Authors note: hey guys, this is my first fanfic ever so yea, i had time to kill and i like this show a lot a but i also like Avatar The Last Airbender so if you guys like this story or want me to write a Avatar one just let me know. If you guys really like this story i'll make some more chapters but i can't do that if you don't tell me, so review or don't, you have free will and i'm not going to force you to review, if you have any questions or want me to add something to this story just let me know and i'll think about it. anyway ENJOY :D!

My name is Tsukune Aono and this is the story on how I found the right women for me. I woke up like any normal day, I quickly got dressed since today was a Friday which I was very happy about, since I could get to spend 2 days relaxing and having fun with my closets friends. Moka a very cute and smart vampire was the first to meet me on our first year at Yokai academy. She had run over me on our first say which is how we got to know each other and became very close friends, for Moka it was her very first friend, so I meant the world to her. Kurumu was the second girl to meet me, I wont lie she has a very sexy body that is well developed, but I control myself around her because of our friendship, I would never do something to Kurumu….well I mean I COULD never do it, no matter how bad I really want to I could never force myself to do it. Anyway she tried to take over all the boys at Yokai academy so she could find her destined one since her race is slowly dying, she is a Succubus ,but Moka stopped her from taking over my mind when I took off her Rosario which turned her into a S-class monster ( a vampire like I said ) apparently vampires are very strong and very fast. As I looked at my watch I saw I was going to be late for home room if I didn't hurry. " Oh man I better move it if I want to make it to school on time." I said as I left my dorm not bothering to lock the door since no one ever came into my room. As I got downstairs I saw Moka waiting for me patiently, as soon as she saw me a smile was shown on her face.

"Good morning Tsukune!" Moka said in her usual good mood self.

" Good morning Moka" I said as I made my way towards her, as I got to her we started to walk to school together like we've normally been doing for the past 3 years. Oh and did I mention that this is my last year at this school? I'm really going to try and make the best of this year since it might be the last time I get to see my friends who are all actually monsters.

" Umm Tsukune you smell really good today, do you mind if…." Moka said as her face flushed with embarrassment asking me that question, which I don't really understand since she's asked me for a drink of my blood everyday for the past 3 years now.

I sighed heavily as I responded " Go for it Moka " I told her as I tilted my neck to the side to give her a better angel.

" Oh thank you Tsukune" she said as she bit my neck happily. I didn't really feel much pain since this was a everyday thing for us, it kind of felt like when a doctor put a needle in you, but over time you get use to it. As Moka finished drinking my blood we continued our walk to school. " Oh we are going to be late if we don't hurry Tsukune, come on! " Moka told me as she grabbed my hand and we ran the rest of the way to school. As we got there we made it just in time with 7 minutes to spare, which meant we could relax for a little before class started.

" Yahoo!" was all I heard as I turned my head to the source of the sound, but as I turned my head I found that my vision was being blocked by a yellow sweater that seem to come form thin air. Hand quickly wrapped around my head as they brung me closer to the sweater and into very soft flesh. " Oh Tsukune I'm so glad to see you again!" I heard a female voice say which I quickly recognized it to be Kurumu's.

" Let him go you cow! " I heard a young female voice I recognized to be Yukari's voice. Yukari is also a very close friend and just happens to be in our class this year, and she seems to have a crush on me but I'm sure that will pass over time. Yukari is a witch, a monster that isn't liked my either humans or monsters, they are a very lonely people who only seem to fight for what the believe in ( or in Yukari's case because she thought it was fun messing with people who were mean to her or saw as a threat ). As I was still being smothered and slowly getting to the verge of passing out, I heard a loud "BANG" and Kurumu let go. As I got air back in my lungs again I saw that Kurumu was on the floor and a big wash pan next to her. As Kurumu got up she glared at the young witch and they move started to argue. I wasn't really listening to their bickering because it seems to happen a lot but never really goes anywhere. As I looked forward I saw Mizore looking back, right into my eyes. She seemed to blush a bit as I made eye contact with her which I found very cute. Mizore is a snow women and she loves to spy on people ( mostly me ) she is a very mysterious kind of person and she doesn't show much emotion when she talks or reacts. She always is sucking on her lollipops which she seems to like very much, I could never tell if she gets new ones or is the same one from the day before. Mizore also as a crush on me but unlike Yukari she is not as young and she is more developed.

"Good morning Tsukune." she said as I was snapped out of my thoughts by her words.

" Good morning Mizore" I said as she continued to watch me closely as if watching to see if anything was wrong with me today. " Um Mizore can you not watch me like that, its kind of freaking me out." I said as I shifted uncomfortably.

" I can't help it Tsukune, your just so handsome and I can't help but watch you" she said as she blushed finishing her statement. I couldn't help but blush at her remark and smile a little to myself.

" Thank you Mizore I appreciate the complement." I said to her. She leaned forward over my desk and got very close to me, we were about 2 centimeters away from each other.

" Your very welcome Tsukune, I could give you more then a complement if you want…" she said as she blushed again and I turned a little red myself.

" Umm I… " before I could finish my sentence Ms. Nekonome walked into class, as she walked in you could see her tail follow behind her.

" OK class settle down and take your seats, meow " she said as everyone started taking their seats, Kurumu and Yukari agreed to settle their little disagreement later.

" Maybe next time Tsukune, but don't think I'll forget about this " Mizore said with a smile on her face as she turned back around to sit in her seat. I sighed as I let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding. As class started I seemed to zone out and stare out of the window, thinking about how things would be by the end of the year.