jc: and we're back!
animepup: dont kill us, we have school and hw to do
jc: im sry *emo corner* i kept on putting this off for a long time
animepup: its alright-
jc: NO IT'S NOT! I'M-
-personal moment-
animepup: there there, feel better?
jc: no
animepup:...lets just start the story then!
jc: well, f*** y-
I don't want to leave this place! It's so nice and peaceful...Despite the fact that I almost died, it's a great place! And the fact that Akira almost killed Tamaki-senpai for blindfolding Haruhi in her room. We had assumed that he was doing something kinky to her. I chuckled at the sight of Akira holding Haruhi protectively while glaring daggers at Tamaki. Haha, it's tiring, but entertaining.
"Not to mention thrilling and exciting," Kyoya-senpai said behind me.
"...Man, I have got to stop doing that!"
Akira's POV
Well...I certainly wasn't expecting this...Seeing Haruhi and all the boys at Karuizawa...Certainly is a surprise. Natsumi and I are watching the boys battle it out to stay at the Inn. It is quite amusing to see Tamaki-senpai lose his cool.
"Haruhi, why don't you let Natsumi and I stay here instead?" I glance at her as she set our cake onto the table and she sighs.
"I would if I could…"
"Then that would mean you or I would have to enter this contest, and neither of us are guys," Natsumi pointed out and I nodded slowly.
"You could have entered," Natsumi starts to say and I widen my eyes at her…She can't be talking about-
"Remember that time you dressed up as a boy, and then-"
"DON'T. Even speak of it," I cut her off and went into my emo corner.
"…I don't want to remember that…"
"Sorry, sorry," Natsumi waves her hand and then we hear some chopping noises. I look up to see Mori-senpai shirtless and chopping wood for some reason.
Natsumi's POV
"Akira…Are you ok?" I stare at Akira who seems to be giggly.
"No, I just melted from his hotness," She smiles idiotically and flowers bloom around her as she sways around in her seat.
"Did you seriously just say that..." I rolled my eyes when she grins and wiggles her eyebrows.
"He is one sexy piece of furniture," She sighs and I sweatdrop. Furniture? Must have been on the internet for too long again. I look at her as she slouches in her chair and unbuttons the top buttons of her blue collared shirt. She's wearing thick khaki army green shorts, sandals and to top it off, dark sunglasses on her head.
"…What?" She eyes me questioningly.
"Nothing…Just wondering…Are you bisexual?" I ask with a serious tone. She stares at me blankly. Then grabs the water on the table, chugs the whole cup and does a spit take.
"What the hell!?"
"I don't know. I mean you dress so…Man-like, I was just wondering," I shrug and she stares at me like "WTF Man?" I then crack a smile and chuckle.
"I'm just kidding," And anger marks appear on her forehead.
"…You're remembering that time I cross dressed aren't you?" She glares and I giggle.
"Maybe~" I sang and she huffed. To those of you who are confused. She once cross dressed as Sebastian from Black Butler as a favor for a friend of hers and girls were crawling all over her and 'molesting' her as she put it. If you remember, she doesn't exactly like to be touched.
"Who the hell are you talking to?" Akira's voice cuts off my thoughts and I look at her confused.
"…You were saying your thoughts out loud again," She says and I slam my head against the table.
"…I have to stop doing that," I moan.
"Yeah, keep slamming your head and you'll lose even more brain cells," Akira mumbles and I glare at her.
"…Are you implying that I'm stupid?"
"Yes," She replies bluntly and I start to laugh.
"You laugh because it's true," She adds in and I go into my dark corner of shame.
"I know…" I draw circles in the ground.
"Get your own damn circle, this is my thing," She starts shaking me and I spazz.
"Alright alright. Sheesh, someone's on their-"
"Don't you DARE, say THAT word!" I cut her off and point at her accusingly. She only stares back at me with mischievous eyes and takes a long sip from her drink before opening her mouth,
"Period," With that she bolts out the inn laughing manically. I threw a few bills on the table before charging out after her. I look around to see her running around like she's drunk.
"RED BULL GIVES YOU WINGS~!" She screams while jumping in the air and flapping her arms….*sigh*.
