So this was a random idea that came to me, big cliche coming up, a few nights ago when I was asleep. Hope you like it :)


"What have we got Carter?" Jack asked his second.

"Not sure sir although I can confirm my original assessment that whatever this machine is it's made from the same material as the stargate, naquadah," Sam answered, fiddling with the machine in front of them.

They had arrived on the planet a few hours before and had found the piece of technology that Sam was currently studying. "Keep at it," Jack said before turning his attention to Daniel, who was working on deciphering the writing. "Any luck Daniel?"

He looked up and nodded, "It's ancient like I thought and although I don't recognise some of the words I have managed to translate this portion here." He gestured to the side of the machine he had been working on, "It says something about opening alternate; I think the word is realities or existences."

Jack raised an eyebrow and looked at Teal'c who was keeping an eye out for unexpected visitors, even though the MALP had said there were no life signs in the immediate vicinity, although there was an unexplained reading which Sam was sure was coming from the machine although deep down she wasn't a hundred per cent sure.

They all heard the low, "Yes," from Carter as she got the machine panel open. Jack began to walk over and suddenly there was a flash of light and in the blink of an eye it was gone however, once they could all see clearly again, they noticed that their surroundings were different. Where there had before stood the ruins of an ancient city there was now trees and a clearing which is where they were standing. As they looked around, all now on the alert, they noticed two lights appearing and a funny sound coming from that direction.


"How are the repairs progressing?" Janeway asked the gathered people although she concentrated most of her attention on B'Elanna.

The ship had been severely damaged after a run in with a Borg cube and Janeway had decided that instead of repairing it in the air it would be safer and quicker to make the appropriate repairs on the surface of a nearby planet which, due to the chemicals and radiation present in the atmosphere, was unscanable from space.

"We're getting there Captain but we need at least another twenty four hours," B'Elanna answered before handing the Captain a PADD with all the data on.

Janeway nodded and was about to say more when over the comm system she heard, "Captain Janeway we've just picked up a power fluctuation on the planet and four no five life signs have appeared."

Janeway tapped her badge and said, "Transport Lieutenant Tuvok and Commander Chakotay to the location." She looked at the two of them and said, "This planet was empty of life, go and find out who they are and how they got here without us knowing."

Tuvok and Chakotay both nodded and stood before heading out of the room and towards the nearest transport.