Courage P.O.V

"Hey Courage are you feeling alright your all red and shit" Cajun Fox asked me giving me a slight smirk. I looked up at everyone just staring at me with a blush and still squirming around.

"Uh I really don't know I feel a little weird, Im not used to being around so many people." I tell them "Especially so many nice people" I add looking around at the people just a few hours ago that saved me.

"Hey its ok were all family here, you with us now Courage you don't have to feel weird if you need anything or need to talk to anyone we are all here for you" Rex told me as everyone at the table nodded in agreement. "Thanks you guys that m- means a lot to me" I tell them with a growing smile creeping on my face.

"Hello my name is Jane I'll be your server today are you guys ready to order" A random voice piped in "Yeah uh ill have the steak dinner and I want it still breathing when it gets here and ill also have that with the order of potatoes." Mad Dog orders

"Ok and you" She looks at Rex still scribbling down Mad Dogs order. "Um I'll have the bacon deluxe cheese burger and the same I want it here still mooing O and also some fries and slaw with that" Rex tells her drooling just thinking about his food.

"Alrighty and you hun" she said towards Cajun Fox

"Ok yeah I'll have the Cat fish special with the side of fruit and can I get some fries with that also" he asks while looking at Jane

"Of course you can" she said with a smile on her chubby face

"And sweaty what would you like to have" she asked Courage with a sweat smile.

"You can have whatever you want courage so don't be afraid to ask for anything" Mad Dog tells me. "Uh c-could I have some pancakes with bacon and eggs?" I ask smiling slightly

"Why of course you can honey what do you all want to drink"

Beer, beer, beer, chocolate milk the all say at once.

Everyone looks at me when I asked for chocolate milk "What I love chocolate milk…my mom used to give it to me all the time that is when they were still around" I tell them getting slightly teary eyed.

"What happened to your mom Courage?" Asked Cajun fox leaning in at the table. "I-I really don't know when I was 7 they disappeared they were here one minute then next j-just gone"

I tell them remembering the exact day and time it happened.

"It was a beautiful summer day not too hot, birds are chirping, butterfly dancing in the summer wind. My dad had promised me the night before we would go to the ice cream parlor then to the park if it wasn't raining and thank goodness it wasn't. I was so excited to be spending time with them both since they work nonstop to support me. They would always say since Im a uke that's its harder taking care of a normal daughter or son.

When we had gotten to the park I headed straight for the swings I was so happy that I wasn't really paying attention to where my parents were. It seems like minutes that I was playing but in all it was hours as children left time went on till realized it was getting late and that my mom haven't called me yet. I looked everywhere for them but I couldn't find them. Then it was the next day I realized something was wrong where could they be I would ask myself W-why would t-they leave me. Days, weeks, months, years had passed and still I had no idea what had happened, where they could possibly be.

I lived on the street for nine years I had to learn to fend for myself to keep myself save from creeps and mean people that wanted to hurt me. I lost my tail and my hopes that my parent would just appear and that everything would go back to normal that everything would be fine. But it never happened they never showed up and that I had to face the facts that I would never see them again.

I had begun to think that it wasn't an accident that they went missing that they had just left me because they didn't want me that be being and uke was just too much to handle so they threw me away like a piece of trash.

I had been in and out of homes more times than I could remember but it all ended one way I was back on the street back to being alone. They would always say they didn't want me because I wasn't doing something right I was a good guard dog I wouldn't hurry and go into heat to give them my pups. It was the same thing every time. Right when I thought all hope was lost Muriel finds me, at first I didn't want to trust her but I had to I needed someone to love me to keep me safe and so I trusted her. And she has yet to hit or yell at me since she found me." I tell them opening my heart out to the people around me

"Courage we had no idea you had it so rough, but you're not alone we all come from rough backgrounds also that's how Rex and I met we come from such similar backgrounds. And if we need to we can always go pay a visit to your past home and kick there dumb asses no one treats MY Courage that way" Mad Dog says to me hugging me tight.

"Alright here is ya'lls food enjoy and tell me if you need anything" Jane comes back and hands us all our food.

When we all get done eating we just sit and talk for the longest time.

Mad Dog P.O.V

"Courage I now we just met and you already opened yourself up to us its time I tell you more about myself" I look up and see my gang look at me with sad smiles and Rex nodding as if telling me it's going to be ok that he will understand.

Well my life has been shitty too, I grew up an only child I loved my folks and they loved me or so I thought I knew my mom loved me and wouldn't let anyone hurt me or anything but we never expected my dad to turn the way he did. You see my folks were also in gangs two separate ones my mom was the leader of an all-girl gang named the Black Fairies and my dad was in there rival gang called the Blue Dusters (names are random all I did was look around my room for them) anyway they set aside their differences and got together.

When I came around my mom was the one taking care of me the most my dad was drinking himself away he used to say shit like he wishes I was never born and that she should have never left his gang. But I would always look up to my dad being the dumb little shit I was loved him never understood why my mom talked badly of him. He would always say to my mom that my ears and tail have to go or he will do it himself at that time I didn't know what he meant but they had to go. And my mom would always say are you out of your fucking mind he is just a child and we don't have to do what our parents did to us. But my dad would always say it's for the better that pure blood Pit Bulls should have such things and demanded to her that it WILL be done. So my mom told me to pack my things that we will be staying in a hotel for a while. But I didn't know that doing so would make shit a lot worse my dad had found us beat the shit out of my mom stole me from her and took me to a buddy of his.

The dude lived in a tiny beat up home with trash littering the yard and graffiti staining the house the inside was worse than the outside was it smelled of mold and garbage with dead mice and rats all over the floors the smell was unbearable. My dad took me in the back of the house where a man just as tall as my dad was he smelled of b.o and sour clothes he looked me over and asked which style of crop he wants me to get my dad told him long. And that's all I remember, I wake up due to the most excruciating pain I have ever felt and it was where my ears and tail were.

But as I felt where they should be they weren't there the man he took me too cut them off with a rusty kitchen knife then sewed me up with old fishing line. When my dad was talking to the man I looked at my surroundings and found myself in a room with a bed with someone strapped down to it. When I walked closer I found it was a boy about the same age as me with the same thing I was here for his, ears were still bloody and red and blue from being abused when he turned to face me his face was stained with tears and eyes soulless.

I couldn't think but help I probably look the same. After we had talked a bit to each other I learned that Rex was his name and that his grandpa had taken him here against his mothers' wishes. When I got back home the police were there waiting for my dad I can still hear my mom's screams and kept repeating why over and over again. And till this day Rex and I are still friends" I tell them all looking between Rex and Courage