"Akira! Get back here!" I call out and she turns around only to stick her tongue out at me. A cute boy walks by and stares at her and she stares back at him dumbstruck. That's when she rips off her collared shirt and shorts revealing short shorts and a white tank top. She pulls out her hair band and then leans on a ledge,
"…How you doin~?" She winks at the boy and clucked her tongue…-insert facepalm here- Something is wrong with her today. Was it something she drank? All we had was coffee-…SHE CAN'T HANDLE COFFEE! I pull at my hair when I remember that crucial fact. The boy that was staring at her suddenly walks away quickly and his face is red. In the distance I hear Akira yelling out random lines.
"EEEEYYY! YOU DA SEXY~" She points at another boy. I sprint over and tackle her to the ground.
"HELP! RAPE-" I slap my hand over her mouth and bow my head in apology.
"Sorry, nothing to see here," I sweatdrop and everyone continues on with their business. I feel wetness on my hand and I immediately remove it.
"Ew, not cool to lick someone's hand," I look at the saliva in disgust and wipe it off on the ground.
"Natsumi's's a huuuuuuuge B-anana," She giggles and I twitch. Is this what's she's like drunk? I can feel her shivering and shaking in adrenaline.
"Geez, why did you drink coffee? You know what it does to you," I sigh yet again. Her response was to prop up onto one elbow and stare at me blankly.
"I didn't notice until I came to my senses. For the record, I was going to say 'menstrual cycle'," She smirks and the shaking subsides.
"At least you're back to normal," I hang my head in relief until Akira clears her throat.
"…So how long are you going to straddle me for? We both know I don't swing that way," She points out and then I realize that I was still sitting on her. I quickly got off and apologized to her and she waved it off.
"Be thankful that I get over caffeine rushes quickly," She says while picking up her clothes and dusting them off.
"Lord, I am thankful," I pray to mock her and she chuckles. We walk back towards the inn when I realize that Akira still hasn't put on her clothes.
"Like what you see?" She asks after noticing me staring at her. I flush and stick my tongue out at her.
"O-Of course not! I was just wondering how come you haven't put on your clothes yet," I look back at her and she shrugs.
"Too hot," I was about to sweatdrop when I bumped into someone.
"Ah! Sorry-…Naoki?" I widen my eyes in surprise at the boy. His face mirrors my surprise and then he looks at Akira who is getting buddy-buddy with Daisuke already.
"Hey Natsumi, did you know this little mofo was in Karuizawa too?" She exclaims and I shake my head.
"Let's go back to the inn to talk a little," I suggest and Akira nods enthusiastically. We pull the two boys along and into the inn where we see Haruhi talking to another boy carrying a watermelon.
Akira's POV
"Who's he?" Natsumi asks and I wave it off.
"Pft, who cares, let's just go sit down and have a drink," I grab Daisuke and Naoki by the hand and drag them towards a table. Natsumi joins us and we have a little chat when suddenly, I noticed everyone staring at us.
"…Hey, is it just me or is the entire host club staring," Natsumi whispers into my ear and I shrug in response and set my clothes onto the table.
"Well, while we're here together, might as well have some fun." I look at Daisuke and Naoki who nod in agreement. I immediately turn to Daisuke with fire burning in my eyes and his face mirrors mine as we both yell simultaneously,
"ARCADE!" We high-five each other and sprint out the door together hand in hand. I could have sworn I heard Natsumi and Naoki sigh. We arrive at the arcade after sprinting around wildly like lunatics and running from angry shop owners.
"Aw man, I'm getting too old for that," I huff while bending over trying to catch my breath. Daisuke pats my back roughly and laughs. I stand up straight and then link my arms with Daisuke and head over to a particular game.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I smirk at him and he chuckles.
"Of course, we need to finish our battle in-"
"Dance dance revolution!" We both hollered and hopped onto the device.
"Get ready to be obliterated little boy," I crack my knuckles and inserted a coin.
"Pfft, save the ego for after I win,"
"I can't believe lost," I hang my head in defeat as we walk out of the arcade.
"I told you~ Now, you owe me ice cream," He sticks his tongue out at me playfully and I punch him. He suddenly pulls on my arm and the next thing I know, I'm in a small cramped room.
"What the-"
"Smile pretty for the picture~" Something flashes before my eyes and then I realized that I was in a photo sticker booth thing.
"Aw man, I probably looked terrible in that," I pouted and he snickered. The next snapshot is coming up, time for revenge. Just as the screen said 1, I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek making his face contort in shock and embarrassment. He looks at me wide eyed and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Revenge is a donkey's butt," We glare at each other before bursting out laughing which was the next picture. We finish making silly faces in the booth before we exit and he made me pay for the sticker instead of treating him to ice cream.
