Disclaimer: All the characters belong to ABC, Disney, and the creators of OUAT.

Authors Note: I got the idea for this from the joke going around that Rumpelstiltskin was a horrible artist due to his poster for Belle when she went "missing" and from seeing all the stories where Belle is some sort of amazing talented artist I figured Rum should get a chance to shine for once. So, in my head it created this AU and I will admit I am just a little bit terrified since this is my first attempt at a Rumbelle fic and there are so many good ones out there. I have more planned and if anyone out there likes it then the next installments will certainly be much longer.

Also I feel I should point out some of the names, such as Gold's first name, are not completely my idea. There are so many good ones out there circulating for him so I selected one of them to pay homage.

Caution: This has also been edited minimally because my usual editor is not a Rumbelle fan.

"What do you say to having some fun tonight hm?"

Belle looked up from her lunch into the expectant face of her friend Ruby. "What?"

"Fun? You know that stuff you do with your friends so life doesn't suck?" The girl embellished, a grin slowly spreading across her face. "What do you say? We haven't had a girls night for freaking ever."

"You know I have an opening tonight. I set the whole thing up you think I don't have to be there?" Belle smiled slightly as her friend threw her head back with a groan, attracting attention from the other people seated around them in the café.

It was a small place and their table was in the center of the room, so any outburst, especially one from Ruby, was noticed.

Ruby owned the restaurant they were currently in, along with her grandmother. Despite a luck in culinary training, she was a genius chef and place was one of the best kept secrets in the city. As a result, the young woman got to slack off whenever she wanted and always had a table for Belle.

"I thought that was tomorrow!" The brunette beauty looked back up at Belle. "But on the bright side, shindig tonight yeah? Then it is all over."

"I'm so nervous I could throw up right now." Belle responded, and she wasn't exaggerating. This was her first time setting up a show in the Mills Art Gallery, and to make matters worse the exhibition included works from one of her favorite artists. There would be no relaxing for her until the whole event was over and declared an all-around success.

"Not in here you don't. Somebody will see you and say the fish was undercooked and then I'll never forgive you." Ruby huffed, her tone making it quite clear vomiting in her restaurant was equal to a criminal offense but there was a playful glint in her eyes.

"We wouldn't want both of our careers over after today I guess." Belle muttered in agreement over the rim of her glass of iced tea.

Ruby pointed a finger in her friends face scoldingly. "None of that. You are going to be freaking amazing and everyone will love you and want you to take over instead of that bitch of a boss of yours."

"She's not a-"

"Yeeeah she is." Ruby interjected before Belle could finish coming to Regina's defense, leaning back in her chair casually.

Belle sighed, she was never able to argue well against Ruby. She was impulsive, demanding, grating, and probably the best and most loyal friend anyone could ask for. They had met a couple years back when Belle first moved to the city and got the job at Mills. Belle had grown up in Australia with her father before attending university in America. She had truly been alone and friendless and entirely lost in the city until she stumbled upon the same café she was sitting in now.

Ruby had given her food and friendship since that day forward.

Belle glanced at the slim silver watch on her wrist and took a few hurried bites of her fish before gulping down the rest of her tea. Ruby understood this meant their time was drawing to a close and pushed her chair back from the table.

"Good luck tonight okay? Give me a call and I'll come over to celebrate."

Belle smiled appreciatively at her friend rising up from the table and giving her a hug.

"I will."

The rest of the day at the Mills Art Gallery passed by in a flurry of excitement. Everyone was working on the last touches for the show that night, with Belle supervising them. Everything would have gone much better had it not been for Regina Mills, the owner and director of the gallery, breathing down her neck. Tonight had to be absolutely perfect because the works they were showing were from their most prestigious and popular artist.

Poor Belle hadn't needed the extra reminders of that fact since she'd adored the works of Aiden Gold since they'd first come on the scene a little over a decade ago. While some criticized them for their darkness, there was something very raw and emotional to them that she found intriguing.

When Regina had first approached her about setting up a show for him she had been over the moon with excitement. It wasn't until a few hours later that it struck her just how important this would be. Not only was it her first show but it was Aiden Gold.

She stressed over every single detail from then on. The one thing that kept her sane had been Regina's reassurance that Gold never attended the shows.

