A/N: What up Wreck-it Ralph fans? Finally, I'm actually writing fanfic again! And what more, its Felix/Calhoun centric! Yay! Sappy opposites-attract romance! (I love you, Disney, for all your opposites attract couples…)

This chapter takes place when Ralph, Felix and Calhoun leave Sugar Rush at the end of the movie. Enjoy :)

Escape Into My Heart

Chapter 1: When can I see you again?

The arcade was just minutes from opening. Game Central Station was nearly empty, save the few troops waiting outside of Sugar Rush and the Nicelanders sitting outside of Fix-it Felix Jr. The troops hadn't heard back from Sergeant Calhoun since she and Felix left, so none had expected the escape pod to come barrelling past them when it did.

Calhoun landed the ship in front of the entrance to Fix-it Felix Jr. She planned to leave it there for the day and come back for it later, there simply no time to fly it back up to the tower now. Her troops began to run after her, but she waved them off, taking the communicator from her belt and practically yelling into it. "Get to your stations, pronto! If you're not in formation by the time I get there, I'll feed you the Cybugs myself!"

Felix hopped down from the escape pod after Ralph and both were almost immediately surrounded by the Nicelanders and their flurry of questions. Although he was happy to see his friends, they needed to get back to their game. Not only that, but Felix had one last thing to say to Calhoun.

"Come on, we need to get back before Litwak really unplugs us!" Ralph said. Although the Nicelanders wanted to hear about how Felix found Ralph—and how they ended up in a space ship looking vehicle—they followed Ralph to the entrance of their game.

But Felix didn't move. He watched Calhoun put her communicator away and was baffled when she turned in his direction, their eyes meeting and locking in a tender exchange. A rare smirk graced her face and he was in shock, feet glued to the floor. He had expected her to walk off; he had expected to have to make her look back at him. The very fact that she had done so on her own account brought him nearly the same joy he'd had when kissing her. His shock subsided fairly quickly, having remembered that it was in fact Calhoun who had gone so far as to kiss him on the lips. His heart swelled at the thought.

"When can I see you again?" He asked almost urgently, their time running out.

Her small smile only grew wider. "Well, I do have to come back for this." She said, gesturing to the escape pod.

He looked at it, then back at her. "It'll be here, safe and sound."

She was tempted to get on her knee to be at his level, but there simply wasn't enough time. She settled for words to communicate her wishes. "You better be here too." And with that, she walked off.

"Felix, what's taking you so long?"

Felix could hear Ralph's voice echoing from the train.

"Coming!" Felix called.

Once they were off, Ralph nudged Felix to get his attention. He looked back at Ralph and was curious as to why the bad guy looked so amused.

"Hey, so…" Ralph began. "Is Sergeant Calhoun the 'dynamite gal' you were talking about in the fungeon?"

"'Dynamite gal?'" Gene retorted questionably.

"'Fungeon?'" Mary asked, confused.

"It's a long story. Believe me." Felix said to the Nicelanders. "Let's worry about our game right now before we go hoottin' and hollerin' about last night." He eyed Ralph then, as if to say "Yes, yes she is."

Praise, Flame, or ignore the review box to your heart's content. There is much more to come :D