Hey! I decided to dedicate my first ever fanfic too... *drumroll* Fushigiboshi no Futagohime! Of course you knew that, you're reading this. English is not my first language, it was actually Chinese, and I've been learning English for four years now. If you see any errors in grammar, spelling, etc. point it out nicely and I will fix it. K enough ramblings, onto the story!


Fine and Rein are living happily ever after with their boyfriends Shade and Bright, or so they thought. Two new princesses transfer into the Royal Wonder Academy. Shade and Bright find them selves drawn to these mysterious girls, and they slowly lose interest in Fine and Rein. Will our favorite twins help each other gain their true love back? Or will they fall in love with someone else. It's a love _ (insert many sided polygon XD) Eventually Rein x Shade and Fine x Bright.

Now onto-

Shade: Ahem

Oh yeah, Disclaimer: I do not own Fushigiboshi or any of its characters

And now onto the story!

Fine's POV

Mmm, chocolate parfai- *ring* I woke up to my alarm clock ringing, but it wasn't mine, it was my twin sister, Rein's. Geez, why does she always get up this early? It's only- 7:54?! I thought, this is bad, we're going to be LATE!

"Rein, Rein!" I frantically shook the body hidden under a mob of messy aqua hair. Getting no response, I pinched Rein's flushed cheeks and pulled on her rumpled nightgown, "Come on Rein, we're going to be late again!"

At this, her eyes popped open, "AHHHHH!"

"WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" We yelled in unison as we got ready, we wore our school uniforms, as usual, with our bell charms. The angels, Kyu-Kyu and Pyu-Pyu followed us. I walked into the shower, hoping that there was still breakfast when I got out, that dream had made me hungry.

By the time I stepped out of the steaming hot shower, Rein was buried underneath a pile of assorted accessories. "Fine!" she whined at me, gesturing to the pile she already picked out, "Help me! I don't know what to wear for Bright-sama's double date with you guys!" Wait, date? Oh yeah, oops. I distinctly remember Shade saying something about that last week. I guess I was too busy eating the ice cream he bought me. Which means, "AHHH! I totally forgot about that! Never mind what you are going to wear! What should I do? Shade said wear something pretty, but I don't have any casual dresses!" I scream.

Rein sweat-dropped, "F-Fine, calm down. I think you're over exaggerating, just be yourself remember? Shade will love it. And please help me pick out my accessories! I need to find a pair that matches this dress!" She held up a stunning turquoise dress, it was layered and ruffled around the edges. The edges was adorned with sparkling jewels so it tinkled at every step she made.

I looked thought the huge pile of necklaces and bracelets Rein had chosen, I decide on a matching set one shade darker than the dress, "This one." I announced, even though I knew nothing about fashion.

"Wow! They're perfect! Thanks Fine, you always know what to do." She smiled at me, and I beamed back, "Now let's hurry or we'll be late to school!"

As if on cue, Camelot and Lulu came bustling through the door, yelling, "Fine-sama, Rein-sama, if you don't hurry, you'll be late!" I made eye contact with Rein who had just finished picking out her date outfit, and a silent communication was made. We were twins after all.

"RUN!" We screamed and hurried to catch the train to school. I wonder what the boys have in store for our double date, I hope it's a restaurant. Also I heard there were going to be new students today, we'll make them our friends for sure!

Sorry, had to do a short intro. Anyways, hope you liked it! So basically Fine is dating Shade and Rein is dating Bright at first, but it ends with Rein x Shade and Fine x Bright! There just isn't enough of those couples out there! Don't you agree? Okay, now a little help with my storyline, how long should it take for the couples to get together, a month? Two months? Maybe a week? Help please! And Rate and Review!