My eyes fluttered open as my alarm beeped, my head still laid on Jason's chest rising and falling with each breath. His jet black hair covered his forehead and part of his eyes. I tilted my head and placed kisses along his strong jaw line. His gray eyes slowly opened and he smiled.

"morning" he said in a raspy voice. I giggled and kissed his lips softly "morning"

He leaned down to meet my lips again. "Is this even real?" I looked at him puzzled. " Me and you, I'm still surprised the team let me stay here let alone invite me on this trip You know they still don't fully trust me." .

Jason or Red-X as many people know him recently became one of the "good guys" and retired his costume now he's just plain Jason Todd. It's been five months since we started dating ,when I told the team about him they were angry but understanding everyone but Robin he's still outraged and angry. Robin thinks I'm only with Jason to get back at him now that he's with Star but I'm happy for them. Me and Robin had a really rocky relationship so rocky that we couldn't even do the clichés of being friends its more like awkward acquaintances.

"What are you thinking about?"he asked putting an arm around me. "How we've come such a long way, we use to fight each other but now were cuddling in bed" I giggled and started to trace circles on his chest. "Stop that tickles" but I kept on.

"Oh okay" he said and in one swift motion he was on top of me and pinned my arm above my head. "Since you wanna tickle me" he said with a mischievous grin and began to tickle me with one hand. " Oh my god stop" I said between giggles. "Sorry what was that?" he said as he tickled me harder. I wiggled wrist out his grip and hit him playfully, He pinned my arms down again and kissed me roughly ,still energized from our play fight I wrapped my legs around him and deepened the kiss. Jason placed a hand on the small of back and pulled me closer to him.


"Who's there?" I pulled back panting

"Its Cy" he answered as if it were a question. "Umm were leaving for the plane in thirty"

"Oh okay we'll be down in a few" "We? eww is Jason in there with you?"

"Y-" "Yeah and you're kinda interrupting"Jason said ironically interrupting me. "interrupting what? y'all better not be doing anything inappropriate"

"Wow Cy you sound like the over protective mother I never had." "I sware I'm installing cameras" he said as his voice faded away.

"Come on we need to get up" I said patting his butt "How about we stay here and I make you mine" His words sent shivers down my spine. He began to place a row of kisses on my neck.

"Jason Stooppp, we really need to get up." "Do you really want me to stop?"

"No" I said as my face turned a shade of crimson.

30 minutes later Robin lectured me about punctuality, and the members of Teen Titans East Showed up. Everyone partnered up (except Aqua Lad) Me and Jason, Robin and Starfire, Cy and Bee, Beast Boy and Terra, and Kid Fash or as Jinx Calls him "Wally".

We all climbed into the Jet T-Ship and began our long trip.

Beast boy and Terra told obnoxiously annoying jokes while Robin and Star sucked each others faces off. I have this theory Robin is only with Star to get me jealous. I think Star knows this too. Jason tried to keep me calm and relaxed, but all that relaxation would soon come to an end.

Sorry this chapter is soo short but it needed to be replaced. A longer version will be up soon but I'm in the process of rewritting the whole story so please bear with me thanks. Dont worry about the other chapters I'm going to replace them soon, I'm sorry this took soo long lol.