Broken Bonds

Chapter X: Round 2

Time: 04:17

Date: August 16, 2010

Location: Germany

Hitomi and Ein emerged from the top of the stairs, a pair of bags in each hand, each dressed in their winter attire. Mira stood at the bottom of the stairs, dressed in her own winter attire, a red t-shirt with a white rose emblazoned on the front, blue jeans, and matching denim jacket with brown timberland boots, with a set of keys in her hand.

"You two ready?" Mira asked.

"As we'll ever be." Ein replied, turning to look Hitomi in the eye. "You sure you don't want to stay. Help Mira-san with the Dojo?"

"I'll be fine, Ein-san." Mira gently replied. "I know how to run the Dojo. I've done it a few times by now." Her features softened into a more concerned expression. "I'm more worried about leaving you alone by yourself with your memory the way it is."

"Which is why I'm going with you." Hitomi added matter-of-fact, moving to the bottom of the stairs.

"But you're not even competing." Ein replied. "It would've been simpler to just let me go alone, than to spend the extra money on a second plane ticket."

"Maybe." Mira added. "But as long as you make it to the Semi-finals, we'll be able to cover all our expenses easily. And I'm willing to take the risk for your sake." Mira pulls her sleeve back, revealing a white faced wristwatch with a thin leather strap to hold it in place. "We had better get moving. Your plane is leaving in an hour." She pivots on her heel and moves toward the front door.

"Come on, Ein." Hitomi cheerfully encouraged. "The sooner we get on the plane, the sooner we can sleep on the way to Japan." She followed her mother toward the door, a slightly dazed Ein following suit.

"Japan…" Ein parroted under his breath. 'Why do I feel so…nostalgic for that word?' He shook the thoughts from his head and walked through the front door.

Mira shut the door behind them. They piled into the family Volkswagen, Hitomi sitting in the back with her and Ein's bags. They drove along the paved road to the international airport, a forty-five minute drive where Hitomi slipped into a light sleep and Ein gazed at the dark surroundings that were sporadically lit by blue street lights. They eventually arrived at the airport, Mira dropping them off at the boarding gate where they filed out of the car, after Ein gently roused Hitomi from her sleep, and they proceed to check-in.

Ein and Hitomi moved through the airport until they reached their boarding gate, where they took a seat in one of the many leather waiting chairs for boarding passengers. "Looks like we have ten minutes before the plane is ready to be boarded." Ein said, he turned to Hitomi, who was slowly nodding off again. "You ever been to Japan?"

Hitomi looked Ein in his eye with a drowsy stare before replying: "No. Though Mother says we have family there. We get post cards around the holidays, but we've never met before…I suppose you don't remember if you do or not?" Ein just shook his head. "That's too bad." Hitomi giggled quietly to herself. "Wouldn't it be funny if we ran into someone in Japan who knew you?"

Ein playfully scoffed at the idea. "It would be helpful."

Outside of the airport, a Boeing passenger jet with the DOATEC logo printed on the side, waited for the two board, slowly being fueled for its flight while the crew prepares to stow the baggage into the cargo hold. Unbeknownst to them, a shadowy figure approached the waiting conveyor belt, her brunette hair tied in a ponytail with her favorite yellow ribbon.

'I just need to board this plane and wait till I'm back in Nippon.' Kasumi thought to herself as she waited for the best moment to board. 'I'll have to hide in the cargo compartment. It'll be safer and I can get some rest behind the bags.' Kasumi spotted the baggage cars and waited for the baggage crew to be distracted long enough for her to sneak on board. The baggage crew paused halfway through stocking the cargo bay, discussing something of relative unimportance to Kasumi. The young runaway quickly snuck up the boarding ramp and quickly hid in a corner behind the a tall stack of large roller bags, a nook large enough for her to curl up and hide without being noticed as the baggage crew returned to their duties.

"Now boarding for Japan." The stewardess announced over the loudspeakers.

"That's our cue." Ein said. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be." Hitomi replied with a stretch of her arms. They made their way to the boarding ramp, showing their tickets before boarding the luxurious plane. They moved through the narrow isle, noting all the business men and women as well as casual flyers that lined the rows. They took their seats next a window that gave the two a view of the wing and the ground below. "Next stop...Japan." Hitomi tiredly said as she started to drift off to sleep.

Ein noticed Hitomi begin to drift off to dreamland once again, an ideal that was growing more appealing to him as he sat waiting for the plane to take off. "I think I'll join you…" He drowsily added before following suit.

Time: 03:17

Date: August 16, 2010

Location: Texas, United States

Tina crept out of her large estate, dressed in tight fitting lavender jeans with silver cowgirl boots, a white t-shirt with a large white coat with tan fur lining. A sleek, high-end travel bag clutched in her manicured right hand, a matching hip high roller back dragging behind her.

