This is the last chapter of my rewrite, so enjoy!


The shock in the Great Hall was palpable.

"That wasn't quite what I was expecting!" Ginny spluttered, choking on her cornflakes.

"In the name of Merlin! We're eating, you guys!" joked Seamus, but he looked pretty laid back with the whole situation, earning him a massive grin from Harry. The rest of the Hall erupted into whispers and murmurs. Draco glanced around and grinned again.

"I think we've suitably shocked the peasants". He joked, earning him a playful punch on the shoulder from a blushing Harry. He put an arm around her shoulder and proceeded to joke with the other Gryffindors who had suddenly become pretty accepting of him. Any friend of Harry's and all that...

Hermione was beaming with delight, but Ron stood up and stormed away.


Draco found that being completely honest with himself was extremely liberating. After their scene in the Great Hall, he and Harry had been able to walk down corridors hand in hand without worrying about what people would think. They ate at the Gryffindor table, they 'worked' together in the library and they passed notes in classes. In fact, Draco and Harry spent so much time together, that people didn't even bat an eyelash when they saw them. They had become a fixture. Permanent.

It was a good thing for the both of them, as it gave them both someone to confide in, and put an end to their tense rivalry which had caused them both so much angst.

But sometimes good things go sour.


On a crisp February day, Draco and Harry were headed indoors after a walk by the lake. They were flushed from the chill and, arm in arm, they were laughing at a private joke – something about the forbidden forest which made no sense to your average passer-by, but had the pair of them in absolute fits. They were headed to potions class after their lunchtime stroll, and they were in very high spirits. They traipsed through the entrance hall, Harry nudging Draco with her elbow, laughing out loud, and then him carelessly throwing his arm over her shoulder. Even heading to the potions dungeon couldn't dampen Harry's spirits that day.

The happy couple swung into the potions dungeon and sat down in their usual adjacent seats as Professor Snape swept into the classroom slamming the door behind him.

"Before this lesson starts," he sneered without his usual bitterness – in fact, he looked almost regretful, "Would Potter report to Professor Dumbledore's office". He didn't once look Harry in the eye.

"Well, I guess I best be going then," Harry told her boyfriend, pecking him on the cheek, curious as to why the headmaster wanted to see her.

"I'll see you later then!" He replied, giving her a lazy smile, pretty confident that it would just be one of those things Harry did, which was what he chalked all her adventures up to. She grabbed her bag, returning the smile, and made her way to Dumbledore's office.

"Canary Cream," Harry told the gargoyle, giving a small smile for the nod to the Weasley twins, wo whose business Dumbledore had taken quite the shine – which was why of course, he'd invited them back for the ball. The gargoyle jumped aside and she proceeded up the twisting stairs in a bubble of good cheer. She knocked on the door and hummed a little tune as she was waiting.

"Enter!" Came the unmistakable voice of the headmaster. Pushing open the office door, she stepped inside and turned to face Dumbledore.

"Harry," he said looking upon her with kind, but slightly pitying eyes. "Just the girl I was looking for. I have some news for you."

I'm gonna try to finish this baby, I swear! In the meantime... reviews? *padfoot eyes* (You thought I'd stopped asking didn't you? Well I would NEVER! mwahaha).

If you want to, check out my other stories, and hopefully I'll get an update up soon!