Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi or any of it's characters. And also, this is my first story so I'm sorry if it's horrible. And I loooove Maya and Cam (Camaya, Caya, Maybell, whatever you wanna call them)

Maya's POV:

I just did a horrible thing. I know that, I really do. I wish, more than anything, that I could take it back. I had kissed Zig. ZIG AND I KISSED. I feel awful, even though I pulled back first.


"We were amazing! Thank you so much, Zig, for doing this. It means so much!" I tell him as we hug, and then…kiss. At first, I'm kissing back, but then pull away and say, "OMIGOD. What did we just do?!"

"I-I'm sorry!" he stutters, "I know it's crazy but-"

"But Tori, your girlfriend, my best friend!" I cut him off

"I know but…." He trails off as he brushes my cheek lightly.

"But, Tori." I repeat, this time, quietly

"Ahem" Katie clears her throat, eyebrows raised. She saw. "You ready to change into your interview gown?" she asks in monotone

"Uhh...Yeah. Yeah." I tell her, shrugging, trying to look nonchalant "Thank you for helping me with the song" I thank Zig, shaking his hand.

"Yep, yep, no problem" he says before hurrying away

-End of flashback-

I sigh. After that, Katie pretty much bit my head off about not losing a bestie to a boy, and how I deserved better than Zig, and how Tori was my best friend and 'How could I do this to her' and what not. I know she's right. I really kinda hate myself right now. Stupid me. Stupid Zig. Stupid pageants. Stupid hormones.

And, I still like Cam. I didn't break up with him because I wasn't into him anymore. That was never the problem. Like I told him, it didn't seem like he liked me. And, to make it worse, Tori got up on stage and apologized to me publically. PUBLICALLY. As in, in front of many others. And I just go and kiss her boyfriend! GAH! I'm crying now, because I screwed everything up so bad. But maybe, maybe I can actually clean up some of this mess I made. I need to talk to Cam. Like, now.

So I'm still crying as I walk to Cam's billet house. I probably look like a raccoon. Ah, well, what can you do? I finally get there and knock on the door. I just hope it's Cam who answers, not one of his billet parents. That would not help my situation. Luckily, Cam opens the door.

Cam's POV:

I was sitting at home, re-watching the first season of Lost when I heard knocking. So, I get up, open the door, and there stands Maya. She's been crying. I can tell, and yeah ok, the smudged make-up gives it away a little. But whatever, the point is: She's obviously upset, and I still care about her so I want to know why.

"Maya? Why were you crying?" Yeah most people would say 'hello' first but I honestly don't care.

"You were right. Beauty pageants are stupid." She says, letting out a breath. And then, miracle of miracles, she tells me she's sorry and asks me to forgive her. YES! I scream internally. I smile at her though, signaling 'yes, I forgive you'. I walk her home, because she wants to change into normal clothes and take the makeup off. When she comes back out, we go to the park. Yeah, I know, couples usually go out for ice cream and stuff, but Maya knows about my dairy problem, and insists that we do something fun for both of us. So we swing on the swings and she tells me what happened. She told me that she and Zig kissed, and that she blames herself, even though, quoting Katie, 'It takes two to kiss-tango'. And honestly, I can't really hold it against her, I mean; we were technically broken up when it happened. I also understand now why she broke up with me. She was right. When I think about it, I didn't ever call her pretty. I might have been thinking it, but that doesn't do any good. And I guess I didn't kiss her that much or hold her hand a lot, so she got the impression that I didn't like her. But that's not true at all. I did like her. A lot. Still do. But even though I won't hold it against her, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and guess that Tori defiantly will.

Maya's POV:

As Cam and I are talking, I'm obviously relived that he forgives me…but…Tori probably won't. And where Tori goes, Tristan follows. And I won't be friends with Zig anymore, to state the obvious. So that leaves me pretty much friendless….but I still have Cam so I'll be okay. I just don't wanna lose Tor and Tris. And I'm also pretty scared. I mean, if you've met Tori, you know she doesn't do the whole 'Forgive and Forget thing'. Unfortunately for me, what Tori does do is revenge. And she does it well.

When I wake up the next morning, I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. A combo of nerves and guilt. Nerilt (NERves guILT), if you will. I obviously feel horrible for kissing Zig, and guilty for letting Tori get up on stage and say all those sweet things about me, and then going and kissing her boyfriend. 'Baaad move, Maya. Bad move.' I think to myself. And I'm really nervous! What is Tori KNOWS?! What is she's waiting for me to get to school to put some master plan of revenge into action?! Ok, now I'm just psyching myself out. I hope.

Cam's POV:

Maya and I are walking into school, and she has this look of dread on her face. I know why, obviously. She's probably scared that Tori's gonna do something awful to her. And Tori is pretty intimidating, honestly. If I were her, I'd probably be scared too. So, I take her hand, trying to offer some reassurance, and squeeze her fingers. She looks up at me with her bright blue eyes, gives a light smile that I think says 'thank you' and does the same. I smile back as we walk up the steps. Today should be interesting.

Maya's POV:

Cam and I are walking through the front doors to my locker when I see that Tori is already there, waiting for me. I breathe and keep walking.I think Cam knows how nervous I am, because he keeps shooting me sympathetic smiles, like he wants to just be me for the day, and tell Tori so the real me doesn't have to. Which is really sweet. As we get closer though, I see that Tori doesn't look mad…I don't think Zig told her. Which means I might have to. And I really don't want to. But I suck it up.

"Hey, Tor" I greet her quietly

"Hihi!" She says brightly and then picks up on my tone "Why so quiet?" Ugh! I don't wanna do this!

"Umm….I kinda need to tell you something that you're not gonna wanna hear…" I tell her slowly. Her face falls, wrinkles in confusion, then just looks worried.

"Oh god. What is it?" she asks me, panicked. Cam must know that I need to say this to Tori one-on-one, because he says,

"Uhm...I'll let you two talk" he lets go of my hand "See you in French, Tori. Bye, M. Sit with me at lunch?" I nod my head yes and he smiles and leaves.

"Bye", says Tori "Ok, now what's going on"


"Spit it out, already!"

"IkissedZig" I admit very fast, and very quietly "Or he kissed me. Or, I don't know, we kissed each other. For like a second, Tor I swear, as soon as it happened, I wished it hadn't." I told m=her, desperate not to lose my best friend. Please, I thought, Please forgive me. But Tori just stood there, eyebrows raised and mouth opened a bit.

"I-I can't believe you! Maya! H-How could you do this?!" She looked on the verge of tears. I felt horrible. But I deserve it, I guess. I really screwed up.

"I'm so, so sorry, Tor. I don't know what else to say besides that and that I wish I could go back and change it" She shook her head at me and ran down the hall. Probably to Zig. She never blames Zig. Like, ever.

I don't own Degrassi, Lost, or WANEGBT. Xoxo,
