Someone Like Me
By: XaXona
Hey there! I'm giving this another try! I usually write humor… not that I'm really all that funny, but still… I'm again trying my shot at serious fan fics. Scary, ne? Alrighty then, this fan fic takes place about 6 or 7 months after the end of the game. It is told through the eyes of Fuujin and Zell. It may get somewhat confusing but I'm trying my best to make it VERY noticeable when the POV changes. Please tell me what you think… Like always, don't be rude. It isn't necessary. Also, everyone knows but still… These are not my characters! I'm *borrowing* them! ^_^ For a long time… heh.
Also note:
"_" = someone's speaking.
Italics = someone's thinking
* * = sound or what the scene looks like if zell or fuujin don't tell us.
( ) = author's notes or comments… if I ever do that…
*the gang sits around a table in the Balam Garden quad. This is the order everyone is in: Rinoa, Squall, Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, Seifer, Fuujin.* (where's raijin you ask. Just wait. ^_^)
*sigh* It is spring again… But this time it is different… Everyone is a lot happier this spring. There are no more troubles in our pathetic little world… no more war or monsters… I glance at my boss, who has his arm around Quistis. *shutters* Didn't see that one coming. It is true that Seifer always had more respect for Quistis than he did for anyone else… but I don't like seeing him with her… No, no. I'm not jealous… really… I haven't loved this man my entire life with him… He didn't swear that we'd be together forever or anything… *sarcasm* No… not at all.
But I am glad to see him smile. It is a little strange to see him smile a real smile. But it settles my heart to see him happy. After what happened six months ago, I thought we would be outcasts for life. Sure I figure society would accept me and Raijin back because we didn't do as much damage but I never thought that Seifer would be welcomed with open arms. The Posse did stay hidden for a while, however. We did small odd jobs to stay alive and final we were aloud back into Garden.
I look around the table. Our Posse has grown… Now, instead of just me, Seifer and Raijin our Posse consists of all these other people at this table too… All of these other people we had once disliked and picked on and fought against. Seifer is not the leader of this Posse, though… The handsome brunette cuddling up to Rinoa is the leader of THIS Posse. He whispers something in the girl's ear and she giggles. I hate the sound of giggles. Squall smiles and kisses Rinoa. Gag… not just the kiss but his smile… His smiles are sickening… and scary.
I stiffly take a drink from my cup in front of me. The one Seifer calls "Chickenwuss" chokes on a couple hotdogs. Selphie and Squall help him by patting his back. *shakes her head* What an idiot.
"Fuji!! Heya Fuji, ya know!" yelled a familiar voice. I loathe that nickname. He swore he'd never use it again after I kicked him a few too many times… but this IS Raijin we're talking about. And although he maybe strong as an ox, he's as dumb as a rock.
"RAGE." I say when I see him wave. He gets a slight look of distress on his face. Yes I know my speech pattern seems strange to some, but not to me. I believe that if you can't get your point across with one or two words then you are not worth listening to. The only person I have ever spoken freely to… is Seifer… But no matter. I stand up and walk swiftly over to Raijin. He pulls a short slim girl closer to him and she cuddles up to his massive body. Oi… even HE'S got love…
"WHAT?" I demand shortly. The girl giggles… Again, I hate giggles.
"I jus' wanted to tell ya… errr…. that I can't come to the training area tonight to practice with you, ya know… heh… errr… I have a date with Amara here, ya know… heh^_^…" the oaf stammers. Now I have no one, I think to myself. *sigh* I can't get close to the new members of the Posse because it's just too strange… and my two best friends… are buisy… o.O
"FINE." I bark and walk away. The oaf tries to apologize as I walk away… I don't want to hear his sorrys… I don't like them if they are not meant. I get back to the table and everyone, except for Hotdog Zell, stares at me with either shock or concern. These looks are somewhat new to me.
"Are you alright, Fuujin-Sensei?" Selphie asks. She's the only one who calls me that… not that it really bothers me. But… me, a teacher? Hard to believe, isn't it? I don't think that I make a very good teacher but I do like to teach my Advanced Elemental Magic Class. Seifer is also trying to become a teacher. They are considering him for the Weapons Class.
"FINE." I sigh as I take my seat again.
"Are you sure, Fuji-Chan?" Seifer asks only semi-convinced. He's the only one who can see through me.
"Wanna hotdog, Fuujin? It'll make you feel better." Zell offers, holding out a hotdog. These were his treasures… the reason he woke up each day. And here he was offering it to me. Take it and say 'Thank You'! I plead with myself. But I can only stand here staring at him. No male has ever done something like that to me… not even Seifer. So… I do the only thing I can think of at that moment.
"IDIOT." I snap as I smack the stupid hotdog out of his hand. I quickly turn and trot off without looking back.
So?? What do ya think?? This is only the beginning, though. Next chapter will start off here but with Zell's POV! R&R don't be rude! ^_^ thankies!