Wild Days
Wild Days
There's a new student at Xavier's school for Gifted Youngsters, but what will the others make of this strange new teenager called Wolverine?
Chapter One: New Student
'Everyone meet in the dining room please' announced Professor Xavier
'What's going on?' His students asked each other, they had just come back from school and were tired, had homework to do and for some, training.
'We will have a new student arriving soon and I thought I should tell you a bit about him first.'
'A new student Professor?' Asked Scott
'Yes, his name is Logan; he has quite interesting abilities to say the least. He has a healing factor, which means he can recover from injuries very quickly and he has, er, animal instincts, I guess you could say. Apart from that I don't know much more, but you are to all welcome him as it will take him some time to adjust to our way of life here.' Concluded the prof.
'What do ya mean bah animal instincts?' asked Rouge
'He has a feral rage and heightened hearing and scent.'
Before the others had time to register this information they heard a motorcycle roll up outside. Quickly they followed the professor to meet the new arrival. He was short, sixteen or seventeen at most. Had black, spiky hair, pointy teeth and was muscular, very muscular. He got off the bike and walked towards them.
'Ah Logan, right on time. Everyone this is Logan our new student. Logan these are your new classmates; Scott, Jean, Kurt, Kitty, Rouge, Spike and Bobby. Oh and Beast and Storm who are teachers here'
'Hi Logan, I hope you like it here.' Said Jean, stepping forward. She offered her hand. Logan looked at it for a second before taking it. 'Hi' He had a soft growl to his voice, which was quite deep. 'Where can I put my bike?' he said, glancing at the professor.
' In the garage Scott will show you where it is and then give you a quick tour.' Xavier didn't draw attention to the fact that all Logan had was a small rucksack, clearly all he had was the clothes on his back and not much more. His clothes were a pair of faded, dark jeans, a black t-shirt and combat boots. Simple clothes that looked like they had been dragged through a forest and been in a few fights. Scott led the way. After a few moments of silence he said 'So where have you come from?' 'Sorry bub, I don't do backstory' It wasn't said as a threat more of a fact, like he had said it many times before. Scott glanced at him. Logan after a moment said 'I'm from Canada, and travelled a lot, that's all I'm going to say.' The rest of the tour didn't involve much talk and Scott was glad to show this strange mutant to his room at the end.
'What did he say?' Asked Kitty when Scott joined them.
'Not much just that he's from Canada and has 'travelled a lot', I kind of felt like he was sizing me up.'
'Give him time to settle in.' said Jean
The others didn't look so sure.
The next morning was the same, Logan didn't join in on the training session, instead he just watched. Then at breakfast he didn't talk much, just answered the seldom question flung his way then went back to eating. Despite his muscly body the others noticed that he was somewhat thin, like he didn't often get decent meals. When they arrived at school he went in the direction Jean pointed him in, towards the front office desk. Jean decided to go with him after a moment's pause and hurried to catch up. At the desk they bumped into another new student, who was very big and had blonde hair. Upon seeing Logan the boy, shouldered past him muttering 'See ya later, runt.' Logan just gave a quick nod before walking up to the desk. Jean gave a questioning look at Logan, when he offered no explanation she tried telekinesis, but was surprised to find that she was blocked. Logan had obviously had training at guarding his thoughts. The rest of the day past uneventful but the other's seemed to notice that Logan and the new boy, called Victor seemed to know each other and conversed quietly together, until someone approached when they would then break off.
They met next to Scott's car and then drove back to the mansion, Logan still not saying much. Finally Rouge asked 'Do ya know that Victor kid?'
'Yeah, I know him.'
'Where from?'
Logan said nothing. Rouge sighed and then said 'You two just seem to know each other really well.'
'Just drop it ok.' Muttered Logan.
'I want to know too.' Persisted Kitty. By this time they had just arrived at the mansion and Logan jumped out and walked inside. Still not answering. 'There is something really weird goin' on here.' Said Rouge.
'Just let him be guys' sighed Jean in a virtuous voice 'He'll talk when he's ready'
Kitty looked craftily after Logan.
That night Logan sneaked out of his room and moved down the hall, opened the window, climbed out and then disappeared. And he didn't return till after midnight.
