's shoulder staring at the two slate haired men, one he seldom saw the other he wished was with him now.

"It's ok Kai they're just having a little disagreement" she assured looking at her son trying to hide her own worry.

"That just proves my point when I say the boy must come with me" the elder looked his son in the eye trying to judge his reaction

"How do you figure?" He asked trying to keep his voice quiet and somewhat calm for the sake of his son who could possibly hear them through the floor

"He is weak now. If he comes with me I can make him strong make him the heir I can be proud of"

"Weak. How do you figure? To you the definition of strength is being emotionless. Just like you are like you tried to make me"

"It is of no surprise the boy is weak one can't expect too much when his father is a resounding disappointment" The two started a staring competition daring the other to look away

"No it is you who is the disappointment here. You were an awful father you abused me and mum you tried to make me like you a cold emotionless man" The elder smirked he knew images from his past were flashing before his son's eyes

"Look where being like this has gotten me. I can make your son like this I can make him perfection"

"No old man it had gotten you nothing no family no one. I have more than you could ever want. You are always striving for perfection but how can one be perfect when they are nothing but a coward!" He couldn't keep his voice quiet any longer he was too angry with the man he was ashamed to say was his father.

"Don't you ever call me a coward boy or I shall make you wish you were never born" the elder took a step towards his son glaring at the youngster.

"Do what you want to me it can't be any worse than what you have done to me in the past. Cos I won't be quiet any longer for you are a coward nothing but a damn coward!" a flat open palm struck him on the cheek with enough force to whip his head around.

"Call me that again boy and I'll make the punishments I gave you in the past feel like nothing. And remember I will get what I want. And nothing will stop me" Turning the elder made his way to the door "I'll be seeing you"

As the door closed he turned letting out a heavy sigh. A hand cupped his red cheek looking up he saw his wife who had ran down the stairs when she had heard his shouting.

"Are you ok?" She asked looking at him concerned.

"I'm fine it's nothing compared to what he's done to me in the past. I-I don't want him to get Kai I don't want him to go through what I had to" his fingers curled around her hand pulling it away looking at her flawless face he couldn't help wondering how he had got her. She had stuck by him for so long even after finding out about the less than loving relationship he had with his father.

"He won't don't worry for as long as we both shall live he will never get his hands on Kai" releasing her hand he wrapped his arms around her waist allowing his head to rest on her shoulder closing crimson eyes he held his wife close listening to the steady beat of her heart.

End flashback

Smiling softly she started walking down the stairs but the elder Hiwatari's words kept repeating in her head 'nothing will stop me' 'I'll be seeing you'. They weren't the scariest words she had heard come from the man's lips but they still managed to worry her to no end. She had a feeling of uneasiness in the pit of her stomach.

'Calm down Vi he's just late, Voltaire is smart enough to know that he can't do anything too bad to him' she tried to convince herself but it wasn't working.

The air itself felt heavy weighing her down as the seconds ticked by. Her mind came up with possible scenarios of what could have happened to him and none of them were good. She sat in the kitchen trying desperately to get a grip on her mind.

A loud knock at the door made her jump from her seat rushing over to the door she opened it hoping for Susumu to be there. In his place was her sister tears in her eyes she pulled her into a hug not even saying hello.

"Jade? What's wrong?" She asked holding her sister afraid she and her boyfriend had had another fight.

"Vi I just heard I'm so sorry" pulling from her sister she looked straight into her jade green eyes

"What are you talking about Jade what happened?" The uneasiness in her stomach grew making her feel sick.

"Didn't they call you?" she asked biting her bottom lip as if debating on whether or not she should tell her. A shake of her head firmed her resolve. "Vi I'm so sorry you have to find out like this Susumu he…he, there was an accident I truly am so sorry but he's…dead"

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