A/N Ok...I now have a fetish with Kid Icarus, Saiyuki, and Yu-Gi-Oh...so yeah. :)

Rated: M

Warnings: this is Yaoi, BOY X BOY don't like, don't read. Jealous and protective!Dark Pit. Slight OOC perverted-ness, slight violence, and for sexual intercourse in later chapters. Most of all, Pit and all his Adorableness. X3

Pairing: Dark Pit x Pit, slight Pit x everyone else

Disclaimer: I do not or ever will, own Kid Icarus/Uprising or its characters. All belong to their rightful owners. I only own the plot and this story.





In My Dreams


(Dark Pit POV)

/The endless sky around him, once a lifeless black night, burst into bright colors as the blazing sun made its way through the heavens. The wind caught up, whipping his short raven hair back and forth. His dark black wings extended, gliding him with the strong breeze and through the watered filled clouds.

He flew by tall mountains and landed safely on a floating plat form. He peered over the horizon, spotting the temple and sanctuary of the Goddess of Light floating above with all its glory.

The Raven haired boy glanced down from the platform, noticing the mass land below. A small village was seen, stood tall as it defended against strange creatures that he never seen before.

The raven haired boy took all of this in crossing his arms and giving a thoughtful look , his onyx eyes glistened with interest. 'Where...is this place...?' He unfolded his arms noticing his long black tunic and small black sandals, his wings folded slightly as he viewed his surroundings once more. 'Ok lets see.. I have wings, I can fly, I'm wearing some kind of dress, and-'


A white blaze of light zoomed passed him. His eyes widen as he backed up a little, trying to see what it was.

Beautiful large while wings stretched across revealing a figure who wore a long white tunic, a small brown belt hung loosely around its hip, and small brown sandals that reached halfway up its legs.

The figure stopped mid-flight, slowly turning around, facing the Raven haired boy. The bright light hid the figures face and he couldn't help but shield his eyes a little from the light. A delicate hand slowly faced him. It leaned closer to the raven haired boy and spoke softly, its angelic voiced floated all around him./

"Hey, Kuro Pit, Welcome to Skyworld."



'what...is that sound?'





I slowly opened my eyes, meeting pitch black. My eyes slowly adjusted, noticing the familiar surroundings of the room, mostly that annoying clock that won't shut up.

Red blinking lights read 5:50 am. I stared blankly at the blinking numbers before it registered in my brain and cursed loudly, banging the clock .

I quickly jumped out of bed, fumbling over my dark purple jeans and black T-shirt which read 'mirror of Truth'. I then put on black converse as I combed my hair lightly before swishing it back and forth as it fell neatly on my face. My trademark scowl made its way across my face as I gazed at my dull face.

"Let the Nightmare begin."

The sound of my mother screeching at my father proved my words, apparently he was not wearing underwear. Terrific.

My feet stomped down the stairs as I made my way to the kitchen. Said father sat in his usual chair, sipping a cup of coffee...naked.

My face scrunched up in disgust as I sat farther away from him. My mother came in, putting down pancakes and orange juice in front of me as she glared at my father.

He snorted at her, earning the frying pan.

"You worthless man, can't you put on some god damn clothes? Its a mystery you haven't scarred your son for life, Hades." She said, gripping the pan tighter.

I scoffed at them, gulping down my juice. 'Scarred for life is right.'

"Medusa, dear, why don't you go clean something, ok?" He said smirking, sipping his cup of coffee.


"...Mom, stop banging dad with the pan, you will damage it." My mother threw her head in laughter by my comment as she walked to the sink to clean up the blood from the pan.

Her long wavy hair was tied back in a pony tail, reaching her shoulders. I applauded for her since it must have been difficult to do such a thing.

Her hair was always hard to tame, moving back and forth and tying itself into knots, it kind of reminds me of snakes. My father's hair...was just disgusting.

I rolled my eyes at them as I grabbed my backpack and chomp on one of the pancakes. My mother scowled at me -now you know where I get it from- grabbing the plate of pancakes and dumping them in a bag.

I casually walked out the door, catching the bag filled pancakes my mother so nicely hurled at me.

I waved my hand lazily at them with my back turned. "Later."

I heard my father chuckle from the floor as I started walking. "Ah, he is still in that faze of his. Was he born with a stick up his ass?"

I twitched with annoyance as my vein pulsed from my forehead. 'Watch when I get home old man', I thought before gracefully walking to my bus stop.


(A/N Dark pits in his bus when this dreams occurs)

/Darkness. He couldn't see anything but black, it suffocated him. His body moved blindly on his own, back and forth, like some puppet. Taunting voices surrounded him,laughing and mocking at him. The raven haired boy could do nothing but clutched his head, trying to block out those menacing voices.

The voices became louder, coming closer to him. He tried to control his body, to get away from the darkness...but he couldn't. 'Why am I here? W-Whose voices are these?'

