Title: Moments
Author: Watoshimi Kairou
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Characters: Horatio Caine / Calleigh Duquesne
Rating: General
Status: Incomplete
Summary: [Series of Interconnected Ficlets] It was such a familiar expression: a tilt of his head and a gentle smile stretched across his lips but it made her heart but pound hard against her chest.

This story was actually only supposed to be a single chapter long but then I realized that I never marked the story as complete. Additionally, I had a few nice reviews that just made me want to write more.

[2] Smokescreen

Horatio had always loved Yelina even despite the fact that she was his brother's widow and that he really does think her as a sister-in-law. There was a part—a small part—that wishes, that hopes, that dreams.

He dreamed of waking up in a mess of brown curls, opening his eyes to look deep into soft, chocolate-brown ones but no matter how much he wished, how much he hoped, and how much he dreamed, he knew that somewhere in the back of his mind, he didn't want it all.

Horatio dreamed of Yelina but he had never dreamed of a life with her.

One morning, Horatio woke up and decided that he was sick of it all. He was sick of being almost in love with his brother's widow. He was sick of watching from afar and wondering what Yelina felt, how deep her feelings for him really went and he was most definitely sick of worrying: What happens if Yelina shared his feelings? Would he be willing to take a step towards her and at the same time, push the shadow of his brother behind him?

Horatio liked Yelina but he didn't want to live a life with her.


His head snapped up and he almost jerked in surprise when he found himself looking into familiar chocolate-brown eyes. "Yes?" he asked, clearing his throat uncomfortably.

"You all right?"

Blinking rapidly, he forced himself to nod. "Yes, of course. Yes."

His words—not surprisingly—did nothing to convince her and he almost faltered underneath Yelina's gaze as she searched his eyes for answers he wasn't willing to give.

"It's the case, isn't it?" she asked softly. Everyone on the team knew Horatio had a soft spot when it came to pregnant women and children. Their current case had both so his somewhat sullen demeanor was no surprise.

"Ah..." Horatio breathed. "No... I'm just... ah, thinking."

Thinking, indeed.

"Okay," she replied slowly. "Well, I'm here to listen if you need anyone to talk to."

Horatio nodded again. "Thank you, but I think I'm all right."

She left him alone after that and Horatio gave himself another moment before he pushed the thoughts far, far, far into the depths of his mind. He had made himself a promise earlier that morning and Horatio fully intended to keep it. He was as ready as he would ever be, he decided as he got up from his seat, making his way towards a familiar room. There would be no more thinking of Yelina; he was done half wishing, half hoping, half dreaming.

"How are we doing, Calleigh?" he asked quietly as he pushed open the doors to the blonde's lab.

She looked up and flashed a smile in his direction. It was a familiar expression; Calleigh had always been quick to smile and laugh but the small quirk of her lips lit up her entire face and made her eyes glitter with warmth he was not accustomed to.

He blinked.

"The two bullets are a match," she answered, folding her hands out in front of her, the smile never leaving her face.

Her words registered and he blinked for an entirely different reason. "A match," he repeated, his voice sounding odd even to his own ears. He opened his mouth, habit readying him to ask if she was sure but thought better of it. Of course she was sure, he answered himself. Calleigh was always sure.

"I know," Calleigh said, as if reading his mind. "But I double and triple checked everything. It's him, Horatio."

He made a soft hum at the back of his throat and nodded. "I guess I will begin the paperwork then." He turned to leave. It was rather strange, if he thought about it. An easy case; they never get the easy cases. Not that he was complaining, of course. The sooner they solve cases, the quicker they put the—

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Horatio froze. He swallowed hard and wondered if his thoughts—the ones he thought he had so successfully pushed back into the depths of his mind—were showing so visibly on his face. He took a moment to adjust his facial muscles. "Calleigh?" he asked, turning around to face her because his face was relaxed, his smile sincere.

"You all right?"

The younger woman smiled, teeth flashing and eyes glittering. "It's all right if you don't, I just thought you should know that I'm here to listen."

"Well, I'm here to listen if you need anyone to talk to."

"Thank you, Calleigh," Horatio said carefully.

"It's the case, isn't it?"

"But," he continued. "I think I'm okay. The case is over." He felt like he was making the same excuse over and over again and wondered if getting over Yelina was supposed to be this hard.

Calleigh looked at him, the small smile still dancing across her lips. Finally, after a moment, she shook her head and let out a breath. Grabbing a few tools off her lab table, she began cleaning up. "If it was about the case, I wouldn't need to ask," she said, her voice so soft, he almost didn't hear it.

But he did and he froze again. "Excuse me?"

"You don't have to worry about a thing, handsome," Calleigh said, looking up to meet his gaze. Her eyes cut through him like he was made of glass, she was seeing directly through him with a bright-eyed glance and reading all his secrets. With a soft voice, small smile, and a clear eye, she was able to understand him like no other.

He felt his heart pound.

"Boys like you never stay single long."

At her words, he felt his entire world turn over and couldn't help but chuckle.