Another new story guys!:) I realise some other people have done stories similar to this, so I will try to make this my own in a way.

Disclaimer: I do not own Austin & Ally

"Remember, be good and have fun! My dad explains, whilst driving me towards Melody Music Camp (1).

"I know dad, I will! You've said this stuff 10 times already!" I tell him, chuckling lightly.

"Sorry sweetie, it's just, you're going to be gone for the whole summer! I want you to be safe"

"I'll be fine! I'll have Trish with me anyway" I say, smiling. Trish is my best friend since we met at the age of 4.

"I trust you Ally!" He says, warmly, patting my shoulder.

"How long do we have left till we get there?" I ask, getting bored and excited at the same time.

"About 15 minutes!" My dad replies, laughing at my eagerness.

To pass the time, I turn on the radio, singing along to 22 by Taylor Swift (2) and, Drunk by Ed Sheeran (3).

When we get there, the first thing I see is a wooden 'Melody Music Camp' sign, painted with musical notes dotted around it.

This makes my stomach do flips, knowing in about 10 minutes, I will be experiencing my first ever year at summer music camp!

"You excited?" My dad asks, obviously knowing the answer.

"Yes!" I scream in anticipation.

My dad parks the car, before getting out to retrieve my suitcases from the back. I get out of my side, grabbing my bags from my dad, before we walk over the owners cabin/office.

My dad knocks on the wooden door, waiting until the door opens. When it does, a tall, brown haired man, wearing a beanie and the typical jeans and a checkered shirt.

"Hello, you must be Ally Dawson? I'm Johnny, the head camp councillor" He enquires, smiling at me and my dad.

"Hi, and yes I am" I reply, with a huge grin on my face.

"Someone's eager!" He chuckles, my dad nodding in agreement.

"Ok, so let's get you sorted then!" he says, leading me into his office, followed by my dad.

"So, Mr Dawson, I need you to sign here, to confirm that you allow your daughter to attend the camp"

My dad signs the papers, before hugging me goodbye and heading for the door.

"Bye sweetheart! Have fun!" he calls, I wave in reply, before turning in my seat to face Johnny.

"Ok, your cabin number is 12, and you will be sharing with 2 other people. Your schedule will be on the back of your cabin door, and have fun!" he exclaims, smiling at me.

I get up from my chair, smiling at him, before running out the door with my suitcases, and towards the cabins. I walk down the long line of them, until I spot number 12. I open the door, dumping my bags down next to the door, after closing it.

"Hey Ally!"


"We have a cabin together!" She squeals, hugging me excitedly.

"I know! But, Johnny the head councillor said that we have another person in here aswell!"

"Yeah, I heard" She says, less enthusiastically.

"What if she's horrible?" I wonder out loud.

"I know right?! I bet she is!" Trish agrees, sitting on the single bed, on one side of the room. I'm guessing she's claimed that bed.

"I'll take the bottom bunk!" I offer, starting to unpack my things.

"Cool" Trish replies, flipping through a magazine.

I shake my head, smiling, at her obsession with fashion and gossip magazines.

I place all my underwear and socks into a spare drawer next to my bed, then I fold up my tops, dresses, jeans, skirts and everything else, into a bigger drawer at the end of the cabin.

I put all my shoes under my bed, before placing my wash bag in the connected bathroom. When everything is unpacked and away, I collapse onto ym bed with a sigh. The covers have that nice cold feeling of fresh bed sheets. I breathe in the scent... pine!

I'm interrupted from my thoughts, as I hear the door open and close, revealing our new roommate.

"Hey, I'm Indie" She introduces herself, quietly.

"Hi, I'm Ally, and that is Trish" I smile, pointing to me and then Trish.

"Hey! I can introduce myself!" Trish argues, before turning to Indie and smiling.

"Hi, I'm Trish" I roll my eyes playfully at this, while Indie just giggles lightly.

Indie has fair skin, with red curls that cascade down her back. Her green eyes sparkle as she laughs, which relaxes me a bit, reassuring me that we will be friends in no time.

She is wearing a few bracelets, with skinny jeans, a light tie-dyed top and short leather jacket.

All in all, she looks very laid back and easy to get along with.

We all begin chatting for half an hour, before the clock chimes 5, signalling dinner.

We get up, making our way out of the door, laughing. The gravel beneath our feet crunches as we walk towards the food hall. The sunset in the sky makes me feel instantly at home. Like I belong here.

I smile to myself, following the others into the food hall, taking a seat next to them both. The screech of a microphone is heard then, making us cover our ears. When it stops, Johnny steps up to the mic, clearing his throat, before beginning his welcome speech.

"Welcome to Melody Music Camp! Whether old or new, you are all very much welcomed here! Firstly, we are going to place you in groups according to talent, and you will get to meet your camp councillor" He exclaims, everyone cheering near the end. Wow. I've finally found people who are just as enthusiastic about music as me!

"Ok, so the first group is dance!" He starts calling random names, as I sit here waiting for the singing/songwriting category to be announced.

A few more groups pass, Trish in stage decoration and costume category, and Indie in the guitar category.

"Now, the singer/songwriter category! This is when I actually start to listen.

"Kim Jones, George Smith, Ally Dawson.." That's my cue to stand up, and walk towards the side of the room labelled, singer/songwriter. Johnny announces the rest of the names, before walking over to us.

"Ok, so this is your camp councillor, Austin Moon" Johnny announces, before starting on the next group.

"Hey, so I'm Austin, as Johnny just said! If I'm honest, I can't write a song to save my life, but I love to sing! And, I'm guessing you all know how to write considering you are in this group!" He says, causing us all to chuckle.

Austin is tall, well built and I'm guessing around 1 year older than me. He has blonde hair that seems to flop just the right way.

"How come you're a councillor, you look so young!" Kim speaks up, sounding confused. This makes Austin laugh, his brown eyes sparkling and his perfect white teeth showing.

"Johnny thought I could become a councillor early, since I'm one of the more progressed students! Maybe you guys could become one too next year! I'm actually the same age as most of you! I'm 16" Austin replies, in a friendly tone.

No way is he 16! He looks older!

"Ok, so now, go have dinner, relax, whatever, and we will start classes at 8am tomorrow!" He smiles, dismissing us.

I run off towards Trish and Indie, smiling.

"Hey! Who is your councillor?" I ask, cheerily.

Trish looks up at me, frowning.

"The doofus named Dez! You know, the guy that irritates me all the time! Turns out, he's a councillor now! Why is he teaching us about stage props and fashion and stuff, if he can't even dress himself properly?! She whines, making me and Indie laugh.

"Well, mine is Dallas! He is awesome!" Indie tells us, happily.

"I have someone called Austin Moon. The one over there" I say, pointing towards him.

"Ooh! Lucky! He doesn't look too bad!" Indie exclaims, shocked and slightly jealous.

"It's not fair!" Trish moans, childishly.

Our dinner comes and we tuck into our burger and fries, chatting about random things and listening to the live band play.

Once we are done, we all head back to our cabin and get ready for bed.

"So, are you excited for tomorrow?" I ask the others, while brushing my hair.

"Totally!" Indie says, before brushing her teeth.

"What do you think?" Trish replies, flatly, already laying in bed.

I just shake my head, goodheartedly, before getting under the warm covers of my bed. Not long after, Indie climbs up the ladder and into the top bunk above me. I turn the light off, before we all fall asleep,

Hope you liked this chapter!


(1) I made that name up lol:P

(2) I don't own this song! Love it though:D

(3) Again, don't own it, but I do love it