Fallen Angel:
Chapter 1
Amy Lindstrom walked along the bridge. She was a woman on a mission. She'd had it with fake people, her boyfriend, no, make that ex boyfriend, Her family that she hadn't seen in 3 months. Although that move was really self imposed. She was tired of their crap. Trying to get her to come home all the time. Never happy with her choices. She was 16, having just turned 16. She was fed up with her parents denial.
She had come to the decision that she wanted to end her life. She had nothing in Forks to live for. She had a little job to support herself, she had a little place to keep warm, But those were just material things and they wouldn't matter once she was gone. She had already written a letter detailing what was to be done with the things she had brought with her. All of the pictures she had were to be sent back to her parents. Even though she hated that they would in complete denial, she still loved them. She was simply tired of living.
She had already chucked her cell phone under her bed in the little place that she was calling home for the time being before leaving to come here. She was tired of the incessant phone calls from family members and so called friends. Telling her that she needed to come home, that she was breaking her mother's heart. She figured that someone might come looking for her eventually. Let them. She honestly didn't care anymore.
They would only find her dead body. She'd make certain of that. Maybe they wouldn't even find her body. She thought back to how she was only going to pass through the town when she first got off the bus 3 months ago. She didn't like the place at first. But something pulled to her here. Instead of getting back on the bus, she went into the diner and got some coffee and weighed her options, which were few and far in between.
Forks, Washington was a nice place, if a little dreary. But it suited her mood most of the time. She found that she had what felt like infinite sadness. Not like Pennsylvania, where she was originally from. She had every reason to believe that her parents would have already contacted the FBI to have her found and brought back. Let them search. Fuck her parents, they didn't want to believe anything she said. She stopped on the bridge near the waterfall. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to think that she wasn't going to kill herself.
This was her favorite spot. She came here often to think and eat lunch on the weekends and just take in the breath taking view. She hardly ever came across anyone else on the bridge. That suited her just fine. She wished that she could move right here on the bridge, or nearby so she could have the view all the time, listen to the sound of the water rushing down. She hated the fact that it took such a tragedy at home to make her leave and make her realize what fakes everyone in her life were.
The first thing that she had done when she arrived after finding a small place to stay and securing a job, was go to the local high school and get enrolled. She didn't want to get too far behind. Some might say in retrospect, why even attempt to finish High School if she were just going to kill herself. Or if she had left home, Why go back and not enjoy what freedom she had? Finishing High School was a big goal for her.
At least she would be able to say that she finished High School, which was more than most of her so called friends would do. Most of them were pregnant or had 2 kids already. She didn't want that life for herself so she left. It was only one of a few reasons why she left. She closed her eyes and inhaled. Yes, the water still had that clean, fresh scent. She would miss coming here, Maybe God would let her stay here as a ghost or a guardian or something.
She was so focused on her thoughts both of her past and of her leaving home that she had failed to hear anyone else on the bridge, until they were almost right on top of her. Not that she really expected to see anyone else this time of night. She shrieked rather loudly, when they touched her shoulder gently. She stumbled back, falling against the railing landing with a thump and groan.
She heard something snap and hunched forward protectively, covering her mouth to keep from crying out. She wouldn't cry. Crying meant you were weak and would be punished. She would not be seen as weak. She couldn't afford that. She felt someone squat down and looked up into Amber colored eyes. She prayed silently that whoever it was would be gentle and not hurt her too badly.
"Ma'am, I am so sorry to have startled you. I wasn't sure you were even aware that I was coming near you. It's like 8pm already, you don't want to be in these woods at night. It gets scary out here. Please let me help you up. I will see you safely off the bridge. It would be my pleasure. What's your name?" Amy looked at him. She'd seen him around the School. She couldn't remember his name though. She smiled tightly.
"It's ok. I was thinking, I wasn't even aware of how late it had gotten. Amy. Amy is my name. Please don't call me Ma'am, I'm definitely not old enough for that yet. I think you go to my high school, or someone that looks alot like you." She started to stand up with his help, when she cried out pitifully and buckled. Instantly the guy was there, holding her upright. Taking pressure off of her foot, which helped immensely.
"Here, hold onto the railing. Let me see what's wrong. By the way, I'm Jasper. Nice to meet you." He knelt down and felt along her leg, wincing when he felt the dislocation of her ankle. He looked up at her. She was pretty, Long Brown Hair that looked very unruly, Green Sweater, Jeans. No coat though. Girl seemed a little crazy, to be running around in this weather with no coat. Although, He was one to talk.
