It was currently 8:00 in the morning and there sitting on the curb at the bus stop with a large suitcase was a 16 year old boy with spiky black hair, a black and white T-shirt with the sleeves being white while his shirt is black, dark jeans, and black shoes. His name was Eddy and he is seriously tired and mainly bummed because his parents were sending him away from peach creek since it was his summer vacation.

Eddy's P.O.V.

"What's up guys, my names Eddy and I'm the leader of the trio that everyone loves ,now you're all probably wondering why yours truly is sitting on the sidewalk. The answer goes like this: me and the boys were having so many adventures that some of them almost destroyed peach creek. Trust us, we've seen ALOT of crazy and weird over the years from getting sucked into Ed's video games to Double D opening a portal and letting out a monster from another dimension. My parents decided to send me away during the summer vacation to give good ol'peach creek a break (Oh yeah we're that bad) and take a break ourselves."

"HI EDDY!" shouted a happy voice. Eddy cringed at the sound a bit and when looked to his left he was meet with a tall 17 year old boy with green jacket that short sleeves and with red shirt underneath, orange buzz cut hair, blue jeans, black shoes, and also dragging a dirty suitcase was Ed.

Eddy's P.O.V.

"That yahoo right there is my buddy Ed he's the dumb one of the my group, and seriously the guys so dumb his brain is the size of raizen heh. Not only that but the guy is also the muscle of the group, trust me, when you need muscle Ed is always the perfect guy. Sure he maybe stupid but his heart is DEFINIATLY in the right place."

"You wanna know why I have this bag?" he asked, Eddy looked at Ed's suitcase and merely sighed,"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that your folks are sending you away too right lumpy?" Ed's eyes widened,"Wow you're good at this game." Eddy rolled his eyes while Ed's happy face twisted into a sad one,"Yeah 'sniff' I'm going away too." he said in a broken tone. Eddy was about to say something when another voice interrupted,"Good evening gentlemen." an intelligent voice said. Eddy and Ed looked to their right and saw a 16 year old boy with a brown ice-cap the had strands of blonde hair going down, a large brown jacket with a red shirt underneath, blue jeans, white shoes, and, unlike Eddy and Ed, had 3 suit cases instead of one.

Eddy's P.O.V.

"Now THIS guy right there is Edd but everyone calls him Double D. He's the smart one of the group and trust me the man's a total brainiac, heck he's even got his own lab for cryin' out loud! One the things you don't what Double D doing all the time is talk, believe me when he talks everyone's brain shuts down. The only thing to make him stop is say 'shut up Sock Head!' heh heh works every time."

"Hey Double D", Ed and Eddy said in unison. the smart Ed noticed their mood and said,"It would seem that we all have been informed of our current situation." Eddy shot up,"Man this stinks! Our parents send us to another town just because we made a few dents in peach creek?! Not only that but this stupid trip will waste our summer vacation!" Eddy shouted. Ed's eyes teared up," Life can be so cruel!" he cried, Double D wasn't affected but had a sad look on his face," Well I would agree with you Eddy, but I believe that this is for our own good." Double D said, Eddy's eyes widened," You're actually OK WITH THIS SOCKHEAD?!" Double D continued,"Come now Eddy, it will only be for one year, and a 'few dents'? We destroyed the playground, three houses, the candy store, and-" Eddy interrupted,"ALRIGHT I GET IT! (groan) but you whats worse?" Double D waited for answer when he heard it he was shocked,"We ain't going together."

Double D's eyes widened,"Why, this ABSURD! How can this be, I mean we go everywhere together and do everything and not once did we do it alone!" he exclaimed. Ed yelled and cired while running around in a circle,"AHHH! I'm not in my happy place guys, I'm not in my happy place!" Eddy said,"Hey c'mon at least we'll e-mail each other and send video messages I mean it's not the end of the world right?" Double D and Ed were silent and where staring at something behind Eddy, eddy was confused and when he turned around he had every right to stare...the bus was here. Ed panicked," The bus has come to send us to the belly of Hades!"he shouted as the bus stopped in front them. Eddy sighed sadly,"Well looks like this is it boys." Double D nodded,"Indeed." The three went to the door as it opened up for them. Ed had tears streaming down his face while Double D comforted him by patting his back, before Eddy climbed up he looked back at his two best friends and said,"Well I...I guess...t-this is my stop." he said trying desperately not cry since he wanted to be a tough guy. Ed gave one his giant bear hugs,"Don't leave Eddy don't let the bus take you the Underworld!" Eddy squirmed out,"Knock it off Ed!" he complained.

