Disclaimer: Avatar and its characters are the property of Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, therefore I do not own them.

Ah, Romance.

I feel him.

His presence surrounds me. Intimidating, and urgent.

The warmth of his breath upon my cheek.

The light caress of his fingers as it brushes my neck while he holds my mother's betrothal necklace as ransom.

I shiver.

He pleads for me to understand.

And yet, I cannot.

He instills fear, but my pride wins out, I cannot let it show.

I can't back down, there's much at stake!

I see him.

His eyes relays a gentleness, I have not yet seen.

I now sense a vulnerability and openness in him as I touch his scar.

We share a common loss that merge the differences we have.

He understands what I feel.

And It compels me to relieve him of his burden.

But in moments, he deceives and betrays.

I cannot back down, still...there's too much at stake.

I hear him.

His voice permeates throughout the Air Temple.

The sound still strong and powerful despite his fall from grace.

I tremble.

He instructs and guides his new pupil, severing the beliefs and ties of those he knew.

In time, I accept him and forgiveness follows.

We save each other, but mostly he saves me.

In that moment, I realize that there's no backing down, there's too much at stake.

I kiss him.

In desperation, I cling.

My lips feeling needy, deprived from lack of contact.

I'm reckless, and still I shiver.

His body stiffens and remains unmoved.

He does not understand.

And I pull back in shame.

But he smiles at me, and breathes my name, "Katara"

He slowly leans forward, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

And that's when I realize, he never backs down, neither can I.

A/N: Thank You for reading. Hope you liked it! Reviews will be appreciated.