"Yeah. I've seen you around the school. You're new. You are in my Math class. And my Psychology class too. Small world. I'm sorry I never introduced myself to you. Where'd you and your folks move from?" Amy acted as though she hadn't heard the question. Jasper knew she had though, but he wasn't one to push. She'd answer it in time. He couldn't read her emotions very well and that bothered him. He'd never had trouble before.
"Well Amy, You have a dislocated Ankle. I've seen enough of them to know what they look like. You aren't walking off this bridge. I will carry you. I will take you to someone who can help. Here, let me sling your pack over my shoulders. Ok, Come to me. It's getting later, and even I don't like to be in these woods. It's actually only about a mile to where I live with my family. I will take you there and we can go from there."
Amy protested as Jasper bent to lift her into his arms."You can't lift me Jasper. I'm too heavy." Jasper snorted in derision. He easily lifted her up and tucked her close to his chest. Surprisingly, it wasn't too difficult being this close to a human and not wanting to bite them. It seemed to be getting easier with time. He was thankful for that. He was drawn back to Amy's misery, when she groaned softly and covered her mouth.
"You are actually lighter than a feather. You are very thin. When was the last time you ate? You know, I think after we get your foot taken care of, we are going to get you some food. You know, It IS ok to cry. You have a dislocated ankle, That warrants alot of pain. If you have to cry, do it, I won't tell." Jasper had started walking by this time and was a half mile from the house. He had already communicated with Carlisle telepathically about the situation.
"No. It doesn't hurt too badly. You are good for a girl's ego telling me that I am lighter than a feather. Thank you. I had lunch earlier while doing homework. Jasper, Could you, you know, um.. I'm going to barf!" Jasper leaned her down and heard the sound of vomit hitting the ground. He grimaced. That sound still bothered him. When she was done, he passed her a rag that he kept in his pocket and told her to wipe her mouth.
"Thank you. Can we hurry please? It starting to throb a little. It's uncomfortable." Jasper nodded and picked up speed, without giving off that he could run much faster. A few minutes later, they were at the front steps of the Cullen Household. Carlisle was waiting for him, the rest of the family was out, having gone to hunt. Jasper jiggled Amy a little, and was rewarded with silence. She had passed out on him.
"Jasper. How is she? How long ago did she pass out? How are you for that matter? I know it couldn't have been easy to be that close and not want to, you know. Pass me the blood pressure cuff. Get that shoe off, gently. Cut the shoe string is quickest. We will replace the shoes later." Carlisle stepped back to allow Jasper to set her on the exam table he had in his office. Jasper shrugged and stayed instead of leaving. Which was unusual. Carlisle raised an eyebrow at this new development.
"I'm ok actually. It was not as difficult as I thought it would be being around her. She's a nice person. I scared her when I came across her on the bridge. She was admiring the view, or so she said. She did barf once, I think because the pain got to her. I think maybe 10 minutes before I got here she passed out. There's something though. I can't read her moods beyond basic surface level Carlisle. It's like she's turned them off. Or she's been so hurt that she won't allow herself to give anything up."
Carlisle worked quickly and efficiently. Jasper had already removed her shoe and cut the sock, as Carlisle said. Amy's ankle was three times its normal size. It was definitely bad. Carlisle shook his head and phoned the hospital telling them that he was bringing in a young woman with a severely dislocated ankle. Jasper volunteered to ride with him, which was something else he'd never done. They were getting ready to move her to the car when she woke up.
"Who are you?! What am I doing here? What are you doing to me?!" She scooted herself as far away from Carlisle as possible and he backed up a little so she wouldn't feel threatened. Jasper could feel all kinds of emotions coursing through her mind and couldn't hold onto a single one of them for reference. Amy Stilled when she got a good look at her ankle. It was huge, and black and blue. She tried flexing her toes and they wouldn't move.
"My name is Carlisle Cullen. My son Jasper carried you here because you hurt your ankle. I only want to help you. We need to get you to the hospital so we can get that ankle xrayed and see if we are talking surgery or a cast. May I come closer?" Amy studied him for a minute. He seemed sincere enough, but then all guys did at first. She looked at Jasper, who was sitting as far away from her as Carlisle was.
"I uh, that is, got a bucket?" Jasper put a bucket under her face just in time, she vomited again, twice. It still rankled his nerves, that sound. He put his hand on her back, removing it when she tensed up. It bugged him that he couldn't read her emotions. Normally, he'd know exactly what was going on. After a moment she raised her head and leaned back shakily. Carlisle looked at her expectantly. She nodded.
"You can come closer. Are you going to give me a shot? Please don't knock me out." Carlisle shook his head as he sat on his stool. His brow furrowed with what she said. He quickly turned it into a smile and placed a hand on her forehead as though checking for fever, removing it when she cringed. He was starting to get a suspicious feeling and hoped he was wrong. He'd hate to have to send the cops after her parents.