'Ugh. I hate having to wake up in the middle of the night.' The blonde Texan thought as she made her way to her red corvette. 'I had better get into Hollywood after this. A simple Modeling career would be fine. I can break into Hollywood afterwards.' She dropped her shoulder bag into the passenger seat of her car before walking around to the trunk, hitting a button on her keys that automatically popped the rear compartment lid, allowing her easy access to place her large bag in the trunk and close the lid with a simple flick of her wrist and a heavy thunk. She sauntered around to the driver's side door, pulling the latch and popping the door open.

Tina stared back at her home, a large mansion that she purchased with her winnings from the last tournament and her earnings from her long and fruitful wrestling career. The home was made of stone, giving it a slightly rough, but still round appearance at the corners. It stood at two stories tall, with a symmetrical layout, three large windows nestled at the top floor with two extra nestled on either side of the front entrance. The driveway was a semi-circle with a moderately sized fountain in the center with a garden and two branching paths that lead to two garage shutters on the far sides of the house.

'I'm glad I finally moved out of the house. Dad was gettin' insufferable.' She got in her car, cranked the engine; the car revving to life, the engine howling with a thunderous roar. 'I bet he'll be surprised when he sees me in the tournament…I wonder if Izzy and Kasumi will be participating again.' She roared down to the road in her corvette, the dark streets of Austin keeping her company before reaching the international airport where she parked her car in a private security lot. She retrieved her bags and waited for the scheduled shuttle, which arrived shortly thereafter. The shuttle was mostly empty, a few stragglers who were too tired to notice the wrestling star sitting amongst them.

The shuttle eventually arrived at the departing gate and Tina checked herself in. She made her way through the airport to her boarding terminal when she was greeted by an unexpected sight in the form of a green Mohawk sporting DJ wearing white pants and brown belt, a teal shirt, purple silk jacket, and white sneakers. "Well, well, well~!" He spoke with an enthusiasm that Tina was no mood for that early in the morning. "If it isn't Tina~!"

"Not now, Zack." Tina immediately replied. "I have an early flight and I plan to sleep on the plane.

"You competing in the tournament as well?" Zack asked.

"As well?" Tina parroted with a dazed look before her eyes went wide and she took a disbeliving step back. "Don't tell me…"

"You guessed it, Baby!" Zack replied. "The Zack man is competing in the tournament once again." Zack flashed a toothy grin, staring intently at the blonde bombshell. "And this time, I'm gonna win, and you're going to accompany me on a nice romantic date."

"Oh, come on!" Tina groaned an exasperated cry. "You're still fixated on that?"

"You know it, Tina."

"Boarding call for Tokyo, Japan. Gate three." The two were jarred from their conversation by the airport loudspeakers.

"Just get on the plane, and please be quiet. I need to sleep." Tina said.

"Sure thing, Baby!"

"And stop calling me, Baby!"

Time: 03:17

Date: August 16, 2010

Location: Shanghai, China airport.

Gen Fu wandered through the airport, his mind on his granddaughter Mei Lin. 'The operation was a success and thanks to Isaac and that young lady, I was able to afford it. But the bills are getting to be too much.' Gen Fu thought. 'As long as I make it to the Semi-Finals again, we should be fine.'

"I'm going to beat you this time!" Gen Fu was jarred from his thoughts when he heard Lei Fang shout at a remarkably unimpressed Jann Lee.

'Seems those two will be at it again.' Gen Fu mused behind his large white moustache, a sly grin creasing his lips.

"Boarding call for Japan, Gate Five."

"You had best get going if you want to make your flight." Gen Fu told the two youths as he nonchalantly strode past them.

"Mister Gen Fu!" Lei Fang replied, her confident tone quickly shifting to surprise.

"Come now, no need to waste your youth just standing around." Gen Fu replied with a wide grin, closed eyes, and a jovial tone. "Else you'll end up old and ugly like myself!"

This earned a round of laughter from Lei Fang, and a chuckle from Jann Lee.

Time: 06:17

Date: August 16, 2010

Location: Tokyo, Japan.

Isaac made his way down the stairs of his home, dressed in black vans with white trim and stitching, a pair of loose fitting black jeans, a sweater that had a royal blue torso with thin black stripes patterned horizontally, giving the deep blue a darker tint, with a black neckline and sleeves, his necklaces partially concealed by the front of his shirt. He had a pair of grey fingerless wool gloves in one hand, his sunglasses in the other, and a grey flat cap loosely placed atop his head. A stick of incense between his lips.

Asili sat at the bottom of the stairs, Isaac's travel bag in her mouth as she whined at her partner. "Don't be like that, Asili." Isaac urged, putting his gloves on, the gloves had an open spot for the back of his hands and four small holes for his knuckles. "Mom will be home in about an hour." He knelt down next to the small wolf, he reached out for his bag only to have Asili back up defiantly. "Asili." Isaac firmly urged. "I have to get to the dock in an hour. I don't have time for this."

