Once again, a fight had broken out during one of the world meetings.

Once again, the bickering pair was France and England.

"Bloody Frog! Have you ever won a war?"

"Oh, Sourcils, you, know the saying, 'Make love not war'"

"That's right, you don't do anything unless it will somehow satisfy your ego or sex drive! You're nothing but a pervert!"

"THAT'S IT!" France shouted, startling everyone in the room. "Enough with calling me a pervert! You have no right! You are just a hypocrite. No one is more loose with their body than you!"

Silence reigned, and all attention was focused on them. France's chest was heaving up and down from his outburst, while England spluttered, desperately groping for a response.

"I- Wha- How dare you make such an accusation! I won't take this from anyone, least of all y-"

"ALRIGHT!" France shouted with frightening authority. He turned to the nations and micronations that had gathered. "For this exercise, there will be no shame! There will be no judgement, d'accord?"

All the heads in the room silently nodded.

"Then let us proceed. Can all the ladies in this room who have ever slept with England, please raise your hand."

"This is outra-" England shouted, red-faced, interrupted by none other than Hungary, with her hand held high.

"Just shut up, okay?"

When silence returned, people began to gasp.

The hands up were: Belarus, Belgium, India, Kenya, Leichtenstein, Hungary, Monaco, Seychelles, Taiwan, Ukraine, Vietnam, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

The girls all looked around and were stunned, some horrified, by the number of girls. No one had expected that England had gotten round, and now everyone knew it.

But France wasn't done.

"Thank you, ladies. Now, may all the gentlemen who have slept with England please raise their hands."

Surprisingly enough, France's hand went up, as did the hands of the remaining members of the Bad Touch Trio, Prussia and Spain. Then Australia, Austria, America, Cameroon, Malaysia, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, a great number of islands scattered throughout the world, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, BOTH of the Italys, Netherlands, Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, most of the African countries, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, and Switzerland, who had been readying his gun the moment Leichtenstein had raised her hand.

For a few, long minutes, thick silence filled the air.

Then Hungary fainted from a nosebleed.

Poland and South Korea burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Switzerland was ready to attack for his sister.

Norway for his brother.

Romano for his twin.

Spain for his 'Little Tomato.'

Some, like Canada, Finland, and Lithuania, had turned into bright red, stuttering messes.

Everyone else was stunned into a dumbfounded silence.

France left the room hautily, with an expression that exuded arrogance.

England followed not too long after with embarrassment.

It could only mean one thing: