As The World Falls Down

...I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you valentine evenings
Though we're strangers 'til now
We're choosing the path between the stars
I'll leave my love between the stars…

The universes shattered around them, like in a domino effect. One after another, slowly falling down taking the next one down with it as it fizzled out.

The team was struggling against something that, at this point, had become strong enough to be practically invincible. They had allowed this to continue on for too long. Coughing up blood, perhaps even half his lung, his knees quivered in effort as he hovered over her and her group of friends. They were civilians. Just civilians.

As a Vaxasaurian, he doubted his words or his actions would make much sense to her. No matter how much it triggered his memory, there was nothing for her to search in her own.

"Please," he said in a whisper. "Please remember me."

He was so exhausted, he could feel his consciousness leaving him like water ebbing, trickling away. The Omnitrix finally gave out and he felt his shift in size and form less than he did the weight of his eyelids. From the edge of hearing, he could hear Rook actually calling out to him in panic, in warning, of an oncoming attack directed his way. But he was too weak, too distracted. Barely able to register the fact that his position was actually defended, he only saw a glimpse of pink light reflect on her pale face, on the tears falling down from the side of her eyes.

A delicate hand reached out to him - but she was held back by one of her friends, the pretty blonde one who played tennis just like her.

At some point his knees finally gave out and he could hear the pattering of feet getting farther and farther. They were running away. It just made sense, they were in the line of fire. Just civilians. Nonsensically, this was killing him more than the pain his body was registering from the battering he had taken from the enemy. He could hear the concerned voices of a cousin, a best friend, and a new partner calling out.

Eyes closed, he was surprised when he felt arms wrap around him protectively. The sobs from this someone else was shaking him.

"I don't remember you," she cried quietly, desperately. "I don't remember you."

Even as she feared him and distrusted him, her arms could still comfortably wrap around him. The mind may have forgotten but it seemed, even in a world that didn't make sense, she would always be there to pick up the pieces of all the things he'd broken. After handling all the shards of who they were, the memory of her hands being lacerated - the scars of their tearing - remained.

As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone, wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you
As the world falls down...

A/N: Lyrics from As the World Falls Down by David Bowie, the soundtrack from Labyrinth