Then there was only one voice...-why don't you just stand there and take it like a good puppet? After all, that's what you are...- The cruel laughter filled the air and he couldn't anything but squeezed his eyes shut. He had it.



Warmth suddenly flowed through his whole body, the sensation scared him, but he slowly opened his eyes meeting bright lights that seem to consumed some of the darkness. He adjusted his eyes to the light and sees...

'A...A mirror?'

His body moved again without his permission, making him come closer to the mirror. A room was inside the mirror, a blueish blob floated around cackling to itself. His eyes narrowed. 'Its that voice I heard'

He turned his head to the other side and sees the other angel. It did a funny pose before it ran forward, looking as if it was about to kick the mirror. The raven haired boy felt himself move with the angel, already kicking the mirror at the same time. They made contact.

It Shattered.

His eyes squinted sightly before he gracefully stood smirking slightly. " Hey hows it going?" He didn't know why he said that, but it felt right to. The light around the other angel seem to diminish, and the face slowly stared to reveal itself.../


"Hey, Kid." A voice called. I groaned, turning my head slightly at the voice. 'I was about to find out who that angel was...' On that thought, I glared at said voice cursing it under my breath.

"Yeah yeah curse me to the depths of the underworld, but just wanted to let you know were here." I scoffed at him, grabbing my things and pushed him out of my way. I jumped off the bus, boredly glancing at my so called high school, so dull, and so boring.

I shook my head and walked inside to the theater where they suppose to welcome the new students. The room was already filled with people, talking aimlessly with one another. I 'hmphed', leaning against a wall.

He stared boredly at the students, waiting for the god damn thing to start so he can leave. To my relief, the principal stood from the chair she was sitting in and walked up to the microphone. She was a young woman with caring eyes and long flowing green hair, who smiled at us all and greeted us with a calm voice.

"Welcome students to Kashoku academy. I hope we will learn many new and exciting things this year, but make sure to enjoy yourselves as well. I pray for a wonderful year with all of you." I rolled my eyes as the sound of cheering and applause filled the room.


I glared up from the floor at the person who all so casually smacked me in the back. "Hey kid, Ready to head to class?" It seems it was the same guy from the bus, just great.

I stood casually from the floor, kneeing him in the gut, and started walking away. He called out to me from the floor he is now kneeling on. " Hey kid, Do you by any chance know angel face? Oh names Magnus by the way." His annoying voice said, making my eyebrow twitch.

"No, I do not know an 'Angel face' and don't call me a kid, you overgrown ape." I snapped at him before turning and walking away. He just chuckled at me, standing up from the floor, and followed me.

I casually walked into my classroom, pleased to see that the over grown ape is leaving to his class. A young woman with long blue hair tied in a pony tail greeted me with a nod, handing me a piece of paper.

'Seriously? Blue hair AND Green hair? They cannot be natural.' I shook my head at her, grabbing the paper, and seated myself close to the window. A few minutes passed before the bell rung, announcing the start of the class.

The blue haired woman closed the door, and sat on her desk, smiling ruefully at us. "Welcome children. I am Sunuski Pandora so that is Mrs. Pandora to all you filthy runts. Now shut up and listen to me and we will have no problems. Am I clear?" The whole class nodded besides me. I stiffen in my seat, my eyes slowly narrowed at her.

-why don't you just stand there and take it like a good puppet? After all, that's what you are...-

'This so called Pandora has the same voice from my dream...' I stared out the window the whole class period, not even glancing at the stupid piece of paper that layed on his desk. 'Five more minutes, five more minutes until this retched class ends...'

"You with the black shirt! Come up to my desk" the she-devil called. I groaned silently, slowly standing up and walked to her desk. She glared slightly at me, "Why aren't you doing the assignment?"

I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Cuz I don't want to, thats why."

Her eyes narrowed at me as she applied. "Whats your name, so I know what to write on the detention slip, you brat." I smirked smugly at her. " My names Pi-"

The door suddenly opened, revealing some person holding on the door frame panting slightly. My eyes widen when he lifted up his face. "Oi sorry! Mrs. Pandora, Lady Palutena said for me to give you these no-" His eyes locked with mine, and my breath hitched.

'H-He's that Angel!' Large blue eyes stared in my own, showing mixed emotions from shock to curiosity. He looked exactly like me from facial features to the height, even the same hair style! The only difference was his hair was a soft color of brown and he had this innocent aura around him. But most of all were his eyes, never have I seen so many shades of blue in ones eyes.

'Those eyes put the sky and ocean to shame- in deep shame.'

" Ah, hello." he said, his eyes never leaving me.

-Welcome to Skyworld.-

I mentally slapped myself, trying keep focus. 'The same voice...'

" What do you want, Pit?" the blue headed hag said. I stared back at her in confusion. " I didn't want any-" "Oh! Sorry! Lady Palutena asked me to give you these notes." I stared at him with astonishment, yet I became suspicion. "Your name is Pit?" He turned to me smiling brightly. "Yup!"