The opening of the show was fast approaching and Belle still hadn't changed for the party that was to be going on during it. It was taking everything to tear herself away, but eventually Mary Margaret, the gallery's receptionist, managed to drag her away from the preparations and into the ladies room.

Belle locked herself in the bathroom stall while her friend handed over the bag containing her dress for the evening. It was indeed her party, but she didn't want to draw any attention from the pieces she loved so much.

The sleeveless navy dress she'd selected was pretty enough, modestly showing her curves until it ended at the knee. Belle slipped her feet into a pair of black heels that she'd made certain was short enough that she wouldn't fall over during the night.

Belle stepped out of the stall to see Mary Margaret still waiting for her, a smile lighting up her soft features.

"You look great!"

Not that the other woman was any slouch herself. She was wearing a pink dress that was a bit longer than the one Belle was sheathed in, but she'd covered herself with a cardigan.

"Thanks" Belle responded graciously, going to the mirror to decide just what she was going to do with her face and hair. She started to comb her fingers through it to pull it back but Mary grabbed her hand.

"You should leave it down" The receptionist lightly fluffed Belle's curls. "It looks sexy."

Belle snorted, not at all expecting that to come from her friend's mouth at all. Mary Margaret seemed to be embarrassed by it as well as her cheeks turned a faint rosy color.

" Is sexy really what I want to go for tonight? I wouldn't want to draw any attention off you when David comes in."

The short haired woman blushed even deeper at Belle's teasing, remaining silent as she pulls out a make-up bag for Belle.

"Oh wait, If forgot, I couldn't do that even if I tried." Belle finished, seeing how pleased it made Mary, but she was still somewhat solemn with her eyes downcast.

"He doesn't notice me…I just sit at the desk."

"Don't be silly, he adores you." Belle put a hand on Mary's shoulder. Mary Margaret was a shy woman, but over the past few months it had been impossible to miss the flirtation between her and David Nolan, art critic.

"He likes art is all."

"Uh huh, with a particular fondness for the female form" Belle raised her eyebrows at Mary who softly slaps her shoulder.

"Stop that! I'll never be able to focus when I see him tonight."

Belle laughed, enjoying the first stress free moment this day. With Ruby around she was the one getting embarrassed and teased; it was interesting how her role reversed when she was with Mary Margaret. She just chalked it up to Ruby being a "negative" influence on her.

"Alright alright…can you go make sure that they-"

Mary held up a hand silencing her. "Everything is going smoothly; you just relax and finish getting ready." The woman offered a reassuring smile before turning and exiting the bathroom.

Belle shoulders slumped as she sighed, digging through her friend's make-up bag and starting to apply some light touches. Maybe people wouldn't see just how stressed she'd been if she could cover up the dark circles that formed over the past week.

The show had begun and so far everything was working out fine. People were socializing, nothing was falling apart, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves during their night out among the fine arts.

Belle was silent, surveying everything as she made her rounds in the gallery. Every once in a while, when she was recognized by a friend of colleague that would pat her arm or congratulate her on a lovely evening, but for the most time she was simply allowed to watch.

Mr. Nolan had indeed arrived at tonight's show, and as predicted all he managed to see was Mills' pretty receptionist instead of the painting on the walls.

It didn't bother Belle any that one of the critics in the room couldn't even look at the displays. Her friend's happiness was important and if he could just make a move tonight then that would please her more than a compliment on the show.

Judging from the looks exchanged between the two and the shy smiles they shared, sweet Mary-Margaret was going to be very happy after this evening.

Plainly dressed wait-staff circulated through the crowd with trays of appetizers and drinks. As a waiter passed Belle whisked a glass of something sparkling, light, but definitely alcoholic off his platter, lifting it to her lips.

Belle paused before a painting, sighing contentedly as her deep blue gaze drank in the painting. It was one of the favorites she had picked out over the weeks the label next to it read "Father's Fealty by A. Gold"

It was dark, like many of the Gold painting she knew. The forest expanded throughout the canvas, nearly black. In the foreground was a group of medieval aged soldiers, their torches lighting the area around them. However, they were not noble soldiers of lore. These knights wore cruel expressions and were seizing a young boy.

