Koyasu: Oh, happy day! The fifth and final chapter of this here ficcie is finally ready for your reading pleasure.

Yoji: Nobody cares anymore, Koyasu-chan.

Koyasu: *pouts* They didn't care before. If you haven't noticed, the reviews aren't exactly pouring in.

Yoji: That because everyone is pissed at you for what you're doing to me in this fic. *frowns*

Koyasu: *bats eyes innocently* Whatever do you mean? I only pick on the characters I really love. *purrs, rubbing a hand on Yoji's ass*

*Omi glares at Koyasu*

Yoji: *nosebleeds* Honto ni?

Ken: *falls over laughing* Yoji, you horny baka! Can't you tell when you're being teased? She's married, remember?

*Omi sighs, relieved*

Yoji: *fidgets* Well...

Ken: Anyway, I think the story is brilliant, Koyasu-chan!

Koyasu: See? *sticks out tongue at Yoji* At least Ken apprechiates my work.

Yoji: That's only because he got to make Aya squeal like a pig.

*Ken grins; Aya nuzzles his face into Ken's neck, cooing like a baby*

Koyasu and Omi: Aww...

Koyasu: *grins* Now what was I gonna say? Oh yeah! Enjoy the rest of the story, and please don't forget to review.


Mrs. Kudou gave Yoji a look out of the corner of her eye. "Your boyfriend has issues."

"H-how" did you know he...it's your fault, you know!" Yoji spat out at his mother. "You've totally ruined the way he sees me; treating me like a child, and making me wear this ridiculous outfit!

Yoji's mother put her hand to her mouth, the pain evident in her eyes. "Y-you hate it that much?"

"I do! The shirt is this lame old lady print, and the pants are baggy enough to be mistaken for a long skirt!" Yoji emphasized his statement by tugging at said pants. "You sure you didn't make this outfit for yourself, then change your mind and give it to me?"

"I can't believe what I'm hearing!", Mrs. Kudou exclaimed, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

"Oh, mom, I'm sorry! Don't-"

"Ha! Gotcha!" Mrs. Kudou shot her head up, an enormous grin plastered across her face. "That outfit WAS mine! I was just playing around."

For a minute, Yoji just stood there; fists cletched. "You are one sick woman!" he finally said through gritted teeth. He lifted Omi up into his arms, carrying him out of the restaurant.

"Yoji? Yoji! Wait!", his mother called after him. "What about the bill?"

"You owe me!"


"Still there", Ken laughed, returning to his bound, nude lover.

Aya rolled his eyes. "Where the hell did you go?"

"Just to get a couple things to hush you up", Ken replied, getting down and straddling Aya from behind.

"What did-mmph!!!" Aya let out a muffled scream as Ken shoved a mouthful of oasis* in. Eyes watering, he continued making noises while Ken secured the oasis by closing Aya's mouth with a generous amount of packing tape.

"I know, it tastes like crap, right?"

Aya nodded, thrashing about.

"But you like it rough, don't you, love? You like the pain with the passion", Ken purred, gently stroking Aya's thigh. It eventually did the trick. Aya nestled into the soft soil, once again allowing Ken entrance.


"Yoji! Yooojiiii!" Mrs. Kudou called. "Wait for me! How dare you-"

Yoji stopped. "How dare I what? How dare I stand up to you? How dare I try and salvage what is left of my dignity? You know, there's a reason I left home right out of high school. I can only take so much of you, woman!"

Mrs. Kudou stood shocked for several moments; hands on her hips, jaw dropped.

"Look, mom. You can mope, or you can come home with us tonight. But no more of your sick jokes. Got it?"

Throwing her hands up into the air, Mrs. Kudou sighed defeatedly."Fine. You win! Son, you have no sense of humor whatsoever."

"Oh, I have a sense of humor. It's just not quite as sadistic as yours is."

Omi laughed sleepily.

"So you've come to." Yoji looked down at the young man in his arms."Hey! What was that laugh about?"

Wow! You're slow on the uptake", Omi laughed again. "All I'm saying is the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"That's hitting below the belt", Yoji chuckled, setting Omi down so they could walk side by side.

"Nah...there's other things I like to do below your belt", Omi grinned, winking at Yoji. "Oh, crap! I forgot my bookbag at the shop!"

"No worries. We'll just pick it up on our way. That okay with you, mom?" he called back to his mother.

"Yeah, fine."

"Oh, don't pout, mom. It's not my fault your jokes aren't funny."


"I hate you."

Aya was standing with his head under the faucet of the sink at the back of the shop, trying to wash the foul taste of oasis out of his mouth.

Ken put his hands behind his head, walking casually away. "Really? Then I won't stick it in anymore."

Suddenly, Aya looked worried. "No! I mean, um...I just hate the oasis is all."

"Duly noted", Ken laughed, holding Aya's hair back as he continued to drink. He loved that he was the only one who saw the quiet redhead for who he really was, and was able to give him the love his body so greatly craved. "Now, let's get dressed and head out of here, okay?"


"Oh, no!"

"What is it, Yoji-kun?", Omi asked as they stopped in front of the flower shop.

"You hear that?" Yoji paused. "Someone is in there."

"Maybe it's your friend", Mrs. Kudou suggested.

Yoji shook his head. "Aya would have left by now." Another pause. "It sounds like there's a struggle of some kind going on in there!"


"I though we were - UGH!!! - going home", Aya panted as Ken made love to him in the back room.

"We were. But your ass is so delicious, I just wanted more." Ken grunted, plunging himself into Aya.

"OH!!! KEN!!! You-"

"And what is this all about?"

Yoji stood in the doorway with his mother and Omi close behind. His arms were crossed, his amusement barely contained. 'This is too good!', he thought. It's good to know I don't take the prize for most humiliating moment of the evening.'

"Ken and Aya looked up at Yoji for a moment, like deers caught in the headlights. Then, they burst into a fit of laughter.

"Damn it, Yoji!", Ken managed to get out between laughs. "You totally ruined the mood with that get-up of yours. Made me lose my boner!"

Yoji's face flushed. He looked to Aya, hoping for some kind of an embarrassed glare from the redhead. But even Aya couldn't help himself. He was laughing so hard, he couldn't stand. Ken had to lift him onto his feet, which proved difficult considering he could barely keep his balance.

"Come on, lover", Ken chuckled. "I think it's time to get dressed."

"Hai", Aya giggled as the two men walked to the back office where they had left their clothes.

"I give up", Yoji grumbled, walking out.

"You need to visit more often, Kudou-san", Omi giggled to Yoji's mother after he was out of earshot.

"Count on it, she nodded, wiping a tear of laughter from her eye. "This was well worth the trip."

*the foamy stuff used to hold together flower arrangments
Author's note: Wondering what possessed me to write this? It's based it on a poster I have of the Weiss boys. My imagination does strange things when I have too much free time. :-p