Chapter Fifteen:

Year Four:

April 1st

Nightwing stood in front of the new group, M'gann and Conner flanking his two other sides. "Uh hello!" He called.

The talking stopped and every hero in the room turned their heads to look at Nightwing. "I am Nightwing and this is M'gann," Nightwing said nodding to her, "And Super Boy."

"Call me Conner," Conner muttered.

"And I have looked through file after files of worthy heroes and you are the best of the best. I will be your leader. M'gann and Conner get second in command. We work side by side with the League and help to make this world a better place. You will be trusted to come to the cave each day and train and be ready at any moment to be in action. I don't care what you are afraid of, you will learn to face it. Also if any of you expect to work as soloist, that's not going to fly. We are a team, a family, you will learn to work side by side with anyone in the room. Even me," Nightwing looked around, "any questions?"

"Is it true that Kaldur is evil?!" Some one called from the back of the room.

Nightwing flinched and sighed, "I should of known this would come up. You have, by now, heard of Kaldur. And as of now we are not sure. Kaldur disappeared one day while on a mission."

"Where's Kid Flash? Artemis?" Some one else called.

"They are no longer in the hero business."

"No longer? Why?!" Someone wailed.

"It was their choice," Nightwing said, "nothing that happened on this team influenced them."

The room fell silent again.

Nightwing nodded, "Good. So if that is all if you would all come and get your room assignments. That will be all for today."

The room broke out in talking again and Conner glanced over at M'gann, "I'll take the guys you the girls."

M'gann shrugged, "Sure. Make sure you don't accidently give someone Gar's room."

Conner rolled his eyes, "Oh cause I am that stupid."

Nightwing stepped in, "If you have this, I'm off to my office. Got some important papers to start sending off the League about our new teammates."

"Fine," Conner huffed.

"Great," M'gann said.

Nightwing smiled at them, "Have fun."

"We will try," Conner huffed.

Nightwing nodded and headed off to his room.

Conner glanced at M'gann, "I've got the guys."

M'gann shrugged, "I've got the girls."

Conner grabbed the stack of papers off the table, "Good."

M'gann grabbed her papers too, "Fine."

And then they turned and walked away.


Artemis was sitting at the breakfast table when Wally walked in. "Good morning!" Wally cried walking towards Artemis.

Artemis looked up at him and glared, "Empty what ever is in your hands or pockets sir."

Wally frowned, "What are you talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me West. I know what today is as good as the next guy. April 1st. April fool's day."

Wally shook his head, "And what makes you think I am still into that childish holiday?"

Artemis narrowed her eyes, "Who are you and what have you done with the real Wally?"

Wally laughed and walked over and wrapped his arms around Artemis, "I love you Arty."

Artemis shook her head and kissed him, "I love you too."

Wally smiled, "You want me to make breakfast?"

Artemis turned around and looked at him, "As long as it doesn't explode on me you can make it."

Wally laughed, "I'm not promising anything."

Artemis shook her head and took his hand, "Then I'll make it with you."

Wally smiled, "Whatever you say."

Artemis stood up and rested her head against Wally's chest. "I will always love you Wally. Even if you like stupid holidays."

Wally kissed the top of her head, "And I will always love you Artemis. Even if you call my favorite holidays stupid."

Artemis looked up at Wally and started to say something, but Wally reached into his pocket and whipped out a can. Artemis reacted a second late and spray cheese ended up all over her face. "WALLY!" She cried.

Wally laughed, "Happy April 1st babe."

Artemis wiped the cheese off her face. "Hand me that can!"

Wally held it out of reach, "No!"

Artemis jumped up, "WALLY!"

Wally laughed and took off running. Artemis chasing after him down the hall. "WALLY!"
Wally threw their bedroom door open and ran inside. Artemis followed a second after him and jumped on him. Wally fell to the bed laughing.

Artemis grabbed the can out of his hand and sprayed it all over his face. "Ha! I win!" Artemis laughed.

Wally wrapped his hands around her, "No you don't." He pulled her to him and kissed her. The cheese on his face smeared on to hers.

"Ah!" Artemis cried, but she was laughing as she rolled onto her back.

Wally was laughing too and he reached across the bed and took Artemis's hand, braiding his fingers through hers. "That was fun."

Artemis smiled at him, "I have to admit it was."

Wally laughed and sat up, "So how about that breakfast."

Artemis sat up too, "That sounds lovely."

Wally and Artemis stood up and Wally wrapped his arm around her, "I'm still not making any promises that it won't explode on you."

Artemis shook her head, "I love you Wally."

Wally kissed her softly, "I love you too."


Rocket awoke in her still new room in the Justice League tower. She yawned and went to move her arms. She couldn't.

"Huh?" She asked. She twisted and tried again.

That's when she realized the blankets were stuck. Rocket frowned, "ZATANNA!" She wailed.

She heard laughing and a second later her closet door slid open, Zatanna standing there, smiling. "HAPPY APRIL FIRST MY BEST FRIEND!" Zatanna cried.

Rocket glared at Zatanna, "Get me out of here."

Zatanna smiled and shrugged. She said some magic words and waved her hand. The blankets untangled and Rocket tumbled out of bed.

"Ow," She said standing up.

Zatanna smiled, "April Fools."

Rocket shook her head and walked past Zatanna into her closet, "That would be the only reason you are up before noon."

"Hey! I'm up before noon everyday!" Zatanna cried turning to face Rocket.

Rocket grabbed her clothes and walked back out. She walked over to the window and stared out, "I wonder who Kaldur is celebrating with. If the rumors are true then bad guys I guess."

Zatanna frowned, "I'm sorry Raquel."

Rocket shook her head, "It isn't your fault. Actually I don't know who's fault it is. All I know is I can't be anything but hurt and confused right now."

Zatanna walked over to Raquel and looked out the window, "You know, Kaldur cared about you so much Raquel."

Rocket nodded, "I know. I just wish he hadn't left."

Zatanna glanced at Rocket and then back at the earth, "I wonder how Nightwing is."

"You don't talk to him?"

"Not a lot," Zatanna said with a shrug.

"This has to be hard on him a new team, no Kaldur, no Wally and Artemis, no us."

Zatanna nodded and leaned against the glass, "Yea. I guess."

Rocket stared out the window a little longer and then shook her head, "We shouldn't be sad. Not today. Today is suppose to be about laughs. And besides we should probably get going. I've heard the League likes to prank the newbie people pretty good."

Zatanna laughed, "Sure, let's go."

Rocket turned to follow after Zatanna with one last glance out the window. "Where ever you are Kaldur. Be safe. Come home soon. And don't forget I love you." Rocket thought.

Author's Note:

It's been two weeks since the Young Justice Season Finale.

If you want to see my whole reaction go to my story Birthday Surprise. (It's a Spitfire fanfiction.)

To sum it up, I cried.

I miss Wally so much.

I mean season one ended with kisses.

Season two ended with tears.

And that leads me to:


Finding My Way Back Home.

It's from Wally, Artemis, and Nightwing's POV and it's about Wally finding his way back home. (Duh.)

With parts in the story that are sad. And will rip out your shipper soul.

I think if you are reading this story, you'll like Finding My Way Back Home.

I've been on Youtube watching lots and lots of Artemis and Wally videos. And someone made a video on Wally/Artemis/Nightwing's friendship and at the end if the clip of Robin going, "If we are going to do better we need an illogical solution. A truly dumb idea."

And looks at Wally.

And then Wally look around and everyone is staring at him.

And without a season three, we will never get to see Wally and his dumb ideas again.



P.s. It feels weird writing about Wally since he is gone, but not gone in the story because he hasn't ceased yet.