Isaac quickly reached for the bag, grabbing hold of and pulling it from Asili's maw. The Wolf lunged at the bag in an attempt to retrieve it from Isaac, but the teen lifted the bag just out of the black pup's reach. "Ah, ah, ah~." Isaac moved to retrieve his roller bag, placing his shoulder bag on top to minimize the weight he would carry. "Mother will be home soon. You like Mother, right?" Asili just bowed her head and folded her ears, knowing that Isaac would inevitably leave. "Now, now," Isaac mused as he affectionately rubbed Asili's head. "Don't forget, Mom will be bringing company." This seemed to enlighten the pup as her tail began to wag with joy.

"I'll be off now. Be good, and don't throw any parties while I'm gone." Asili gave a reluctant whimper before Isaac adjusted his cap to fit properly on his head and he left out of the door.

As Isaac turned to face the dirt road, locking the door to his home, a thought occurred to him that he had not considered since his return from DOATEC Island. 'Really wish Mom had left the car for me to use. As high profile as it is, I'd rather not have to walk this bag all the way to the station.' Isaac looked back at his roller bag, the plastic wheels bumping against the gravel, flicking the incense stick in his mouth. 'And I have a twenty minute walk to the station…I wonder if this is how Yosei felt when she came out here.'

Time: 06:20

Date: August 16, 2010

Location: Mugen-Tenshin Village, Japan.

Akihiko ran through the Hajin-mon sect, dressed in his gi, a letter barely poking out of his sash. 'Need to hurry.' He thought as he passed through the dense forest of the Hajin-mon sect. He could feel eyes on him from every side, he repressed the chill that ran down his spine and continued onward, knowing that he could not allow the atmosphere around him to affect his mental state. 'I had heard rumors about the Hajin-mon territory, but I had no idea it was this foreboding. Otou-san has often likened them to the Black Spider Clan of old, and they are still the most dangerous clan next to the Hayabusa…I wonder if Genra-sama will allow me to train here? If I can handle just passing through the Hajin-mon sect, then I'll be able to stand on par with Ayane-chan.'

Akihiko's destination was soon within sight. A moderately sized complex nestled at the top of a hill. It was darkly lit, the morning radiance obscured by the dense foliage the Hajin-mon purposefully kept overgrown. The complex commanded an intimidating presence by being simultaneously foreboding and dilapidated yet well maintained and welcoming. Every fiber of Akihiko's being told him that this was wrong, that he should never set foot inside. But he knew that such fears were unfounded, and would ultimately lead to his untimely death if not properly controlled. He slowed to a walk, resisting the urge to flee from this dark place as he approached the darkened fortress.

As Akihiko approached the door, he could see the faint flickering of candle light through the rice paper sheets and two shadows silhouetted through the parchment. Akihiko steeled himself, knowing full well what wait on the other side of the sliding door. Taking a deep breath through his nose, slowly releasing it as he reached for the door. He pulled the door open, revealing a kneeling Ayane, clad in her Flower of Miyama gi, a mostly chain-mail gi with deep lavender fabric on the front of her torso and her back, extending down to her inner thighs and legs, a small violet pattern just under her bust and framing the upper part of her outer abdominal muscles, exposing the chain-mail on her sides, her breasts covered by a white breast-plate. Her arms and legs were covered by wood brown arm and shin guards with oak leaves imprinted on the surface and brass trimming along the edges with black tabi and fingerless gloves, her arm guards covering a layer of chain-mail, her upper arms left exposed with only two brass bands on her lower triceps. Her black hood pulled over her head. Genra sat at the far end of the room, two tall candle posts on either side of him with his back to the two ninja.

Akihiko casually pulled his silver scarf over his mouth and nose as he calmly, yet swiftly moved to take a kneeling position next to Ayane. "Katsu." Genra suddenly spoke, his voice reverberating throughout the room, commanding a respect that shook both ninja to their very core. "I'm sure you are wondering why I have called you here this morning." Akihiko remained silent, too intimidated by the older Shinobi's mere presence to chance a look at him in that moment. "We have waited patiently. All of my most capable Hajin-mon ninja searching Nippon for any sign of Bankotsubo, our Young Shukun, and our Runaway Princess." Akihiko tensed at the mention of Kasumi, her location had remained unknown for weeks, as well as Hayate's fate. "I have some news for the both of you." He turned to regard the ninja for the first time, the red lenses of his demon mask glowing a bright red. "We finally have a solid lead for all three of these complications."

"I am ready to serve, Genra-sama." Ayane stated without hesitation.

"I know." Genra replied, more annoyed than proud that Ayane had affirmed her competence, much to the dismay of the Lavender Kunoichi. She quickly pushed those feelings out of mind before they disrupted her concentration. "We have reports that an individual who bears a striking resemblance to Lord Hayate is entering the Second Dead or Alive Tournament under the name, Ein." Ayane tensed with anxiety at the mention of her family. "Ayane, you are to attend the tournament, locate this individual, and assess if these assertions are true. If he is our young Lord, then our Princess is sure to be there."

"Am I to participate in the tournament, Genra-sama?" Ayane asked.