The next night the same thing happened and so on for the rest of the week. But one night he was seen by Kitty, but Logan didn't notice the young girl staring at him from the doorway. Kitty quickly woke Rouge, Scott and Kurt and the three set off to find out where he was going.
Logan meanwhile had entered the forest that lined one side of the estate and moved to a clearing, there was Victor. 'Took ya time' was the greeting.
'I had to wait for em to fall asleep.'
'Whatever, let's do this'
The two boys circled each other, much like wolves do, and then they pounced on each other. There was a lot of snarling and growling. Finally after a 5-10 minute struggle Victor had successfully got his clawed hand poised on Logan's throat. 'You'll never beat me you know.' He growled.
'I can try, round 2.'
The same thing happened only this time Logan nearly won, nearly'
Just as they were about to start round 3, the wind changed. Logan and Victor both got the scent at the same time. 'We know your there, so you might as well come out.' Growled Logan.
Scott emerged first, the Kurt and Kitty. Kurt and Kitty looked a bit embarrassed but Scott looked stubborn.
'What were you doin' following me?' asked Logan.
Instead Scott ignored the question and stated 'You have to come back with us, now.'
'Try and make me, bub.'
'Look at Mr Bigshot, ordering people around. Taunted Victor.
'Shut up lowlife' snapped Scott
Victor growled and tackled Scott to the ground. Scott unleashed the beam coming from his eyes and that threw Victor back a few feet. Logan snarled and moved in between the two. He unsheathed his claws while doing so but seemed to be protecting Scott from Victor, Who were both glaring at each other.
'Knock it off' muttered Logan to Victor.
'Why should I?' responded Victor angrily
'Cause if you don't I'll use these.' And he said, indicating the claws
'Leave the guy alone, he's just a prick who doesn't know who he's dealing with'
Scott, Kitty and Kurt stared at the claws.
'I guess I'd better go back. Catch you later Vic'
Logan sheathed his claws and walked past the three stunned X-men. They looked up at Victor who was smiling slightly before turning and following Logan back to the school.
Back at the school Xavier was talking to the four. 'Logan you shouldn't have been sneaking out, and worst of all it was too fight.'
'It wasn't real fighting' muttered Logan
They had each just recounted what had just happened to the professor.
'What were those things in your hands?' asked Kitty suddenly.
Xavier groaned to himself, now that these three knew the news would spread.
'My claws, it's part of my mutation' He unsheathed his claws to make the point.
Scott glanced at the professor but Xavier just said silently to Scott 'After' Scott nodded and let the matter, drop, for now.
'Why were you fighting Victor Creed?'
Logan shrugged 'I need to practise somehow, and if we don't fight how do we know whose better?'
'Does it matter' asked Kurt stunned
'Yeah, it does.'
'Cause he's my brother, bub'
'Your brother?' asked the professor
'Yeah, we share pretty much the same powers just I have claws in my hand and his come from his finger nails.'
'Would he be interested in joining?'
'No, I already asked. Can I go now?'
'You will be grounded for this, I can't tolerate sneaking out, so you will be grounded for a week. Understood?'
'Then you can go. Kitty and Kurt you may leave as well, oh and you will be sharing the grounding with Logan as you too sneaked out.'
Kurt and Kitty made faces of disbelief before walking out with Logan.
'How sharp are those things?' asked Kurt
'Real sharp, I can cut through most stuff'
'Dat is soo cool man'
Logan smiled, it was the first time either had seen it.
'Thanks furball.'
'My X-men name is Nightcrawler.'
'Mines Shadow Cat' piped up Kitty
'You can call me Wolverine'
The three mounted the stairs together, before separating to their rooms.
Back in Xavier's study Scott was pacing.
'Why didn't you tell us about his claws?'
'Because I didn't want to worry you all, it takes some getting used to.'
'You should have been more open with us. We should have known the guy had six knives in his hands'
Xavier sighed. 'And then you would have been even more wary of him and made it harder for him to settle would have been subconscious.'
He added seeing Scott about to argue.
'Scott, I did it because I thought it would be best for all of you.'
Scott nodded.
'Oh and you too will be grounded for a week, good night Scott'
He wheeled himself past the stunned Scott.
Smiling to himself. Looked like the new arrival had settled in.