The boy was maybe thirteen or fourteen; the expression on his face was that of fear and alarm. Beside him on the ground was a hunched figure, bowing at the feet of the soldiers who had a hold of the boy.

'His son.' She affirmed, recalling the title.

Belle was drawn from her deep inspection when she noticed she was not standing alone before the piece. She had been joined by a man, older than her and dressed impeccably in a suit and tie.

'Probably a critic' She thought, one that hadn't fallen to Mary Margaret's sweet charms. For a man dressed so formally his lighter brown hair was a bit long, but then again critics ranged from Prince Charming like David, all the way to the eccentric.

She curly haired brunette cleared her throat softly, getting his attention "What do you think?" She asked lowly. The man seemed a more than surprised that she had asked him. He was quiet for a moment and Belle was starting to think he wasn't going to dignify her with an answer.

"Sloppy." He began a distinct Scottish accent to his words "Amateur really. The whole lot in here is rubbish"

Belle gaped at him, completely unable to fathom somebody calling Gold an amateur. "He's brilliant." She defended instantly. "It's not sloppy at all, it's…passionate."

The gentleman scoffed, "A passionate painting about a coward?"

Belle had to keep her jaw from dropping again; refusing to let herself look like a fish out of water in front of this man. "Coward? Where are you getting that from?" She couldn't help the fact she was getting heated now.

It felt like not only a criticism on her painter, but also on her show. She selected this painting and she wasn't going to hear anyone insult it.

"He can't even stand up to them to save his son." The man pointed out; of course he was still the perfect picture of calm,while she was practically bristling.

"That's not cowardice!" Belle gestured wildly, but caught herself before spilling any of her drink. "He is bowing down before those men sacrificing his pride to save the person most important to him. He could just give up but he isn't! He might be kneeling, but he is still making a stand for his son and just because you don't understand that doesn't" She trailed off her sentence, ending it with an aggravated noise.

The man stared at her now like she was insane, but thankfully it seemed he was the only one who had seen her outburst.

"And the brush strokes are nowhere near sloppy." She snapped, just for good measure.

The man seemed to have gotten of her shock at that, expression turning stony. "Pardon me, Dearie, but you asked my opinion." As he retreated it was the first time he noticed that he walked with a cane.

Belle's face turned hot as a blush rose to her cheeks. Art, especially her favorite, was not something that could be insulted around Belle. She got the same way with her books and authors. She protected them, defended them earnestly in the face of people who refused to open their minds.

She was glowering at the painting, mere seconds after the critic left, when she heard a clicking of heels as the Gallery Director approached her.

Regina was dressed in all black, looking both elegant and businesslike at the same time.

"Awful isn't he?" It was more of a statement than a question; Belle assumed she meant the man who just departed.

"Sometimes I wonder why we even do business. I can't stand him." She drained the glass she had clutched in her hand. "But he is good at what he does."

Belle was puzzled by the dark haired woman's words. She knew him?

"Who is he?"

Regina's red lips slowly turned up into a smile, but it was a dark sort of glee behind it as opposed to genuine joy.

"I thought you knew. That's Aiden Gold."

Everything started spinning in that moment and Belle had to place a hand against the wall to steady herself. "I thought you said he never comes to these things." Belle looked to Regina, who shrugged.

"First time for everything."

Belle's blood turned to ice. She had yelled at Aiden Gold. Aiden Gold. How could she have said he was wrong? Her idol that she was crazy!

"I have to go" she mumbled somehow managing to stagger away from Regina and not fall over. It wasn't long before Mary- Margaret was at her side, worry etched in her normally carefree face.

"What's wrong? You look like you're going to be sick. Do you need a paper bag?" She rattled off the questions quickly.

Belle shook her head, "I just yelled at Gold."

Mary's eyes widened in surprise at that "you don't mean he is actually here do you?"

Belle nodded and the whole story spilled out as the receptionist helped her off to the side where there was seating.

"Oh no..." Mary was extremely sympathetic, she knew exactly how much this night meant to her as well as what the artist meant to her "it…it's probably not so bad."

Both of the women knew that response sounded lame, but Belle appreciated her effort.

"Let's just get you home."