"No. It is not necessary for you to participate. You only need to observe this, Ein. Discern whether he is our lost Shukun and ascertain the truth behind his absence. Since you participated in the previous tournament, you were invited to attend the upcoming competition as either a participant or audience member with a plus five. Ryu Hayabusa will also assist you since he and our Young Lord have been close since they were mere children."

"As you command, Genra-sama."

"Which brings me to you, Katsu Rin." Genra's voice shifted to a more calculating tone, if Akihiko had not been intimidated before, he certainly was at that very moment. "I have specifically requested your presence for this next endeavor."

"My Lord?" Akihiko asked, raising a quizzical brow at the statement.

"Our Young Lord seems to attract problems wherever he goes." Genra warned, causing the two ninja to raise their heads to the older Shinobi for the first time, only to shy away the moment their eyes met his blood red lenses, his eyes boring into their being as if he was going to rip their very souls from their bodies. "Bankotsubo seems to be targeting Hayate. For what reason, we haven't the vaguest clue."

"My Lord, would it not be wiser to send one of the more experienced ninja on this assignment?" Akihiko queried. "Ayane and Hayabusa-sama should be more than capable of eliminating that monster."

Genra released a deep chuckle at the statement, not a warm chuckle one would give to a cute joke, but a chilling chuckle one would give once they caught a rat in a trap. It unnerved both ninja even more. "That inquisitive mind is precisely why I asked for your presence specifically." Akihiko went silent again, his confusion even more present. "Ayane has been exposed to Bankotsubo once already. She may not be able to resist his influence should they meet again."

"I am deeply ashamed." Ayane replied, hiding her emotions as best she could.

"But, you have powers that would make you the equal of any of the Hajin-mon given, the right training. Couple this with your inquisitive nature, and I'm sure you will be able to aide Ryu and Ayane should Bankotsubo decide to appear."

"Of course, My Lord. Forgive my ignorance." Akihiko replied.

"It matters not." Genra dismissed with a casual wave of his hand. "Just know that your presence serves a dual purpose, besides subduing Bankotsubo."

"Two, My Lord?"

"Yes. There have been three complications recently. Two of which I am sure you are already aware of." Genra pulled an envelope from his sash and tossed it towards the young shinobi, landing directly in front of the brunette. Akihiko picked up the envelope and peered inside to find three photos: One of a cloaked individual he recognized all too well. Another of a Dread headed teen with brown skin. The last of a teen he recognized with scarlet hair. "This being that calls himself Spirit. We are concerned that he knows too much. We need to know if he is an ally of ours, or of the individual that attacked you when the young Princess reappeared in the village. The other is a friend of Ayane, his name is Isaac." Ayane tensed once again at the mention of her new friend. "And finally, this Oboro Survivor, Agent Z. I have no doubt that one of these complications will show themselves at the tournament. They each possess abilities and/or knowledge that is potentially dangerous to the Tenshin-mon's continued existence. Should any one of these complications arise, I want you to assess them and determine if they can be aligned to our cause or if they need to be eliminated." Ayane was about to speak, but Genra quickly raised his hand to silence her. "I know what you are about to say, Ayane. But, despite this Isaac's obsession with Raidou now at its resolution, the council feels that he is a potential threat to the village. And all threats must be monitored or eliminated."

Ayane lowered her head, sorrow gripping her heart. 'The Council. It's always that damned Council that causes me pain.' She bitterly thought.

"Worry not." Genra quickly added. "I have taken measures to ensure his presence is not fully known, nor his whereabouts. After all, if my instincts are correct, it would be safest to keep him hidden, rather than fully expose him to the current council." Ayane felt relieved at this show of courtesy towards her friend. "Do I have your cooperation, Katsu?"

"Hai! Without question!" Akihiko quickly replied.

"Good, and remember, any information you discover with regards Isaac is to be brought to me first and only." Genra firmly added. "We must be very careful with what the Council is allowed to know at this moment. The politics of the village are in a tenuous state and Isaac, I fear, may be a destabilizing factor if his presence is made known. I am not completely sure how, but I can feel it on the wind."

The ninja sat in silence, contemplating the new information, both young ninja thinking the same thing: 'Just who is Isaac?'

"Now, quickly pack your things. Enough to last two weeks. Head to the docks in Kyoto and wait for Ryu and then proceed under his instruction."

"Hai!" Both ninja replied and hurried to their homes.

Time: 06:25

Date: August 16, 2010

Location: Tokyo, Japan.

"You ready?" Zell asked his roommate. He stood dressed in a two-toned red and black jacket, a grey long sleeve shirt with black cargo pants, and red high-top air force ones. A red gym bag over his shoulder and a black roller bag to his side with a long cylindrical tube, roughly five feet in height, attached to the side.

"Yeah." Mason replied, dressed in a white jacket with a black shirt and pants with white shoes. "Let's get going. Don't want to miss the boat." They exited their shared apartment, Zell locking up behind them. "Man, I am so excited!" Mason exclaimed as they made their way to the service elevator.

"I can tell. You were watching the recording of the first tournament none stop for the last week."

"And you weren't?" Mason teased, bumping into Zell's arm.

"No." Zell replied simply.