"No. But we DO need to get you to the hospital. Is that ok with you? That ankle really needs looked at, and I imagine that if anyone is going to give you a shot, it will be to help with the pain. I've got the car all ready to go, just waiting on you. Is it allright if we take you to the hospital? Jasper will carry you down and ride with you so you aren't alone with me." Amy nodded again and rubbed her arms.
"Are you cold? What's your name anyway? Jasper never told me." Jasper picked her up gently and headed down the stairs with her, Carlisle Grabbed a blanket and another bucket just in case. Jasper put her in the backseat and crawled in with her. Carlisle passed the blanket and bucket in and got behind the wheel as Jasper put the blanket over Amy and tucked it around her. Amy leaned back against Jasper's side.
"Amy. my name is Amy. I've only lived in the area for about 3 months. Thank you Jasper, for not leaving me out there. I think I'm just going to close my eyes while we ride." This was puncuated by a yawn and Carlisle's voice telling her to stay awake. Jasper poked her hard in the side, eliciting a small growl from her. He just smirked, thankful she couldn't see his face. He jiggled her.
"So Amy, What kind of hobbies do you have? Do you like to read? Talk to me. You can't sleep right now. You have to stay up for a few minutes." They started talking about books and Jasper was excited to find another avid reader. They started discussing books they both wanted to read. Amy was happy to find someone else who wanted to read War and Peace. She made a bet that she would finish reading it before he did. Before long, Carlisle pulled up to the entrance, where an orderly was waiting with a wheelchair.
After an hour, Jasper was ready to climb the walls. He hadn't seen Amy, nor had he seen Carlisle. He hoped that Amy was ok. He really wanted to go track her scent down and see her. He played Games on his phone instead. He knew Carlisle was with her, so that was something at least. Another thing was that he could hear Carlisle without even being in the room. He was pulled from his musings by a commotion that was in the ER bay. He heard Amy's voice, frightened, and Carlisle's was calm, sure. He stood up and moved closer.
"Jasper? Jasper! Can you come back here please? Amy's really upset, won't let the other doctor near her. I really don't want to knock her out, but she needs the ankle looked at and set. She feels safest with you. Come. I know you can handle it." Jasper wrinkled his nose and clenched his fists. Someone was bleeding back there. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and followed Carlisle into the back to Amy's cubicle.
When he got back there, The sight that greeted him nearly broke his heart. Amy was huddled in a ball on the table and the other doctor was standing there trying to pull her into laying down. Amy was whimpering, but not crying. Jasper stepped into the cubicle and his nostrils flared. Amy was the one bleeding. He glanced at her ankle and could see slivers of white sticking out of seriously punctured skin. It was worse than he had thought at first. He elbowed the other doctor aside drawing an irate look.
"Amy. Amy, It's ok, I'm here now. Sssh. Sshh. What's the matter? The doctor only wants to look at your ankle." Amy jerked her head from side to side vehemently. She would not let that doctor touch her. Jasper approached her slowly and placed both hands on the table near her but not touching her. She slowly uncurled herself and relaxed a little bit. Carlisle stepped up to the bed. He had a syringe in his hand.
"No. Please. You promised." Amy gave him a pathetic look. She put out a hand to block him, Jasper took her hand gently and held it down, stroking her arm, noting that she didn't flinch away. Carlisle shook his head. He couldn't stand to see her in Pain, nor would he restrain her in any way. But he needed to get her looked at. Thankfully the other doctor had been called to another cubicle. After he had left, Amy relaxed even more.
"Amy. You are in alot of pain and we need to look at that ankle. You do not have to martyr yourself and feel endless pain. It's not going to knock you out, I promise. It's going to take some of the pain away. You will still be awake." Amy considered his words and finally nodded. She turned her head to watch the needle go in, after a couple minutes, the pain ebbed away a little bit and Amy relaxed a little.
"Ok. Amy, I looked at your xrays and you need surgery and a cast. And a couple days of complete rest. So after you get the cast, You will be admitted. Only for 2, maybe 3 days. What's the matter?" Amy was shaking her head no. Carlisle had pulled up a stool and was perched on it. Amy curled back into a ball. Carlisle was having a hard time reading her thoughts as well. She was firing many different emotions.
Jasper knew that they would have a fight on their hands getting her to stay in the hospital. She was a strong willed girl and stubborn to a fault. He liked that. But years of being in the military had strengthened his ability to deal with difficult people. He only hoped that she wouldn't be too mad at him for what he was going to do.