Blackjack and four younger pegasus appeared in front of the studio when Percy (or the older me, whichever way you want to look at it) gave a shrill taxi whistle. I felt myself smile when I heard the familiar "Yo, Boss." Although He was slightly less muscular and of course, older, but I could still recognize him easily.

Soon, all of us were in the air heading back to New York. I was at the back of the group on a brown pegasus named Berry who absolutely loved to run his mouth. (Those were his exact words.) He talked the entire trip, but I didn't mind. I needed something to distract me a bit.

At camp, Chiron, Hailey, Uncle Mark, Luke, Alena's friend (what's her name again? Jamie? Julie? Yes, Julie), and Nico were waiting for us, and although they all had smiles in their faces, I couldn't help but feel that they were upset about something.

Luke ran to his parents as soon as they had two feet planted on the ground. Hailey engulfed Alena with a hug with Nico following at her heels after congratulating Percy and Annabeth while Julie had approached Alena more slowly. Uncle Mark, who somehow seemed much older, gave me the all too familiar glare before giving me an awkward hug. Chiron talked briefly to Alena and Annabeth before trotting over to me.

"Good job, my boy," Chiron said, patting my shoulder. "Why don't we go to the Big House to get some things straighten out." He motioned for Alena, Uncle Mark, Ms. Coleman and Nico to follow and started to the three-story house.

Alena raised her hands in a 'stop-everything' gesture. "So let me get this straight. Mom- I mean, Hailey is my half-sister, Percy's Uncle Mark is 297 years old and the son of Chronos, and now all of you guys want to wipe our memory and send Paul and me back to the past?" she nearly screamed.

I winced when she mentioned Chronos and held my head in my hands. I wanted to scream as much as she did, but when Alena was frustrated, somebody has to stop her from killing someone. This was going to a long day.

Uncle Mark scowled and tapped the Ping-Pong table with his silver tipped cane. "I know what you're thinking, boy, and let me tell you I am not related to Luke! I'm two hundred years older than him. And do you have a problem with my age,brain child?"

"She just needs to get used to the idea, Marcus. It's not every day we meet a son of Chronos," Chiron interrupted before Alena could speak. "And yes, Alena, we do want you two to go back."

"But do we actually have to forget everything?" I asked.

"Actually no." We all turned to see three girls in old fashioned dresses standing near a corner. One was an old lady, the other a young woman, and the last a child. None of them were beautiful nor were they ugly. Although their faces revealed no expressions, all of three them had a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. They looked different from the last time I saw them except for the old lady, but I could still recognize them. "You'll remember the most of the important events but not the details. Think of it like a suppressed memory," the young woman continued.

Chiron and Uncle Mark quickly stood and bowed to the three figures while Alena, Nico, Ms. Coleman, and I stared shamelessly, speechless.

"Took you three long enough," Uncle Mark grunted, after straightening his back. I turned my attention to him in surprise. You just don't say things like that to the Fates.

"Careful, Marcus," the child giggled. "Atropos can cut your yarn any time she wants to. Better not get on her bad side."

"Oh, quiet, Clotho," the young woman said, winking at Uncle Mark while measuring a piece string. "She wouldn't do that until I tell her it's time, and he still has a long way to go."

"Stop getting off topic," the old woman snapped, her face morphing into a scowl. "I would expect this from Clotho but not from you, Lachesis."

Uncle Mark had his famous smirk on his face. "Oh, yes. Don't forget about the mistake that Atopos made. Cutting the string too early is a deadly mistake."

"It was Lachesis's fault for not measuring them wrong!" the elderly woman said, glaring at Lachesis, the young woman, who shrugged. "Let's just get this over with."

Clotho pouted and flipped her long blond hair. "You're no fun. Sometimes I wonder who's the oldest here: me or you." Turning to me, she asked, "Remember the promise we made you after the Second Titan War?"

"What promise?" Alena and I blurted at the same time. Nico and Ms. Coleman looked equally curious, and Uncle Mark tapped his fingers on the Ping-Pong tale impatiently.

The little girl rolled her eyes. "Remember? When we promised you you'll have a happy, long life?" And then she muttered to her sister, "Honestly. Boys. I have no idea what you see in them, Lachesis."

Something clicked in my brain, and I remembered when I saw myself grow older until I was an old man when the Fates were carrying Luke's body after the Second Titan War. 'Oh, that's what she was talking about,' I thought.

