Holiday Spirit
Warnings: Randomness. OOC-ness. Cheerfulness. Fluffiness. Slash.
Author's Note: Merry Christmas everyone! Today is still December 25th where I am… *stands there trying to look like I'm not bashful at all* So I wasn't able to finish this story by Christmas though I said I would… so I will include two interludes after the original final chapter (next one) as an apology…
Thank you to GenderlessPerson for the shout-out! If you haven't checked out their work, you definitely should because it is fabulous. Pairings are Harry and Tom.
Background Information: Harry isn't pure light anymore. He's more in the "grey" area, and has been since finding out the many secrets his headmaster had been keeping from him. His godfather's death had hit him hard, but while he mourned, he also reasoned that this was war and casualties happened on both side. This is his 6th year at Hogwarts.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is J K Rowling's
Chapter 8
Quick Summary: Since the beginning of November, Harry Potter has been owl-mailing the resident Dark Lord presents every Saturday. In the last chapter, the two met face to face for the very first time since the gift-giving started~
Monday, December 24 - Evening
A deep chuckle brought Harry out of his shock. It took all he could manage to not short-circuit and blank again; he felt light – so light – and in a haze, almost as if he were floating but not entirely comprehending the fact itself.
Riddle pulled back, smiling smugly when he saw that the boy – still in a daze - had unconsciously followed, seeking the lost heat.
Letting go of the boy's chin which he had grasped in order to tug him close, he gently caressed the side of Harry's cheek, trailing over pale smooth flesh tinted red.
And then Harry was gone. Out of reach. Moving back ten paces within seconds.
Riddle wanted to laugh at the predictability of the boy.
"Y-you..!" Harry stuttered, cheeks flaring a bright red as one hand pointed at the Dark Lord, the other unconsciously drifting to his lips. "W-what was that!?"
Riddle cocked his head bemusedly, pleased at the flustered state of the boy before him. "A kiss," he stated dryly, before continuing in a teasing tone, "Or do you not know what that is, Potter?"
Harry spluttered, both in indignation at the slight and also in hysterical-ness because oh Merlin the guy I have a crush on just kissed me! He was still in a state of muted shocked over what had transpired. Had Riddle really just…? He flicked his tongue out and caught what faint taste of something divine on his lips. Something that hadn't been there before. Yup, Riddle had indeed really just.
Gently rubbing his lower lip, Harry glanced up warily and somewhat sadly at Riddle. He must have known about Harry's attraction towards him. He knew that Riddle was partially aware via their connected mindscape, and Harry knew that he had been rather obvious in showering him with gifts and such over the past two months. And, he also knew that Riddle was an expert at manipulating people around him. Receiving gifts back from him was one thing, but this? Was Riddle just toying with him? Or could he dare hope that his affection extended both ways?
"Why?" Harry questioned hollowly, his voice and his face conveying how lost he felt inside.
Riddle frowned. "Why not?"
"We're prophesized to be enemies," Harry said tonelessly.
"There is a way for us to co-exist," Riddle intoned slowly. At Harry's questioning – and was that a look of hope? - glance, Riddle extended a hand out to the boy before him and gestured grandly with his other. "Come join my side, Harry Potter."
Harry's eyes immediately hardened and took on a determined sheen. He crossed his arms. "I refuse to let innocents get hurt."
At that, Riddle was grudgingly impressed. He knew the boy was attracted to him, and yet here he was, stubbornly refusing to take the perceived easy way out and fighting hard for his morals despite his conflicting emotions.
Taking another look at the youth standing stubbornly before him, Riddle decided to be honest. He couldn't help but be intrigued by the boy. He was an enigma, and so different from what he had first expected. Also, the more they interacted, the more Riddle felt drawn to him. His fiery spirit, displayed numerous times when they've encountered before, and his adoring cheeriness, demonstrated over the past months, two very different sides, yet strangely compatible. He wanted to know the boy more.
"I've changed my policies." Riddle admitted, "I was losing my mind earlier, but after a ritual, I've regained my senses. The Wizarding world needs change, and you know that."
Here, he stared pointedly at the Harry, knowing the boy had had experienced many of the injustices present within the ministry's policies firsthand. "I am the man that can bring it about."
Striding towards Harry and invading his personal space, knowing that he could work it to his advantage, Riddle murmured, "Give me a chance. Consider my side."
Harry took a deep breath, and then whispered resignedly, realizing that he had already lost the moment he acknowledged his affections, but taking comfort in that he wouldn't conceded unless he knew for sure no more aimless bloodshed was to occur, "You have my attention."
