
(A/N) This; I think; is an underused story type. But people will read and like what they want so who am I to judge.

Disclaimer: I don't own PJATO or Twilight.

"You're insane." Percy said calmly, something that felt odd to him. "I've just survived a war. There is no chance I could survive school too." After the Giant war Percy had deluded himself into thinking he'd finish school. So he'd stayed at camp for a few months and trained; honing his skills. After all, no one had gone unscarred during that war.

"No," Sally said with a small smile, "Your finishing school or you won't get to keep your present." She smirked as she saw Percy look at her curiously with narrowed eyes.

Percy smiled, "It's definitely blue right?"

Sally chuckled, "Yes, and no it's not food." Percy visibly saddened. Sally would never understand teenagers and their bottomless pits they call stomachs.

Percy lifted a hand to his chin and rubbed it in thought, there was a little stubble. Percy was very proud of that fact; he thought it made him look older when in fact when you looked at him with his long messy black hair and small little stubble it usually made you think he was a slouching surfer rather than a professor. Percy sighed loudly, he had no clue what his mother was talking about, "Okay I've got nothing." He eventually said as his mother's smirk got bigger.

Percy gave her imploring look and Sally shook, "Uh, uh," She said showing that little bit of New Yorker, "You'll find out for yourself when you get there."

Percy lifted the acceptance letter in his hand as he looked at the words that seemed to do hundred and fifty degree turns on the page. "But I've never been to Sporks!" He said finally and Sally looked at him oddly before laughing a little.

A baby cried out a little and Paul told them he got it as he walked past with a bottle to their room.

As Paul walked by Percy could just see his mother's growing distress, "I don't want to send you anywhere Percy." Sally said and Percy saw a few tears in her eyes. Percy's little anger dissipated quickly and gave his mother a hug. "But this house is too small and you can't always stay in camp. You also have to finish your studies."

Percy looked around their rather small apartment. There were baby products and clothing strewn everywhere as well as the occasional plastic bottle. He knew he couldn't stay at home much anymore. Before he'd stayed to help his mother but now though he couldn't help but notice he was actually in the way. He was glad he'd have a sister and didn't want to be a hindrance. He nodded almost to himself.

"Okay," he said softly and his mother looked up to him with a bit of tears in her eyes, he smiled, genuinely and showing that he did understand and would comply…to a degree. He held up the acceptance letter in his hand, "I'll go but you know as well as I do that my classroom days are done."

Sally frowned, "Don't you want to at least try?" She asked, "Charlie went through hades getting those acceptance letters for you." Charlie was Sally's little brother and Percy's uncle.

Percy shook his head, "I've already missed too much, I'll see if I want to do night schools though." He said and smiled knowingly, "But I will make a contribution, after all I need to pay for an apartment-"

Sally shook her head, "Charlie offered for you to stay with him." Percy raised his eyebrows in surprise. Sure Charlie was his uncle but he'd only met them once when they'd made a trip to New York; and the Swans lived all the way out in Forks near Seattle. Not exactly what you called a taxi ride to New York…

Sally had once told Percy that Charlie had taken their father's surname while she'd taken their mother's. A way to reinvent themselves as both said. This was, after all, after the plane crash…

"Well," Percy said as he stood up, "I guess I'll have to go pack." He walked through the hall noting just how small these halls had gotten since his time as a toddler. Back then they seemed huge. Of course the same was said about Smelly Gabe but now after all these years of fighting and training Gabe would look like a gnat; one Percy would gladly squish.

Paul stood at the door way with a smile; his life had been going good. Paul was married to the woman of his dreams, had the ultimate warrior for a son, had a kid and was now settling down. For Paul, life couldn't be better. Percy smiled and moved to his room making the small hallway accessible again. Paul wasted no time to go to the kitchen and fetch something before giving his wife a small peck.

The perfect life. To Percy, that didn't exist. But if you'd been through what he'd been you'd think the same. He made his way to the bedroom that seemed so small now. He sat on the bed and thought on this. Life seemed to move at a pace which Percy could barely hold onto. He looked back at door before putting both hands to his face and rubbing them tiredly.

When Percy finished packing it was already well past midnight. Percy would have been tired if it hadn't been for his abilities. It truly was gods send sometimes. He sat down on the bed thinking about recent events, unwilling to go to bed just yet. Usually when going to sleep he'd have nightmares. About the wars mostly, but sometimes about other things.

Even if it was Monday he had nothing to do now. Percy turned a picture and picked it up. It was Annabeth, Grover and him. Taken after Titan war. They seemed so careless back then, so innocent. Visiting hell really did change you. Percy decided to go out front and watch some TV. His little sister was almost as heavy a sleeper as he was and to Percy it was proof that his sleeping genes had come from his mother.

He plopped down and put the TV on. It turned to a small Rom-Com story. Percy really didn't want to hear about a romance story right now. So he moved to the comedy channel. After a little while of watching he was interrupted, rather rudely, by someone laughing next to him.

"I really do love this girl!" the blond man in a tracksuit said, "Of course, I did date her…" The girl he was previously mentioning before was currently doing a rant of the guy who got her pregnant. She was at a stage where she guessed the FBI was hiding him from her. Gotta love those Bronx comedians right?

"You do realize that she's probably talking about you right?" Percy asked and Hermes shrugged.

"If I helped her career in the long run who gets hurt?" he said, "It's mutually beneficial."

"How's it mutually beneficial?" He asked as the god made some popcorn appear and a small chair for his feet.

"She gets money for ranting about me and I get to laugh as she does it, quite simple really." Hermes said as he gulped down a few of the popcorns.

Percy looked at him oddly for a second, "Well I think I have you figured," he finally said as he swiped a few of the treats, "You are weird." He summed up. Percy took a bite of the popcorn and nodded, only an Olympian could get popcorn this good.

Another comedian came on and Hermes sighed. "So what you doing here?" Percy asked before letting a piece of popcorn fly and catching it in his mouth.

Hermes looked at him astounded, "Who says I didn't just come to watch a great comic make his debut?" he pointed out to the man on stage right now that was making a very poor performance. Hermes visibly grimaced, "Okay, that's one lie even I can't keep up."

Percy nodded as he switched to CNN, "Ah, come on Percy, if I wanted to know about politics I'd be talking and sitting with Zeus now."

"Shame," Percy said and still he watched the news. "Now talk or I'll put it on something you will really hate."

Hermes mock sniffed, "You are cruel Percy Jackson," he said before sighing and saying "Fine I'll talk, just put it on something else."

Percy chuckled, but turned it back to the comedy show where the noob of a comic was booed of stage and another girl came up and instantly the crowd went rolling on the floor with laughter as she spoke. "Thank you," Hermes said with a sigh, he made a card appear and threw it to Percy who only held it up questioningly.

"What the Hades is this?" Percy asked puzzled as he felt the card in his hands, "And what is it made of Gold?"

Hermes chuckled, "That, my young cousin, is a credit card that will never dip below a million without going back up." He paused as he looked at Percy's shocked face with a chuckle, "And it's made of imperial gold, stronger than the usual gold and lighter than plastic."

Percy pocketed the card and nodded, "Cool."

"Also, since you keep losing things we've took it upon ourselves to make that card impossible to lose." Percy raised an eyebrow as he felt the card sit next to riptide.

"And who is 'we'?" he asked.

"The Olympians of course!" Hermes paused, "Well, mostly your father but that's not the point."

Percy frowned, "Why would the Olympians give me anything?"

"Well, seeing as you never got your gift after the war-" Hermes began a little uncomfortably but Percy stopped him.

"Right okay, I understand." He said with his hands shaking slightly, "Thank you for coming Hermes, but I think Zeus would throw a fit if you stayed any longer." The sky rumbled as if pondering to agree with that sentiment or berate the one who would possibly mock Zeus.

Hermes this time had a pained look on his face, "It wasn't my fault-"

Percy interrupted again, his good mood near gone; "I know and I don't hold it against you but . . . just go please." Still Hermes stayed.

"Your one of the good ones Perce," Hermes said, "it's just a shame all the pain goes to those that try their best to be good…" Percy sure agreed with that. Sudden realization hit Hermes, "Oh!" he said his mouth actually turning upward into that knowing smile, "I forgot I'd like to pay for your travel, you know, to Sporks." Hermes chuckled as Percy shook his head, stupid dyslexia.

"And why would you do that?"

Hermes stood up, made two bus tickets appear, handed him the tickets and before leaving he said; "I'm the god of travellers. It's my duty to help all those lost to find a home…" The Hermes was simply gone.

Percy looked at the two tickets, they were for the next day; he sighed audibly as he rubbed a tired hand through his raven black hair. He stood up slowly, careful not to make a noise, "Thanks Cousin," Percy said to open air, "Just, please, explain to that comedian girl about her situation then . . . run." Percy felt the cold breeze of air around him and he chuckled, Hermes fearing a mortal was funniest thing he'd ever imagined.

He walked down the same narrow hall and into his bedroom, closing the door behind himself. He sat on the bed and looked at his bedside clock. 03h22. He shook his head, he'd probably get about three hours of fitful sleep before he'd have to get ready for his trip anyway. He decided he might as well go back to the TV. He watched action movies the rest of the night…

(A/N) Well there is the prologue for the story, please tell me what you think, I really like feedback.