Ed still has his sad face which caused Eddy to take back his comment and hesitantly opened his arms and said," C'mere Monobrow." Ed smiled widely and hugged Eddy as he hugged back Eddy looked at Double D who was strangely looking at the bus with wide eyes. Eddy said," Hey what's with you?" Double D said nothing but merely pulled out a paper and his eyes were now the size of dinner plates. Ed and Eddy looked at their friend curiously Eddy once again called Double D,"Hey sock head did you hear me I sa-" Eddy didn't finish his sentence when Edd said," Eddy what bus where you suppose to take?" Eddy raised an eyebrow,"The bus to Oregon why-" Once again he was interrupted and handed Eddy the paper and once he took it he shared Double D's shock Eddy looked at and asked,"Hey lumpy did you're folks say what bus you were taking?" Ed closed one eye and put on his thinking face.

Finally he said,"Ohh Ohh, I'm going to Oregano!" Eddy and Edd stared at their friend until Edd said,"You mean Oregon Ed." "What?" Ed asked. Suddenly their eyes widened and large grins slowly formed on their faces and they suddenly laughed and cheered Eddy shouted,"HAHAAA! Eat on THAT Mom and Dad! No keeps the the Eds away from each other baby WOOOO!", he cheered. Double D,"This is truly a miraculous moment gentlemen." Ed jumped up and down while hugging his best buds," HAPPY PLACE, HAPPY PLACE, HAPPY PLACE!" Their moment was interrupted when the bus driver spoke,"Hey, you kids comin' or what?" The Eds stopped and quickly hopped aboard before putting their suitcases inside, surprisingly the bus was completely empty, they quickly ran at the very back seats still cheering as the bus started to leave.

Eddy's P.O.V.

Hahaha, well how'bout that? Looks like this wasn't such a bad day after all. It turns out we're all going to the same place and our parents don't even know! I hate to admit it but this is gonna be the best vacation ever!"

Song playing: All Star-Sash Mouth

The Eds were heading to a brand new adventure, the drive there was very long. Ed poked his head out the window and let his tongue sail across the wind.

It was now 4:00 pm and they were now in the middle of the desert and the Eds were currently doing their own business, Double D was working on his lab top, eddy was listening to music on i-pod, and ed was reading his comic books. It was now 7:00 and night time Ed was sleeping with his head leaning on the window and snoring, eddy was sleeping taking the entire back seats, double d was still awake and was working on his lab top.

The next day was early in the morning Ed was playing 'I spy' until Eddy made him stop (bless his soul). Double D downloaded a game for the Eds to play which they were more than happy to, they were currently playing Halo 4 on multi-player. Eddy thought it was a nerds game at first but eventually grew accustomed to it, they started to play a game of charades with Double D obviously winning all the time, which annoyed Eddy so he decided to let Double D be the one to give the guesses. That also was useless because Edd kept on answering scientific stuff, in the end Eddy kicked Double D out.

The Eds passed Mt. Rushmore with Eddy and Ed kept making fun of the statues by putting their finger up at the statues as if they were picking their noses, Double D, being the chatter box, explained the history of the Mountain usually Ed and Eddy ignored him. The bus stopped to wait for the train to pass and as it did the bus kept going.

It was once again night time and the bus stopped at the restaurant KFC, the Eds went off inside to eat while the driver was having his own lunch. Luckily both Eddy and Double D convinced Ed that this place doesn't kill chickens so they ate in peace. After there lunch break they off on the road again the Eds were once again sleeping not knowing that they passed a sign with two arrows pointing left and right, one said Peach Creek and the other Gravity Falls, Oregon.