"You sure?" Mason continued to prod.

"Positive." Zell replied again, this time with less interest.

"Really?" Mason added again, a wide grin on his face. "Cause you were definitely paying attention when it came to Lei Fang's matches."

"Shut it, Mason." Zell firmly replied.

"No need to get defensive, Z. She's pretty cute, definitely your type."

"And how would you know "my type" exactly?"

"I've been living with you for six years now. I figured a few things out."

"Uh huh." Zell sarcastically added. "As long as you keep that nosey head of yours focused on your opponents, you should figure how to win the tournament. It would certainly help with the bills."

"Don't sweat it, Z. I got this."

"If you say so."

Time: 06:50

Date: August 16, 2010

Location: Tokyo, Japan.

Isaac arrived at the dock, a small crowd had gathered, waiting to board the Freedom Survivor which sat just off shore.

'Where are they?' Isaac thought, fiddling with his incense stick. He saw no sign of his would be acolytes in the immediate area. 'The boat will leave in a few minutes. Then they'll be SOL.'

"Izzy-kun~." The familiar voice of Momo pierced Isaac's ears and he turned to see her and his four Acolytes, each dressed in the winter attire he had last seen them in, Momo sporting a black leather jacket with a red shirt that had the words Kiss Me written in white across her breasts, black leather leggings, and black, high heeled platform boots that added another six inches to her height.

"About time you showed up." Isaac replied. He noticed that, along with the four acolytes, Momo had pack as well. "You coming too?"

"Yep." Momo energetically replied. "You have a Plus Five to your invitation, and only four slots had been filled. I decided I could use a vacation and figured, why not? My assistant can look after things at the shop while I'm gone. Besides," Momo moved closer and leaned forward, giving Isaac a clear view of her bountiful cleavage, her voice becoming sultrier as she spoke. "I wouldn't mind some alone time with my favorite assistant of them all."

"Right~." Isaac cautiously replied, swishing the incense stick to another side of his mouth, he turned his attention to the four young teens behind her, his sunglasses obscuring his eyes from them once again. "Remember to be on your best behavior. If you're going to learn under me, you're going to learn patience and humility above all else. Understood?"

"Hai, Sensei." They replied in unison to which Isaac took a moment of stunned silence before he composed himself.

"Right." He breathed a tired sigh. "I'm gonna have to get used to that honorific."

"I think it suits you." Momo teased.

'You'd be the only one.'

"I concur with the young lady." The voice interjected.

'Shut it, Old Man.' Isaac quietly replied in his head. "Alright, they're beginning to board. C'mon."

They checked onto the ferry and made their way to the Freedom Survivor. Isaac showed his VIP invitation once they arrived at the Freedom Survivor and they were ushered to the back section of the ship, which was usually reserved to stockholders and committee members of DOATEC.

On their way to the back, they bumped into three faces, one of which Isaac recognized immediately.

"Yosei?" He asked as he approached Ayane and the two brunettes next to her. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Ayane curtly replied.

"This a friend of yours, Ayane?" The tallest brunette asked, his jade eyes regarding the cocoa skinned teen and his posse with great curiosity.

They were interrupted by another familiar voice before he could receive an answer. "Ayane? Isaac?" They turned to see Mason and Zell approaching the group. "What are you doing here?"

"And yet more friends apparently." The tall brunette replied, an amused grin on his face. "I didn't know you were such a social butterfly, Ayane."

"I'm not." Ayane curtly replied. Taking a step toward the group and extending a hand in introduction. "Ryu. Katsu. This is Isaac." Ayane pointed to the dreadlocked teen. "I met him in the last tournament. You know, the one with the grudge against Raidou."

Ryu stared intently at the dreadlocked teen, recalling him from the Freedom Survivor a few months prior, but kept to himself as to avoid drawing suspicion. Akihiko quickly analyzed the teen, not seeing anything of immediate note from the way he carried himself; noting a sense of confidence and calm that he had only seen in the Dragon Ninja standing next to him.

"A pleasure to meet the two of you." Isaac said, extending his hand to the brunettes.

"Like wise." Ryu replied with a welcoming smile, taking the offered hand.

"Same." Akihiko replied in kind, accepting the gesture.

"The other two are Zell Natsumoto." Ayane indicated the scarlet haired teen. "And Mason Storm. A Dead or Alive hopeful."

"Nice to meet you." Mason replied, extending his hand and receiving the two brunettes.

"Like wise." Zell added.

"Sumimasen, Zell-kun." Ryu said. "But have we met before?"

"I don't believe so." Zell hurriedly, but confidently replied.

"Hm. My mistake."

"These people behind Isaac, I've only met once. I only know the one in the boots. Momo Kawa. Or, as you may know her, Momohime." Ayane replied with slight annoyance. Momo beaming a bright smile.

"The shop owner?!" Akihiko exclaimed.

"The very same." Momo replied. "I see you took my advice, Ayane-chan~." Momo indicated the light make-up Ayane was currently wearing.

