This is my first attempt at a "My Little Pony" fanfiction. The idea belongs entirely to my Beloved, to whom this is dedicated to. I hope you enjoy it.

It was a peaceful morning in Ponyville. The birds were chirping as the sun rose steadily over the horizon. Within the small, quaint apartment that she shared, a cellist peacefully slumbered within her bed, covered with chocolate-colored sheets. The electric clock next to her bed read in bright green letters: '6:59'. Seconds later, the lights showed seven o'clock and the alarm clock started to bleep. It was then the sleeping pony suddenly sprang from her bed where she lay and hopped to the hoofs in an instant. "Finally!" She squealed gleefully.

She jumped across the cold, wooden floor; half-dressed in sleeping attire, which was nothing more than a tank-top and panties, and raced to the windows. She twisted open the Venetian blinds, and an ocean of sunlight flooded into the darkness of her solitude to reveal an organized, if not slightly austere bedroom. As she gazed at the sights of the city' below, the gray pony took a deep breath, inhaling the majesty of what was certain to be a day that would surely be worth remembering for years to come. "This is going to be a great day!" she exclaimed.

Without another moment, Octavia raced out of her room and down the hall-way to the second door on the right. She eagerly admitted herself, not waiting a second before opening the door to reveal the dwelling of her roommate: Vinyl Scratch.

Old and discarded clothes littered the floor in the shrouded darkness of the barely perceivable depths of the room, with an assortment of CD's covering the rest of the floor. Dotting the walls were lazily patched posters of famous rock-bands and more modern dub-step groups, as well as various odd and amusing bits of music memorabilia that she had collected from her career as a DJ. In the center of all this, though, lay Vinyl, bundled in an unmade blanket on the bed with her head buried underneath a purple pillow, gently snoring.

Octavia jumped on the bed, causing her friend to spring from her place. "Get up sleepy head! Today's the day! It' seven o'clock and that means it's time to get up!"

Vinyl grumbled as she turned away. "Yeah yeah yeah" she said, "Just a few more...minutes..."

"No!" Octavia squealed happily. "Gotta get up now!"

"Ugh...fuggit! You know that alarm clock is a damn liar!" Vinyl said irritated. It was always an unstated rule that Vinyl was not be disturbed before two in the afternoon. Octavia normally obliged her, but it was only on this very occasion that Octavia decided to disturb her from her deep-seated slumber so early.

"Come on Vinyl!" she said tugging her, "You promised!"

She got up, rubbing her eyes while reaching for her violet shades that hung on a nail above her. "Why are you so excited?"

"I dunno." she said snuggling next to her best friend. "It's just the biggest concert ever tonight. Playing for royalty, you know, the important people."

"Is it tonight? Man how time flies! But that's tonight. Can't we rest some more now?" she said eagerly pulling the sheets to her neck.

"No" she whispered in her ears, "I wanted to show you the Royal Music Museum though before that though."

"You mean the one with all that fancy-schmancy music?"


"That kind of music sort of cramps my know?" In truth, Vinyl was not unfamiliar with it. She had been classically trained as a violinist in her youth.

Her mother had eagerly paid to give her lessons since she was three years old hoping she would become the next filly-prodigy of the musical world. Though she was talented enough, Vinyl despised the violin and never much cared for it or any instrument, for that matter. During lessons, she would often purposely play wrong keys to cause an ungodly screech, just to cause a disruption, and a whole host of other antics to torture her poor musical instructor.

At fifteen, she abandoned them altogether to pursue her true passion: bass and improvisation. Thus, her mother's dream of her daughter being a violinist died, beaten and abused in the ditch by the road-way of life. If there was anything good to come from these lessons was the fact she had met a certain cellist who would later become the present annoyance that was digging into her sides.

"Well" she said contentedly pleased, "I guess I'll have to broaden your horizons then. Trust me, you'll love it"

"Oh Tavi, always trying to change me. Something gives me a hunch though I'm going to this place, whether I want to or not, aren't I?"

"Mmmhmmm." she said closing he eyes as she touched Vinyl's hoof.

"Alright, fine." Vinyl said getting up, "But only because your my bestest friend in the whole world."

"Thanks" Octavia said smiling. "That means a lot to me Vinyl."

"Meh, pleasing other ponies is what I do." she said walking toward the door. "Now!" she said stretching "Would you be so kind as to leave so I can get dressed."

Octavia looked down at herself and realized that she wasn't dressed yet either, causing to her to blush a little. She had never thrown that much caution to the wind before, and in the heat of the moment, had forgotten it.

"Well?" she asked again, "I'm going to change whether you're here or not, so are you going?"

"Alright, I'm going." she replied, "And try to wear something appropriate will you Vinyl, dear" she said in the poshest accent she could mimic, "I don't think they'll find your 'Buck you' t-shirt appropriate."

"Ha! I'm the sweetest mare they'll ever meet." she said as started looking through her closet.

Octavia giggled. They had obviously never seen her upset then. As much as she hated to say it, Vinyl were almost the perfect match for each other, like a hand to a glove. Even if they didn't always agree on everything, they could always make each other laugh. "Alright then, see you in a few minutes." With that she closed the door and skipped down the hall-way to begin the morning ritual of dressing.

Vinyl eagerly picked up one of her favorite CD's from its place on the floor and threw it in her stereo-set hooked up to two large bass speakers. A roaring rhythm rocked the room as she discarded her old clothes into one of the convenient piles. "Yeah!" she yelled as she stood stark naked in her room, looking through her clothes while jamming to the music all the while.

Meanwhile, in Octavia's room, she was already fully dressed and combing the knots out of her hair at the mirror across from her bed with the sounds of serenading flutes playing over the radio. Octavia looked into the mirror smiling, ignoring the thundering bass in the other room that was shaking the foundations of the apartment. "I like myself." she said staring into her reflection. "I'm a smart, beautiful, sophisticated pony with a lot to offer." She paused a moment to let the words sink in before stating again "I like myself."

She put her hoof on her forehead. "Some might call it vanity, I call it creating a positive image of myself. Cause, who's the best cellist in town?"

"I am!" she replied to herself.

"Who's gonna impress the princess tonight?"

"I am!"

"Who's gotta quit talking to herself like this?"

"I will!"

"That's right! Now go show the world you're not insane!"

"I'll try my best! Excelsior!" With that she propelled herself out the door once again but down-stairs to the kitchen. "This is going to be a great day!" Those words would be a hard echo of events to come, as Octavia would soon find out.