In the morning the bus was now driving in a forest and as it was crossing a bridge Double D and Ed marveled at the sight of a waterfall while Eddy was still listening to music. As they were nearing the town the Eds were singing along with the song Eddy was playing All star-Smash Mouth.

The bus stopped and the Eds finally reached the destination, the tree boys walked out and took their suit cases as the bus drove off. Ed waved goodbye at the bus ,being the kind and nice one, as he joined his friends who were surveying the town. It seemed friendly and the citizens also seemed to be friendly in a weird sort of way. Eddy inhaled and then exhaled," Well we made it boys." Double D looked around," Hmm I suppose this town is a bit similar to Peach Creek although it would take time to adapt to it's environment." Ed, however, was looking around excitingly his eyes darting around the place,"Oh man, this place is so cool!" Eddy rolled his eyes,"You say that everywhere we go lumpy." Ed was still excited,"But it's so cool!" Eddy said,"Ed you think the bathroom is cool." Ed looked at Eddy,"What?" Eddy sighed irritably.

Eddy looked at Double D and asked,"So I know we are in Oregon but what is this place called?" Double D took out a map from his case and responded,"Well...according to this we are in a town called Gravity Falls." Eddy scoffed,"Pfft Gravity Falls? Lame, is the place for astronauts or somethin'?" he said mockingly. Double D rolled his eyes while Ed gasped in astonishment,"Astronauts?! See Eddy I told this place was cool!" Eddy looked at Ed,"Shut up Ed."

Ed wasn't paying attention instead he went running to a store which was called the Summerween Superstore, Ed just burst into the store and went running around the place like an overexcited child. Eddy yelled, "Ed you maniac get back here!" Eddy and Double D went inside and were surprised by all the decoration and toys in here, they were all meant for Halloween which of course was Eds favorite holiday so there's no surprise he would go inside.

Ed was running all over the place making it a hard time for his friends to catch up to him, Edd yelled out,"Edward, come here this instant mister! Excuse my language but you're antics are giving me an ulcer!" Eddy looked at double d,"Wow sock head that should definitely get his attention." he said sarcastically Edd glared at Eddy. Speaking of Ed he was in another isle of the store and something caught his attention there was a row of bobble head skulls and when touched one of them it made cybernetic laugh Ed instantly giggled uncontrollably he then kept on pressing it loving the sound it was making,

Ed then heard another one and when he looked up he saw an overweight man wearing a cap and shirt with a question mark on it doing the same thing. The man looked and said,"They make funny sounds right dude?" Ed responded,"Heh heh yeah they do." They continued the same antics for a few seconds when Ed spoke up,"My name is Ed." he introduced the man looked up and said,"Sup my name's Soos dude." "Hi Soos dude." Ed replied they went back to the skulls while giggling at the sound once again Ed looked up,"The make funny sounds heh heh." Soos looked up,"Yeah they do dude." They continued until a voice came,"ED THERE YOU ARE!" Ed looked behind him and saw Eddy and Double D with angry looks on there faces Eddy continued,"What the heck are you doin' you moron come on we gotta go!" Ed frowned,"But it makes a funny sound Eddy." Soos spoke,"Yeah dudes these thing are pretty cool." Double D and Eddy looked at Soos and the smart Ed said,"I see you've already made new friends Ed." Ed looked up,"What?" Eddy groaned,"HEY! Can we get the heck outta here so we can find this place called the 'Mystery Shack'!" he complained.

When he heard those words Soos said,"The Mystery Shack? Hey I know that place!" Double D asked curiously,"You do?" Soos nodded,"Oh yeah sure dudes, just walk straight ahead into the woods and you'll be there in no time." Eddy,"And how do you know where it is?" "Dunno."Soos said. Eddy sighed,"C'mon let's go." They were about to leave when they looked back and found still with Soos and playing with bobble head skulls. Ed was suddenly pulled by Eddy and Double D by his legs he waved Soos goodbye,"Bye Soos dude!" Soos waved back,"See ya Ed dude!" he said as he went back to the skulls.