"Don't. Call. Me. Chan." Ayane seethed.

"As you wish, Ayane-chan~." Momo replied with a cute tone, receiving an angry growl from the lavender haired teen. "As you know, I'm Momo Kawa. Entrepreneur. These two," She motioned to her sisters. "Are my imoutos. Tsuchi and Mizu. The boys are their friends from school. Kaze and Kai. I'm escorting them while my dear friend, Izzy-kun~," Isaac face palmed at the public display of affection. "Is teaching them to fight."

"Is this true?" Mason asked.

"To an extent." Isaac replied. "I'm not teaching them my style. Just helping them learn a style they can use."

"So you're merely an observer?" Ryu asked.

"Pretty much." Isaac replied simply. "What of you? I thought you weren't participating in the tournament."

"I'm not." Ayane firmly replied. "I'm just here to observe."

Isaac raised a brow at that. "A friend of ours is participating in the tournament." Ryu added. "We're here to show moral support."

"Oh." Isaac replied. "Okay."

"So any idea where we are supposed to meet?" Zell asked.

"Not really sure." Isaac replied. "I assume we just keep walking until we bump into one of the staff."

"Sounds like a good place to start." Ryu added.

"Come on you lot." Isaac motioned to the four teens behind him.

"Hai, Sensei." They replied in unison and Isaac just rubbed his face again, nibbling on the incense stick in mouth.

"I am never going to get used to that." Isaac said under his breath as he continued down the hall with the rest of the group, Momo giggling all the while.

Meanwhile; Ryu, Ayane, and Akihiko held back behind the group, whispering amongst themselves.

"What's your assessment of Ayane's friend, Katsu-kun?" Ryu whispered.

Akihiko cupped his chin and eyed the dread haired teen analytically. He was engaged in conversation with Mason, Kaze, and Kai. "Well…" Akihiko began, gathering his thoughts for a proper report. "I'm not certain what is so dangerous about Isaac. Other than what I've been told about him blocking the Rekku Jinpu Satsu and his ability to discharge lightning at will, there is not much to be concerned about. I would have to see him fight or ask him about his plans for the future before I can make a solid assessment." He turned to Ayane for a moment to address her. "I'll need your help with that, Ayane-san." Akihiko frown slightly out of jealously, but tried to disguise it as frustration for the amount of work he would need to do. "You two seem to be very close. He's more likely to answer your questions than he is mine."

Ayane nodded in compliance. "Sure. As long as it helps clear him of suspicion." Ayane grew cross for a moment, glaring at the ground. "He's the first friend I've had in a long time. I don't need the council causing me any more trouble than they already have."

"You must really like this boy, Ayane." Ryu teased.

Ayane blushed at the comment, Akihiko's frown deepened. "O-of course not!" Ayane firmly denied. "I-I'm just concerned for his safety. That's all!"

Ryu chuckled at the denial, unconvinced of the kunoichi's reply. "Whatever you say, Ayane." Ayane turned away with a huff. Ryu shook his head and returned his attention to Akihiko. "And what do you think of Zell?"

"Zell, Ryu-sama?" Ayane and Akihiko eyed Ryu with deep perplexity.

Ryu stared at the Scarlet haired teen, who appeared to be focused intently on the ocean view. "I sensed something from him. Something I've felt twice before." Ryu stated ominously, narrowing his eyes at the teen. "Once, the last time I was on this ship. And again in Germany, when we rescued Kasumi."

Akihiko and Ayane scrunched their faces, deep in thought as to what the Dragon Ninja meant when the image a red clad ninja appeared in their head.

"You mean, Agent Z?" Ayane stated in a low whisper.

"Yeah." Ryu replied. "I think that boy and Agent Z are one in the same. I remember sensing something…off…about that boy the first time we met on the Freedom Survivor and again when we allied with Spirit in Germany. His presence feels…wrong. Like its caught between that of a fiend and whatever Spirit may be."

"If that's the case then I'll need your help, Ryu-sama, in order to discern what kind of power he has and if we can allow him to roam free." Akihiko surmised. Ryu nodded stoically. "We'll need to be careful." Akihiko cautioned. "If Zell really is Agent Z, we have no clue who he could be working for and what kind of resources they have at their disposal."

Ahead, Zell continued to watch the ocean, all the while listening in on the ninja behind him. 'Shit! I'm going to have to be extra careful.' Zell bitterly thought. 'I'd rather not have to deal with the Hayabusa and Mugen-Tenshin clans if it can be helped.' He shifted his attention forward and eyed the dread hair teen. 'I wonder why they are so concerned with him? I'll need to contact the superior about this Rekku Jinpu Satsu thing.'

The group eventually reached a large oak door, a woman in a butler attire with snow white hair waiting outside the door. Ayane instantly recognized the woman from when Kasumi first escaped her.