"Pft! Look how red your face is," I tease him about the picture where I kissed him and he flushes again.
"It's your fault for surprising me," He pouts and I continue to laugh.
"Sorry, sorry…Hey let's go to that store, I still want to eat some ice cream," I grab his arm and drag towards a little shop with ice cream. I only had enough to buy myself one because my wallet is in my other shorts. I walk out holding my green tea ice cream with Daisuke who didn't get anything.
"Hey…Let me try some," He says before I can register anything, his face is right in front of mine and he took a bite.
"Nobody said you can just take a bite!" I yell at him, punching him on the arm.
"Mmm…That was good, let me take another," He teases and I hold my ice cream back protectively.
"No, get your own damn ice cream!"
"Haha, young love, reminds you of us when we were younger right?" An old couple walks by chuckling warmly at the sight of us bickering.
"Geez, we aren't a couple," I mumble out loud and Daisuke laughs weakly.
"…I wouldn't really mind," He mumbles something incoherently and I can't hear.
"What did ya say?" I ask and he waves it off with a laugh before catching up to me.
Natsumi's POV
I watch Akira and Daisuke run out hand in hand at the speed of light and I sighed simultaneously with Naoki. In the corner of my eye I could see Mori-senpai glaring at me…Why me?!
"I'm sorry, we're disturbing your vacation aren't we?" He apologizes, breaking my train of thoughts and I smile at him.
"Not at all, I think Akira is more than happy to spend some time with Daisuke," He smiles back at me and for a while we just smile at each other in silence.
"I-I heard that the parks here are beautiful, would you like to go see them with me right now?" He offers, breaking our kind-of-sort-of-smiling/apologizing-contest. I stood up and smiled yet again,
"Well then, shall we get going?" He quickly follows after me. I felt someone staring daggers at me which sent shivers down my spine. I rubbed my arms a little when Naoki looked at me in concern.
"Are you cold?"
"No, I just thought someone was giving me a murderous stare," I glance back behind me to see that no one is looking my way.
"Eh? Why would anyone look at you like that? You're the sweetest girl I've ever met," Naoki responds with a hint of innocence and I giggle.
"You're so cute," I pinched his nose and he looked at me surprised before laughing along with me. We walk towards the park where children laughed and play and Frisbees were being thrown around.
"Wow, it's a nice day isn't it, Naoki-"
"Watch out!" I was cut off by Naoki who pushed me onto the ground and landed on top of me.
"What the-"
"Sorry Miss!" A kid yells as they retrieve their Frisbee. Ah, so that's why Naoki pushed me down.
"Ah…Sorry," Naoki laughs nervously.
"It's ok," I smile and then I notice Naoki's face slowly getting closer. I widen my eyes when his face nearly touches mine when,
"Hey! Get a room!" The sound of an angry parent yells at us and Naoki scrambles up to get off of me.
"I-I-I-I-I'M SO SORRY!" He starts bowing in every direction flustered. Haha…He's such a timid guy. I get up and brush myself off. I walk over to him who is dizzy with embarrassment and held out a hand to him.
"I'm a little thirsty, do you want to go get a drink?" I ask and he nods tearfully. He takes my hand and we start walking towards a vending machine.
"Peach soda?" Naoki glances at me as I was taking out my wallet, I giggle.
"You know me so we-EEEP!"
"Natsumi?! What's wrong!?" Naoki exclaimed and spun around only to see me chuckling to myself with an embarrassed face. I had squeaked when I felt something fluffy and moist rub against my leg. Well…I kinda overeacted…it only turned out to be a-
"Puppy!" Naoki grinned and squatted down to pet it. It…wait. I picked up the puppy. Ok, HE is an adorable little beige Pomeranian puppy.
"Oh, he's a pom?" Naoki glanced at me and I gave him a questioning look.
"I didn't know you knew stuff about dogs?" I said as I scratched behind the pup's ears.
"Um, I don't…really…I mean, you just said that he was a Pomeranian so…" Naoki trailed off and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I said?! Oh wait…I did it again… *mental facepalm* (jc: Oops, she did it again~ animepup: ….shut up)
"Ah! Wait, puppy!" While I was distracted by my internal thoughts, the pup had scurried out of my arms and had run off.
"Awww…." I frowned in disappointment and Naoki just patted my head. Suddenly, my head snapped up when I heard a little bark.
"Hey, I think he wants us to follow him!" I happily ran after the puppy dragging Naoki by his hand. I may or may not have heard him chuckle, but I was too focused on the fluffy puppy.
