Dean looked at Castiel, "We need to sex up our spice life. Like. We need to add some oragami to the mix!" He did a backflip while shoving his cock in a pillow, because he was really bored with thei r sexy life.
"How do you think we want to do that, ol' buddy ol' pal? there's no way to do that. The only spice we have is salt. We're white. what do you expect?" Castle frowned and chopped Dean's dick off. Whnever he did that stupid pillow thing it pissed him off. That was Castiels pillow. What the FUCK!
"You don't fuckin know me! I already invited a third person to join us in da bedroom." Dean burped.
"What do you?" Castiel ask
Suddenly, presidential candidate Dongal Tormp came! He was wearing a roadkill squirrel on his head, and a small suit of a million dollars on his penis. He had striking blue orbs where his eyes should be, and 300 mouths.
Dean gasped, "It's Donald Trump!" He grew his penis back in pure orgasmic excitement.
"Hello" Dongal smiled, "I have a large wang™ and I am Ready™ to have sex™ with you™.
What the FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" Sam walked in and saw Dongal, "I'm too busy feeling the bern to even look at Donald trump." He farted.
™" Dongal frowned, "According to all known law of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible."
"Thats just the beginning of A Bugs Life, what the fuck." Sam frowne
"Uhm." Dongal panicked and shot out 300 miles of cum as he shot 300 miles up into the air and farted so loudly that Hillary Clinton's wrinckles were GONE
"Damn it, Sammyy. Can't I just have one good fuking sex night for once? Fuck you, Fuck your stupid hotdog husband, fuck his stupid sunglasses, and FUCK the ketchup kids! And fuck their sunglasses too!" Dean screamed.
"Listen, Dea. I'm fucking like 33 and i'm single! I once had sex with myself because I'm so longly. Dealing with your shit is so annoying! You're married to cas but you wanna fuck Donal Trump?!. WHat the fuck! Why don't I just fucking go back in time and fuck Hitler. It would be the same thing!" Sam exclaimed.
"How dar you?" Dean said and one of his small children walked over to dean.
"Don't you dare talk to me or my son ever again!" Dean screeched, "Or you're going to have a bad time"
"Those are literally two of the worse memes I can't believe you would stoop so low as to try to add some weird form of comedy in order to make people laugh? How unoriginal, Get some class, Dad." Dean's son sighed and left.
Cas was already in a coffin by then. He died. Donald trumps sexy cum has murdered him.