As the Eds exited the store they followed the direction of where Soos told them to go, it was a very long and Double D was worried they may have gotten lost while Eddy was getting angry thinking he's been tricked by the guy. Ed was, however, running around the forest having fun; it's in his nature. Eddy groaned," Are we there yet sock head my feet are killing me." he complained Edd looked at the map," Well we are going the right path Eddy but I do not know how long the destination is." Ed was spinning in the air and cart wheeling feeling free and enjoying the out doors Edd couldn't help but laugh a bit at his friends silly behavior," Sometimes I wish I could share Ed's optimism." Eddy also laughed a bit,"Well at least Eds having a good time but as I was saying ARE WE THERE YET?!"he shouted.

Double D quickly replied "Eddy please calm your self we should be there shortly." But Eddy still complained,"CALM MYSELF?! We're in the middle of a forest going who knows what direction and my arms are killing me from dragging my suit case ARRGGHH!" Double D sighed annoyed by his friend's complaining as they continued arguing Ed was doing back flips while laughing when suddenly he heard rustling he looked back and saw a bush shaking. Ed gulped thinking it was a monster as he slowly got closer he yelped as something jumped out. Ed shut his eyes tight and raised his arms in the air,"I SURRENDER PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!" but nothing he opened his eyes and then gasped at what he saw: a squirrel . Ed's eyes widened and said,"Awwww a beaver!" Unaware that it was actually a squirrel. "What's that little guy you want an a corn?" The squirrel chirped Ed said," Acorn for the beaver!" Ed then dived in his pocket to look for one, unknown to Ed the squirrel was suddenly pulled back in the bush by an unseen force the bush rustled and rattled and after a few seconds it stopped.

Ed finally got the acorn,"Ok little beaver I got your acorn right he-" as Ed turned the critter was gone, Ed looked left and right nut it was nowhere to be found," Hey little beaver where'd you go? As he turned a giant black skeletal hand came out of the bush and was about to grab Ed! Ed perked up when he heard Eddy yell in the distance,"ED QUIT FOOLING AROUND C'MON!" Ed ran to Eddy completely unaware that the large hand missed," I AM ED!" he yelled back the hand retracted when suddenly two large piercing red eyes narrowed at Ed's retreating form. Minutes passed as Eddy finally lost it," ARRGGH THAT'S IT I'VE HAD IT!" Eddy turned around stomping to another direction Edd looked back at Eddy,"Eddy wait where are you going?!" I'm going back to town and I'm gonna pulverize that fatso!" Double D swiftly ran in front of him with his hands up,"Eddy please calm down let's be rational about this!" he reasoned but Eddy shoved Edd out of the way and once he cleared away a bush he froze and his eyes widened Double D joined in fixing his cap,"Eddy look can we please just-excuse me but what are-?" Eddy took Double D's head and made him turn to his direction that's when he shared Eddy's surprise. It wasn't long until Ed joined and he too looked at the sight. The Eds finally made it they found the Mystery Shack, the Mystery Shack has no less than four exits. The main entrance, the porch entrance, and another small door which directly to the floor room. and the gift shop door. There's also a cellar door under the gift shop window. One side of the sloping roof has the Mystery Shack name, and the other has a small platform with a cooler on top. The roof with the "GIFT" sign also has a weather vane that has the letter W, H, A, T, instead of the the usual N, W, E, S.

Eddy broke out of his trance,"HA! See what'd I tell ya boys we were going in the right direction?" Double D looked at Eddy dumbfounded,"Now just one minute there mister!" Ed suddenly ran like he was one of his sugar rush stages," HAPPY PLACE, HAPPY PLACE, HAPPY PLACE!" The other two eds ran after him with Eddy yelling,"ED YOU IDIOT WAIT!"

End of of part one in the next part the eds get there jobs as new employees in the mystery shack while also meeting new faces but will they be preprared for what's coming? I don't own Gravity Falls or Ed, Edd n Eddy read and review