"SOO MANY DOGGIEEEEESSSSSSS~" I squealed in excitement. The puppy had led us to a small abandoned building where I guess stray dogs gathered.
"Man, I knew you liked dogs but…" Naoki laughed as he stroked a shepherd-collie mix on the head. He glanced at me and sweat dropped at the pile of dogs surrounding me.
"This is a bit much…" Well, for your information, I felt like I was in doggy heaven…
I woke up with a start. I look around drowsily to see that the sun was setting…Why is my pillow so hard?...Wait…Pillow!? I quickly look up to see Naoki flushing.
"I'm so sorry!" I'm such an idiot for falling asleep on him! He must have found me annoying!
"Actually, I took a quick nap myself," Naoki laughs weakly…-insert mental facepalm here- I spoke my thoughts out loud again. Suddenly, I remembered where we were at I glanced at all the dogs that also happened to fall asleep. The little Pomeranian puppy was napping beside my feet.
"Ne, Naoki…"
"Hm?" He glances at me as he stood up, brushing himself off.
"I don't want to leave them here…" I sigh as I stroked the pom pup's fluffy fur.
"Hm…Oh hey! I know someone takes in strays and has this sort of dog rescue centre kind of thing!" Naoki grinned.
"I don't want to put them in kennels." I scrunch my nose in disgust.
"Oh no no no, I've been there! He has a huge mansion dedicated to the dogs! It almost like a dog hotel!" Naoki reassured me and I slowly nodded.
"He's really attached to you, huh?" Naoki chuckled as the pom pup snuggled in my arms. Although my dad may rage at me later, I decided to keep the puppy.
"I'll call you…um…Miki! Ok, Miki, I'm your mommy and this is your daddy~" I giggled and skipped back towards the town square. Unbeknownst to me, Naoki was extremely flustered and red as a tomato from my comment.
"Ahem…Well…There's still some time…Wanna go wander around for a bit longer?" He suggests trying to hide his face from my view.
"Are you sure? Your face is kind of red, are you sick?" I reach to touch his forehead with a concerned expression. He cleared his throat and waved me off.
"I'm uh…fine. Just a bit hot from uh...running?"
"…If you say so…" I shrug.
We ended up going around town for a bit more sightseeing when suddenly we see a stage and a giant crowd of people.
"Is that…" Naoki squints and I stand on my tippy toes to look over the crowd and my eyes widen in surprise.
"And Daisuke!" Naoki adds in after me. Both of us jaw drop at them ballroom dancing…Well kind of ballroom dancing, it was fast paced to match the music but nonetheless. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING UP THERE!? The music comes to an end and they hold out a hat where people put money in for the show…*facepalm* So that's what they were doing. The crowd disperses and Naoki marches right up to Daisuke and whacks him across the head. I couldn't help but laugh at Daisuke rubbing the back of his head smiling like an idiot. I walk right up to Akira and pinch her ear.
"Owie! Oh hey Nats- oooh puppy~ Owow!" Her focus switches to Miki and I pull her ear a bit harder.
"So, what were you up to just now?" I raise an eyebrow smiling sweetly and she flinches. I glance at Naoki who had a dangerous glint in his eyes and he nods at me. Oh, I'm going to have fun.
Akira's POV
We arrive back at the inn with Daisuke and I traumatized. What has been seen cannot be unseen *shudder*. Natsumi and I bid Daisuke and Naoki goodbye. We stay around for a bit longer to hang out with Haruhi and we found out that the Hitachiin twins won the refreshing contest.
"I told you," I held out a hand to Natsumi who grudgingly hands me a 10 dollar bill.
"If only Mori-senpai stayed in the competition," She sighs when she perks up and stares at me.
"…What?" I stood defensively and she snorts before snatching the photo sticker I took earlier with Daisuke from my pocket.
"Hey! Did no one ever teach you about personal bubbles?" I whined and she looked at me weird before staring at the photo with interest. She then looked up with a sly smile and wiggled her eyebrows.
"And here I thought that you wouldn't go for anyone except-MMPH!" I cover her mouth with my hand and glared.
"I have no interest in Daisuke, he's just a friend," I cross my arms and huff stubbornly and Natsumi snickers.
"Ok ok, then the kiss means nothing," She holds up the photo with a shrug and at that exact moment Tamaki-senpai walks by and his eyes catch sight of the photo. He takes it out of Natsumi's hands and stares at it.