"Welcome." The woman spoke with a British accent. "You have been expected. Please, head inside." She opened the door, revealing a large circular room with an equally large wall window at the back, giving a view of the bough of the ship with red carpeting and multiple circular chairs. A few guests were already inside, seated and waiting, eyeing the group as they entered the room. Ayane, Ryu, and Akihiko immediately began to analyze the gathered competitors at tables that seated six, a single mahogany desk at the end of the room. Two monitors were placed on opposite ends of the room, behind each set of tables. Many of guests were competitors from the previous tournament with only two newcomers.

Seated at one table in the center-left of the room was Lei Fang, Tina, and the runaway Kasumi. Akihiko and Ayane instantly eyed the runaway who paid them no heed, but was, instead, eyeing two brunettes at a table directly to the left of the door. A girl who wore a denim jacket and jeans with a water colored yellow and brown shirt with a pink headband and a man who wore black leather jacket with a black shirt, cargo pants, leather boots and sunglasses. The ninja instantly took notice as he looked eerily like Hayate. The brunette man looked at them for a moment, then looked back to the girl as if he had never seen the ninja before in his life.

At another table just behind the trio of girls was Gen Fu, Bass Armstrong, and Zack who looked like he was nursing an injury to the groin. To the far right of the room was the returning Tatsuya Nikamora who wore a red jacket with a grey shirt, blue jeans with black sneakers and Jann Lee who just ignored each other's presence.

Ayane, Akihiko, and Ryu made their way towards Kasumi, Lei Fang, and Tina. Zell and Mason went to sit at a table directly to the right of the entrance. Isaac and his group went to the remaining table directly opposite Kasumi's table.

"I am so going to beat him this time." Lei Fang said.

"Good luck to ya." Tina said. "You lost last time."

"Hey there." Ryu said, being as polite as he could, pulling out a seat next to Kasumi. "You mind if we sit here? We're friends of Kasumi."

Tina and Lei Fang eyed the runaway and she just nodded in affirmation. "We have no problem with it." Tina said.

"Thanks." Ryu sat down, keeping a space between Kasumi and Ayane with Akihiko filling in between Ayane and Lei Fang. "Have we missed anything?"

Lei Fang looked around the room for a moment before responding. "Well, Bass put Zack in a Nelson for hitting on Tina and then kicked him in the nuts."

"That explains why he looks so worse than usual." Ayane replied.

"I think Jann Lee was about to knock that jackass, Tatsuya out, but Mister Gen Fu stopped him before he did any damage."

"Kasumi here, thought she knew the new guy in black, but it seems she was mistaken." Tina added, looking at a downtrodden Kasumi.

"I thought for sure he was my brother…but he said his name was Ein….and that he's never seen me before." Kasumi replied with growing dejection

Ryu eyed Ayane and Akihiko and made a mental note to talk to Kasumi when they were in private.

"Apparently he's been lost for a while."

"He has." Ryu replied. "Me and Kasumi's brother grew up together. He was kidnapped a few months back."

"That's horrible." Lei Fang consoled.

"He does look a bit like him." Ryu added. "Though he could just be one of those doppelgangers you hear about."

"Could be." Tina added. "At any rate. We're just waiting for-"

The oak doors suddenly open up to reveal Helena Douglas, wearing an ice blue opera dress with a frilled collar and connecting string across her collarbone that showed ample cleavage with brass trimming, white stockings and boots with sky blue trimming and matching bow tying her long blonde hair into a low ponytail. She was accompanied by two young girls, both carrying thin wooden chests.

The first was a young blonde with pigtails and deep blue eyes, a Lolita styled girl with a very flat chest and she dressed the part. She wore a gothic Lolita style maid's dress, her chest a white cloth that was criss-crossed with black leather belts and had a red ribbon placed at her neck with a high neck collar that covered her shoulders. A large red ribbon tied on her back. black belle sleeves with layered white frills and skirt with multiple white layers underneath with a black headdress with white frills. Her bare legs had two belts wrapped around her upper thigh and two intersecting around her shins. She had an extra six inches added to her miniscule four foot ten-inch height due to her black platform leather boots with red heels.

The other girl, by comparison had a larger chest than any girl in the room, despite her age and her four foot eleven-inch height. She flowing pink hair and crimson eyes She wore a traditional black maid's dress with a white center and a tied on, frilled, white apron. She had a white headdress, cuffs, frilled shoulders, stockings with black ribbon tied around her upper thigh and ankle with black three inch heels. Her arms were laid bare and her top showed a lot of her sizable cleavage. The uniform seemed a size too small for her.

Behind them was a camera crew that were setting up at the four corners of the room.

"Quite the entourage." Akihiko said.

"How old is the girl in pink?" Tina asked in disbelief. "She has bigger breasts than me."

'Her breasts are bigger than mine.' Ayane thought, staring dumbfounded at the busty girl. 'And I know I have the biggest set here.'

Helena reached the desk and turned to address the room. "Welcome, and thank you all for coming 'ere today." Helena spoke with a rehearsed warmth, her French accent adding to her air sophistication. "Before we begin, would all those who are planning to participate in the second Dead or Alive tournament please stand? My lovely assistants will come around with the necessary items you will need for the tournament."

