Author's Note: This is what happens when my feels get the best of me…..Enjoy! (I don't own the Vampire Diaries and whatnot. Strictly for my favorite couple: Klebekah (: )

She was curious to say the least, roaming around the cottage in search for her brother. As her feet padded on the polished wood Rebekah worried over the conversation she'd soon have with him. How was she to bring about the topic?

It was embarrassing when imagining his reaction. But could he blame her for wanting to know about it? Yes, it was the ultimate question parents were supposed to dread. However this little blonde was wise enough to not ask her father. Surely Nik was willing to explain whatever emotions she was feeling.

A moment of hesitation occurred once she stood face to face at her sibling's door. Maybe he was busy or maybe he was not home at all. Rebekah chewed on her bottom lip and sucked in a deep breath. She was positive he was there, most likely sketching a picture of wonderful detail.

Her hand was placed on the barrier that separated the two; fingers tapping lightly before curling into a fist and knocking.

"Nik?," She breathed, heart pounding in her ears.

It was those few seconds that were crucial- the moment that could make or break her. It didn't take long for the door to swing open, her brother looking tired and worn.

"What is it Rebekah?" Nik whined while wiping his face of drowsiness.

At first, she just gazed at the man in front of her. How beautiful and perfect he was even with bags under his eyes. And then reality sunk in, making her stammer in her speech.

"A-Are you okay?" She asked, eyes averted to the floor avoiding any more contact.

Nik raised a quizzical brow and folded his arms in front of his chest. "I'm fine. How are you, sister?"

Rebekah's thoughts had sent her mind into darker places right then. She was lost on who to blame for the sudden thrill rushing through her veins. The silk nightgown she wore was wrinkled from her tightened grip.

She dared another glance. It was near impossible to ignore Nik's smirk. Something so warm and inviting like his smile made the atmosphere almost softer. The youngest Mikaelson was at a daze after just a minute of conversation with him. Did he know the affect he had on her? She should have been questioning the reason as to why she was thinking this anyway. But Niklaus's lips were distracting. Soft pink skin pressed into a tight thin line when she remained silent for too long. Breathe. And she did-refocusing on her surroundings.

"I need to ask you something. Are you preoccupied?"

"You just interrupted a short nap. What's the matter?"

He was concerned but refused to press it any further. Instead, the tired man moved aside to let his sister pass. He had an idea as to what this was about. Usually, Rebekah would ask permission to accompany him in bed. Her fear of the dark gave her anxiety to the extreme. So of course Nik would agree to the sleeping arrangements.

Still there was that little thought in his head that was telling him to discontinue it. Mostly because his father would ring his neck if he ever found out. That alone was enough convincing to go along with the thought. He kept a safe distance once the door was closed. "Rebekah?"

Her blonde curls bounced as her head snapped up. Eyes widened with surprise when her name was called. "Right! Sorry, brother. I'm just a little frazzled is all." The silence after changed the calm aura-with only the sound of his fireplace crackling in the distance.

Rebekah found it in herself to speak up again, stepping closer until her and Nik were inches apart.

"I just want to know about certain things. Is it okay if you teach me?" Her voice was low and pleading, making her brother swallow.

"Of course, love. What is it you want to know?"

Alright guys I'm just going to leave this off on a cliffhanger because I'm evil (; Let me know your thoughts! Hey who knows? If I get enough reviews tonight I might write the second part later on. I promise it will be very….intense. LOVE YOU ALL.