"Holy! Everybody! Look at this!" Tamaki-senpai yells and starts running towards the rest of the host club.
"-boy," I slump forward and Natsumi pats my back.
"Sorry," I glare at her and growl.
"You better be sorry,"
Natsumi's POV
Akira takes out her cellphone and smiles mischievously.
"Like I always say. Karma. Is. A. B*tch," She presses the send button and suddenly all of our cellphones beep. I cautiously open my phone to see a photo of Naoki on top of me in the park.
"Oh yeah, by the way, the person who told you to get a room earlier, guess who?" She coos and I flush cherry red.
"You...You…YOU PERVERT!" I smacked her out of embarrassment. Miki barks happily at all the commotion, I don't think he understands what's going on…
"Haha, payback is sweet~" Akira cackles as she dodges my hand. I notice that Mori-senpai is inspecting the photo sticker without any emotion on his face but I swear I saw an irritation tick from his forehead. Tamaki-senpai was crying about how his 'little Akira' was growing up so fast and Hunny-senpai was bombarding Akira with questions as she holds her forehead in frustration.
"Hiieee!" I shriek at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to the threatening presence to see Kyoya-senpai looking down at me with his glasses glinting.
"You do realize that if these photos ever get into public, they will cause a scandal and you will be in so much debt your ancestors will pay,"
"…Kya?" I shrink away from his harsh gaze and nod sheepishly while unconsciously strangling Miki in my arms who was barking at me indignantly.
"Don't go out with that boy again," He finishes before walking away…Scary.
"It's raining, it's pouring, the tranny is snoring," Akira sings while looking at Susuzu-san and I couldn't help but giggle as Susuzu-san goes over and starts chasing Akira. Earlier today, Haruhi and Hikaru went out on a date but it's pouring now so I'm a bit worried. Plus, the fact that Haruhi is afraid of thunder doesn't help my mothery-spidey-senses.
That's when the pension's phone rings and Susuzu-san picks up. His…Er…Her expression changes as she hangs up the phone and then explains that Hikaru abandoned Haruhi…What? Tamaki-senpai immediately dials Hikaru's phone and I held out my hand in front of Tamaki-senpai. He looks confused until Akira whispers into his ear and he hands over his phone to me. I hold it against my ear just as Hikaru picks up.
"Hello? Dono? Perfect timing, send over a car to pick me up please, I couldn't catch any cabs-"
"What are you doing?" I cut him off with a strained voice, trying to contain my anger.
"Eh? Natsumi? Why do you have-"
"Hikaru, I won't say this again. You will go and find Haruhi and make sure she stays safe. She is deadly afraid of thunder you dumb piece of sh*t. If you fail to keep her safe then don't even bother coming back to the pension unless you want to be gutted like a fish by yours truly," I say with a smile and then crushed Tamaki-senpai's phone in my hand.
"….Whoops," I turn around to see everyone looking at me with a sweatdrop and take a step back away from me.
"I'm sorry Tamaki-senpai," I bowed in apology and Tamaki-senpai immediately starts to stutter.
"I-It's ok Natsumi-sama! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" He cowers behind Akira and she sighs…What's with him? And where did the '-sama' come from? I look at Akira confused and she just waves it off before trying to pull Tamaki-senpai off her waist.
Akira's POV
"Haruhi!" I tackled her at full force with anime tears streaming down my eyes.
"Are you ok? Did that bad man hurt you?" I rubbed my cheek against hers while glaring at Hikaru.
"Haruhi-chan~" Tamaki-senpai runs over in slow mo and I stop him with my foot.
"No impurities shall touch my Haruhi! The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!" I exclaim while trying to shake Tamaki-senpai off my leg.
"Hey, if Akira is so protective of Haruhi, doesn't that make her a mommy?" Hikaru points out.
"And Tamaki-senpai claims himself as 'daddy'," Kaoru smiles mischievously back at Hikaru and I just stare at them blankly.
"Haha, nope, no, noppity nope. I am done with your shit. See you in September!" I grab Natsumi's hand and run out the door.
"Bye Haruhi~ I'm on your speed dial so call whenever these idiots are molesting you!" I say while running.
"And this is how I spent my summer," Natsumi sighs and I laugh.
"Next year, we go to Switzerland,"
jc: ...
animepup: *sigh* would you come out already?
animepup: alright, alright, no need to yell sheesh
jc: oh sry, my caps lock was on
animepup: ...ok then, well see you guys next time hopefully soon!
Animepup1599 and MangaluverJC out~