"Then follow me."
Taking Harry to the manor's sitting room, Riddle quickly cast a charm at the fireplace and within seconds, had the warm glow of flaming embers light up the room. Then, turning towards Harry who had taken a seat on one of the plush armchairs, Riddle sat down opposite of him and leaned in predatorily.
"Harry Potter, we have much to discuss…"
"Let's start anew," Harry declared suddenly after the two had conversed for a few hours. Upon reaching compromises and an agreement, they had soon moved from policies and war motives to personal interests. Soon, a certain intimacy and the hint of something became prominent in their conversation; however, both had been content to ignore the colouring undertone despite their heightened awareness of each other's presence. If Harry noticed Riddle's smouldering gaze on him, in between questions, he didn't say anything. If Riddle detected a tint of awe and infatuation present in Harry's eyes with every traded banter, he didn't comment on it. Harry held out a hand as he looked up at the taller man, smiling at comfortable air between them, and proclaimed, "My name is Harry Potter. People who are close to me are free to call me Harry."
Deciding to humour the boy, Riddle took the offered hand and replied, "And I am Lord Voldemort." Sighing, he added reluctantly, "You may call me Tom."
Harry smiled softly. "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance Tom."
Then, with the hand he still held, the Dark Lord pulled Harry towards him and onto his lap. Softly capturing Harry's lips again, he slowly coaxed the boy straddling him to respond. Although hesitant at first (Tom did surprise him once again), Harry soon melted into the embrace, arms entangling behind the older man's neck and fingers threading into the Dark Lord's wavy locks.
Breaking their kiss and staring at the boy panting hard on top of him, Tom made up his mind. "It's past midnight. Would you like to stay the night?"
"Really?" Harry quickly responded, elated, adoration shining through his eyes. Then, he flushed red. "Uh," he stammered eloquently as he looked away and shifted awkwardly, "we're not going to… um… you know… right?"
Tom smirked in amusement at the boy's flustered state. He knew exactly what Harry was asking. "I just wanted to hold you in my arms tonight, but if you are offering, then by all means I wouldn't say no."
Harry quickly shook his head, the blush that had become ever present during the course of the night burning his cheeks. "No! No, this is fine." Closing his eyes, he composed himself before opening them again and giving Tom a soft smile, "Mr. Riddle, I would love to stay the night."
Tom stared at him, genuine warmth and affection replacing the usual coldness in his eyes. "Good."
"I have a theory - will you let me check something?"
"Um, sure?"
They were both sitting on the bed of the master bedroom, having moved there shortly after Harry had decided to stay. Tom closed his eyes in concentration and pressed a hand down on Harry's scar. A second later, he opened them, this time, a look of muted wonder present.
"You… You really are…"
"I'm what?"
Suddenly, Tom laughed harshly.
"Um, Tom? Are you okay?" Harry asked, immediately reaching a hand out for the other man, feeling a bit worried.
Tom waved him off and quickly reassured him, "I'm fine. Never better in fact. To think, all this time…and I had thought you were my enemy."
Harry yelped as Tom pulled him in for a quick kiss, dazed as the other pulled back and smirked handsomely at him, all the while keeping him on his lap.
"You are mine." Tom uttered with conviction. "You belong to me. When I first became aware of our shared mindscape, I suspected but I couldn't be sure. But now, here you are, and I've confirmed. You really are mine."
Tom grasped Harry's chin and pulled him close. Staring into his eyes, he stated, "I will never let you go, my little horcrux. You belong to me. With me. By my side."
Harry was torn for a second; he was his own man and it didn't sit well with him to be possessed. He knew what a horcrux was through his extra-curricular readings, and he wasn't sure if he liked what the implications meant for him. However, his growing affection for Tom and the overwhelming sensation of rightness he felt in the other man's presence quickly overwhelmed all other feelings and doubts.
"If it's you, then I'm fine with it," he agreed softly, staring back at Tom with an unwavering gaze. His next few words were delivered with utmost determination. "But if I belong to you, then you belong to me too."
Tom chuckled and pulled Harry close, nuzzling his soft brown locks, his soul screaming mine so possessively and with such fervor that he never wanted to let the boy go. "I believe I can live with that."
Hugging the Harry close to him, he draped the covers around them and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. "Goodnight brat."
Harry looked up and started to smile but was interrupted midway by a yawn. Tom couldn't think of anything more adorable. "Goodnight Tom," Harry murmured sleepily. Then, he shyly added, "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas to you too."
to be continued
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