Chapter 1

A/N: This story includes a fictional Percy Jackson character. Please read and review!

Edward's POV

I was out hunting one day, just a normal Saturday. As usual, I was worried, because I had left Bella behind in Forks. I always got worried whenever I left her side, even for a moment.

Emmett was taking a ridiculously long time to finish off his bear. I had devoured my mountain lion ages ago. I sighed, and got up from the rock that I was sitting on.

What to do, what to do, I mused. Through the thick trees, I could see a very small town, with not many people. I decided I would go to see this, just out of curiosity. It wasn't like Emmett would miss me anyway.

With my speed, the journey from the rock to the village was unbelievably short. I stopped at the edge of the forest, making sure that no one had witnessed my inhumanely fast run. After assuring that no one had seen me, I sauntered up to a little shack, which had a sign that read FREE PORTRAITS TODAY. I smirked. Did this town not even have real cameras? It must be smaller than I thought.

I stood stock still and listened for thoughts around me.

Wonder if there will be any business today, a woman thought.

No fishes jumping. The disdained voice of a man cut her off.

That's odd, a man's voice said. What's a little girl doing all alone in the middle of an alley? Should I? Or should I not? I shook the voice out of my head, enraged. It was a reply of what Lonnie and those horrible men tried to do to Bella the first night we had dinner in Port Angeles. Without even thinking, I started off to where I heard the man's voice come from. I wasn't about to let another girl become a victim.

The trail of his thoughts led me to a seemingly deserted alleyway. I could hear noises around the corner, the sound of someone being slammed to the ground, and a scream that did not sound like it came from a girl.

I ran the last few meters to witness a sight I did not think to be possible. A black haired girl was standing over a obese man, twirling an insanely dangerous looking knife just inches from his neck.

"Have you learnt your lesson yet?" the girl said, in the most menacing voice I had ever heard.

"Please, please!" the man begged. "I'm sorry!"
"I don't think you are," she whispered, bringing the knife closer. "Goodbye." The sharp metal blade hit the man's neck with a sound I had never heard before. Blood spattered everywhere, and the scent rushed up my nose. I covered it with a gasp, salvaging the last of the fresh air, but not for long.

As soon as the girl twisted her knife out of the body, it was gone. She looked up at the sky for a moment. "Thanks, Dad."

I was shocked by her words. The sky was her father? What? But the girl still hadn't noticed me. As I watched, she pulled up her sleeve and strapped her knife to her wrist with some leather. She shook her shoulders, not like she was shuddering, but like she was getting something off of her back.

But then wings appeared behind her. They were glossy and full of black feathers, just like a fallen angel's would have been. But there were little splashes of white among those feathers.

But then my reason caught up with me. Feathers? What type of girl is this?

As if she had heard my thoughts, she whips around suddenly and I find myself looking at brilliantly green eyes, the exact same shade mine were before I turned.

"Damn," she whispered.