My eyes narrowed. "So is mine." He stared back at me with surprise, giving off a long sound of "EHHHHH?!" The hag then decided to speak. "The brats name is Pit as well?! That cannot do."

She stood from her desk and started to paste. "Two Pits...Pits two...Ah! We will just call you Pit number two!"She exclaimed. The angel now identified as Pit jumped excitingly. "Wow! Hello Pittoo!"

My eyes twitched.


Gym. The best class this school can offer to me. It seems I didn't have any classes with the other Pit besides this one. Just great. The uniforms don't come until about two weeks or so, so for now its our normal clothing. I smirked when I heard my class groan. Pathetic losers.

Pit seemed not affected at all by the news, he just stretched and beamed like some idiot.

"Alright, Class! I am the Amazing Mr. Pyrron, your Gym teacher. With all of you in my care, you will almost be as great as me by the end of the year!" the loud teacher bellowed. Well, Gym class went down the list of favorite classes.

The class was then escorted outside where a few things were set out. "Ok! So for today, you get to choose what to do. There is soccer, tennis, basketball, and volleyball. Now get out there and burn some calories!" Oh yeah, this one is going to be a pain. Though I perked up when he mentioned tennis.

I walked to the court and picked up a racket and a ball. Some other fools went to the other side of the court, picking up their own rackets, smirking cockily at me. I smirked back. 'oh there is no way I'm losing to the likes of you weaklings.'

"Oh! Let me Join your team Pittoo!" To my disbelief, Pit stood by my side, racket in hand, a happy smile in his face. I groaned. 'I'm going to lose if I have this idiot as my partner..' I sighed, throwing the ball into the air, and smacking it to the other team.

They managed to clear it, the ball bouncing on the court and back to me. I hit it again, but harder, scoring a point. "15 love." I called smirking. If this keeps going, Pit won't need to touch the ball. For the half of the game, the situation stayed the same, our score now 40 to 0. I served the ball, smacking it to the team, who smacked it back hard...to Pit.

I cursed. 'There goes our perfect score...' I thought, turning to Pit. What I saw amazed me. His goofy smile, turned into a smirk as he raised his racket gracefully, bashing the ball to the other side of court, earning us another point.

We won.

He jumped happily, screaming a loud "Aw Yeah!" I couldn't help but smirk victoriously. 'This idiot...'The moment was ruined however, when loud mouth Pyrron grabbed both our wrist and pulled us together. "You Two! That was amazing! Those losers didn't stand a chance!" I stared boredly at him, though I found it amusing he called his own students losers.

His Face turned to one of Evilness as yelled out, "You two are to represent our school in the tennis tournament this coming week!" My eyes widen as Pit let another sound of "Ehhhh?!"

Pyrron grinned at us before letting go of our wrist and screaming to the class its time to go back. I stared back at him disbelievingly before turning back to Pit. Large blue eyes stared into my own, not really sure what just happened.

"Sooooo...umm...Good game Pittoo!" My eyes twitched at the stupid name he gave me. "Don't call me that" He looked at me innocently before grinning. "Fine, I'll stop calling you Pittoo when I figure out another name for you." I stare at him, not knowing what to do.

I sighed, dropping the racket and heading back into the gym. "Whatever, Pit." I continued walking until I heard soft giggles. I turned back to Pit, glaring at him.


He looked up at me, those large blue eyes sparkled with happiness and innocence. "Oh its nothing. I'm just happy you said my name for the first time." He then broke into a large warm smile, before running back into the gym. " Come on Pittoo! Its time to go!"

My heart beat beated rapidly, and I suddenly felt hot in my face.




'Whats wrong with me?'


"Pittoo, whats taking you so long?" I shook my head, the sudden warmth leaving my face. "Come down idiot, I'm coming." It must have been the heat or something.


Preview of next Chapter:

"Pit, Am I being replaced with a cat?" My eyes narrowed at said feline who apparently is snuggling even closer in Pits arms. He stared back at me in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You just called it Pittoo, Pit."

The announcer spoke loudly in the mic. " There is only 15 minutes left until the final match begins!" I grinned. "Then its time." Pit stared back at me confusingly. "Time for what?"

"Our pre-match Ralling cry!" His confused look turned into a knowing smirk. He turned to the crowd, raising his head high, his grip on the racket tightened.

Magnus then pulled Pit closer to him, resting his chin on Pit's head. " Sorry kid, but Angel face is hanging out with me tonight." I growled pulling Pit away from him, hugging his little frame protectively. "Not a chance."

He looked back at me, his smile turned into an evil grin. He then turned around and started walking away. "Then keep a close eye on him then. Cuz there are a lot of people besides me who desire that cute little angel in your arms."


A/N Yay! First chapter done! For those who are confused, Pit and Dark pit are 16 and are sophmores. Magnus is a 17 and is a Junior. This is my best work yet so I am proud of it!

Thank you for reading!

Pit: Review? *large puppy dog eyes*