This is going to be kind of a spy story but it is not really the James Bond type thing. Although it is AU most of the characters are going to be mostly normal. It will eventually have Percabeth but there are going to be all kinds of hurdles for the both of them. All your other favourite characters like Jason, Reyna, Piper and the Stolls will be inside and there are no OCs

Prologue: New Partner

'ATF Special Agent Percy Jackson, after reviewing your performance in the Miami incident we have decided to reassign you.' Director Chiron said.

'But Sir! The whole thing wasn't anyone's fault.' Percy said. He real didn't want to be moved from his post.

'Agent Jackson, the report filed by our asset indicates that you caused the operations failure.' Chiron said solemnly.

'You think it wanted Grover to get shot?' Percy was starting to get angry, he hated the way the Miami operation had played out but it was too late to change anything now.

'I am sure you didn't want DEA Agent Underwood to get shot but that is the unfortunate result of the whole incident.' Chiron said.

'I guess so; they need a fall guy so better me than someone else less responsible.' Percy said slightly bitter.

'Look Percy, I understand that but there is nothing I can do to help you as much as I want to.' Chiron sighed.

'You're the director of the board of national intelligence, I'm sure you can do something!' Percy said.

'I'm sorry Percy, I know I was your training officer but there are no favours I can do for you know.' Chiron replied sadly.

'Fine… so who do I report to now?' Percy said in defeat.

'Report to Officer Grace, he is your new handler.' Chiron said.

'I thought Jason was a CIA field agent?' Percy said confused.

'Your old friend Agent Grace got promoted to an NSA officer.' Chiron said. At least Percy would be working with someone he knew.

'It's ironic that you got a promoted to a NSA office even though you started one year after me.' Percy said as he sat in Jason's office.

It was a large office in Langley, normally an NSA office would be station at the NSA HQ in Maryland or in DC but Jason was a kind of special liaison between the two agencies. His office was a very run of the mill one. Large table with a computer, coffee machines, mugs, pen holders, file cabinets and stacks of papers everywhere. Percy wondered how Jason ever kept track of his work in the office.

'Yeah, I used to call you sir.' Jason said laughing slightly. Initially during their first missions together they were always at odds but eventually they developed a strong friendship.

'So how did you land a desk job? I always thought you were an action kinda guy.' Percy responded.

'I think I did a mission a little too well, they found out I was good with computers.' Jason said while he typed something down.

'Yeah, who knew that you were a world class hacker and cryptographer?' Percy Joked.

'Well that's beside the point now, we've got a new mission for you.' Jason said. Percy nodded for him to continue.

'Alright, you're doing the CIA a favour this time. We have two assets that are going to a couples hotel in the Bahamas and we need someone to protect them from gods know what.' Jason said while pulling out a dossier from a cabinet and putting on the centre of his desk.

'I already don't like where this is going.' Percy replied, the couples resort part caught him off guard.

'Since our assets are dating we need a team to protect them discreetly in case something unexpected happens.' Jason continued

'Team?' Percy replied.

'Yes, you're going to be assigned a new Partner.' Jason said.

'I don't want another partner. Charles Beckendorf got killed by that car bomb, Chico Gonzalez died in that Mexican Cartel hit, Daniel Moore got shot in the head and now Grover Underwood is in the ICU after the Miami incident.' Percy bitterly, his partners were a painful subject.

'Look, I know that bad things have happened to whoever has become your partner but for this to work your going to need one.' Jason said trying to persuade Percy

'Alright,' Percy sighed. 'Tell me about your assets.'

'This is Thalia,' Jason said taking a picture of a girl in all black clothes with thick eye liner and lipstick. 'Codename Lightning is a CIA hacking asset. She is a freelance agent that works only with the US government.' Jason's voice was slight stiff when talking about her but Percy didn't notice.

'She doesn't work with any other parties?' Percy asked.

'She is an ex-NSA hacker so she moonlights for the US government after she called it quits at the NSA.' Jason responded.

'So she's like you then, except she quit?' Percy asked.

'Yeah… let's just put it that way.' Jason said. Percy now caught on that Jason was hiding something but he decided not to ask.

'This is Luke Castellan,' Jason said showing a Percy of a handsome man slightly older than himself with straw coloured hair dressed in surf clothes. 'Codename Backbiter he is an arms developer working for the US.'

'So why do these people need protection again?' Percy asked, under normal circumstances there would be no need to employ special protect for these people.

'Thalia hacked the Kremlin back in the day and Luke is developing a next generation missile, suffice to say a lot of people want to kill them.' Jason replied.

'So why do you need to help of an ATF agent in all these spy games? I am used to dealing with armed gangsters, not Russian FSB* agents.' Percy asked.

'Because the Russians are going to be sending lots of hired guns as well, and we need you to deal with them.' Jason said bluntly

'So then what about all the complicated James Bond stuff?' Percy asked

'Agent Chase will handle that.' Jason said confidently

'Wait, What? As in Annabeth Chase?' Percy said, he really did not want to see that girl again.

'Yeah, Senior Field Agent Annabeth Chase. Is there a problem?' Jason asked, I wasn't sure if they had met each other before.

'Definitely, I can stand her and we have a... lets just say 'history'.' Percy said begrudgingly.

'Well too bad, she's one of our top agents, you'll be meeting her at the resort in the Bahamas.' Jason said curtly.

'Then what about you?' Percy asked, he didn't want his handle to be all the way in Langley.

'I'll be at our forward HQ as well with my own cover.' Jason said.

'So little Jason finally has a date.' Percy said coyly with a smile on his face.

'Just can the attitude Jackson, you're going to be late for your flight to meet Miss Chase.' Jason said smugly.

So please give feedback and tell me about the idea, as far as I know no one has done the whole spy, buddy cop scenario with Percy and Annabeth so I think this is kind of original. Also who got the Dirty Harry Easter eggs in there?

*FSB – Federal Service Bureau (Russian CIA+FBI)