Lachesis clasped her hands together and beamed at me. "He remembers!"

Nico rolled his eyes and then paled after remembering exactly who Lachesis was.

"Terrific!" Atropos exclaimed. "Now let's hurry up!" After snipping two strings, one green, the other grey, halfway and letting Clotho attach the half ends to another string with the same color, she snapped to Uncle Mark, "You're good to go. I've already spoken to Mnemosyne about their memories already."

"What's going on?" I began before Uncle Mark grabbed me and Alena be the arm and started running to a wall. "Wait. Stop. Stop!"

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for impact from the wall, but instead a cold rush of… nothing hit me. I exhaled from relief, but when I tried to breath in, my chest tightened. My hand flew to my throat, and my lungs screamed from the lack of air. Uncle Mark's cold, hard hand gripped my arm tighter.

Were we shadow traveling? No, that couldn't be it. Uncle Mark wasn't the son of Hades, but we were traveling somewhere for sure.

After what seemed like forever, my feet slammed on a wooden floor. My legs gave way, and I collapsed on the ground which was surprisingly soft and made an 'oof' sound when I hit it.

"You know, I'm exhausted too, so could you get all of your fatness off me?" I opened my eyes to see a red-faced Annabeth under me. Ah… It's the pillow incident again.

"Sorry." Looking around, I recognized the room we were in as the Poseidon cabin and noticed that Uncle Mark was nowhere to be found. "Hey, where did Uncle Mark go?"

"I would like to know that too," she said, scowling as she rubbed her head and sat next to me on my bed. "Do you think we're in the past now?"

I looked in the drawer next to my bed and found the watch Tyson gave me all of those years ago exactly where I put it before I died. "Yup. We're in the past."

An awkward moment passed between us until Annabeth spoke up. "So… do you remember anything?"

I racked my brain, searching for a specific piece of information until it hurt. "Shoot! I forgot!"

"Really? Are you sure? I barely remember anything besides what happened in our first lives, and how are we supposed to help ourselves later on if we don't remember anything?" The frown that appeared on her pretty face almost I made felt guilty.

"You said it. How am I going to know which football team to root for?"

"Percy! Be serious!" She wacked me on the head with the nearest thing she could get her hands on which was my pillow.

"Ok, ok! I'm serious! I admit it. I remember most of the quest. Just stop hitting me!" I dodged another swing, feeling the air as the pillow narrowly passed my face. "Are you trying to kill me or something?"

"Humph!" She thankfully stopped her assault and hugged the once dangerous pillow to her chest. "So what do we do now?"

"We could find Uncle Mark," I suggested.

"Unlikely. He's probably went back, and even if he's still here, we don't know where to look. He'll probably find us instead."

"Why do we even have to deal with this now?"

"Because I'd rather plan now then flail blindly later on," she sighed.

"Fine. How about telling Nico?"

"No!" she shouted. "Do you know what would happen if we changed the timeline? We could all die!"

"But he already knew! You know he did, so someone had to tell him beforehand," I argued. "Besides, almost everything is written in stone since we already know what the future's going to be like. It wouldn't matter what we do now. Not that we wouldn't be careful," I added hurriedly, seeing the look in Annabeth's grey eyes. "We'll just tell Nico and no one else unless we have to. We need back up. Plus, he's a wicked liar," I said, remembering the time he covered for me so I could keep an eye on his sister for him and look for Annabeth and smiled unconsciously.

Annabeth pressed her face into the pillow and groaned. "I hate it when you make sense."

I stuck my tongue out and started writing a letter to Nico explaining almost everything that happened to get my thoughts in order when Annabeth signaled that somebody was coming. Who would come to my cabin when my funeral what taking place? Whatever the reason, I couldn't let him or her find us alive so I thrust the letter into a drawer and dived into the closet while Annabeth hid under the bed.

The door opened to reveal a teary-eyed Nico who headed straight for the slightly open drawer.

Yay! This is the final ending I've settled on, and (although I'm pretty sure some of you hate it) I have to say I'm a bit fond of it since this was the original ending I've made up when I first began it unlike the couple of chapters ago when I decided to take 'shortcut.' Unfortunately, there won't be an epilogue, but there may or may not be a deleted chapter(s) after the credits.

Also, as you might have noticed, I've changed the genre from Romance/Adventure to Drama/Adventure because, let's face it, this probably doesn't count as a romantic story.

Anyway, I really do hope you guys enjoyed it! Review please!