Gen Fu, Bass, Zack, Tina, Lei Fang, Ein, Tatsuya, Jann Lee, and Mason all rose from their seats. The cameras swiveling around to catch them on film. The blonde took the left side of the room while the pinkette took the right. The blonde opened the chest, revealing black sports bands with stiff yet flexible strands that magnetically clasped together and a rectangular LED screen spanning the width of the wearer's wrist.

The pinkette did the same, but tripped and fell next to Isaac's seat. Isaac helped the maid back to her feet and handed her the wooden chest with a kind smile. She blushed and moved to hand Mason his wristband. Momo leaned over and whispered something in Isaac's ear, prompting the dread head to calmly face palm and try to pull his face clean off in annoyance.

"He's certainly friendly." Ayane unknowingly commented out loud. A detail that did not go unnoticed by her fellow ninja and sister.

When the maid's finished handing out the wristbands, they returned to Helena's side, placing the boxes on the desk behind the French Opera singer. "The bands that were just handed out are GPS locators." Helena explained, opening a chest and pulling one of the bands out and showing it to the crowd. "It will be how we officiate the matches that will occur during the next two weeks." The last part garnered a more attention than the bands themselves.

"Did she say two weeks?" Lei Fang asked.

"Unless she stuttered." Tina replied.

"The reason for the time frame is because this tournament is single elimination only." Helena continued. "But, it will be done by points. These bands, aside being a good fashion accessory." Helena emphasized her point by fastening the wristband to her left wrist. "Every time you win a match, it will record it. Since there are ten participants this year, there is a potential to earn ninety points. Since we do not have time to allow the full amount of possible matches, and I am sure all of the participants would be too worn out to fight at their full potential for the finals. Therefore, DOATEC will randomly pair a single pair of participants together on a limited rotation. There will be two check ins at the end of one rotation. Each participant will have to win a certain amount of matches if they wish to advance to the semi-finals and then the finals. At which point, it will return to traditional rules. If you lose a match, you are out of the tournament."

"So what's the point of the GPS?" Bass asked.

"I am glad you asked, Mr. Armstrong." Helena kindly replied. "The Freedom Survivor will sail to various ports. The participants will be asked to disembark as we dock and at a random point in the day, each wristband will vibrate to indicate which participants are to meet and the battles will commence." All persons present nodded their heads in agreement.

"So we get a vacation and prize money?" Tina said. "I like this set up."

"Now if there are not any more questions, I would like to start the second Dead or Alive Tournament by having two returning fighters battle it out in a rematch that many of the previous tournaments fans have requested." Helena moved toward the middle right table, and gained the attention of Isaac and his group.

"Monsieur Gospel." Helena began.

"Isaac, if you don't mind." Isaac replied quickly, with an uninterested smirk. "Not old enough to be called Monsieur yet."

"Very well, Isaac." Helena complied. "You have been voted to start the tournament off."

"You do know I'm not participating this time?"

"It is only temporary. You are free to watch after the match has concluded."

Isaac just shrugged his compliance. "So long as it is the only time…So who's my opponent?"

Helena smirked. "I'm glad you asked." She signaled the blonde maid to press a button on the desk. Tatsuya's wristband soon began vibrate. A conniving grin on his face as he stood and moved to the center of the room.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Isaac commented.

"What's the matter, Gaijin. Scared?" Tatsuya mocked, earning a groan from a number of the participants present.

"Here we go again." Lei Fang sigh, putting her hand on her head in annoyance.

Isaac twiddled his incense stick in annoyance before rising from his seat. He took off his gloves and removed his hat, placing both on the table. He looked to Tatsuya with an unreadable expression before slowly walking to the center of the room and then turning back to his acolytes.

"Hey, you four!" He shouted gaining the rooms attention of the room. "Here's your first lesson." He turned to the grinning Tatsuya, who was currently enjoying the scene unfolding before him. "When you fight…" Isaac reached his hand up to his face, taking his glasses in his hand. "Be humble." He slowly removed his glasses, his eyes closed. "Never reveal everything you can do immediately, never throw the first punch." He turned back to the table, tossing his glasses towards Momo who caught them with ease. "And if you meet a cocky punk…" He took a step back as he turned back to face Tatsuya, who scoffed at every word Isaac said before dropping into his fighting stance. Isaac raised his head, rolled up his sleeves, revealing his shimmering markings, and opened his eyes, a collective gasp resounded through the entire room as they gazed upon the platinum iris of the blind teen. "Put his punk ass in the dirt."

Isaac dropped into his capoeira dancing stance. "You arrogant whelp!" Tatsuya blared as he rushed forward to strike Isaac. Isaac ducked around the fist, twirling like an urban dancer before kicking Tatsuya in the back.

"Make sure he knows he's less than the dirt he walks on." Isaac continued.

"He's blind?!" Akihiko, Tina, and Mason blared, echoing the astonishment of all present.

Tatsuya recovered and threw a flurry of strong jabs at Isaac's head. Isaac bobbed and weaved, his stance resembling more of a boxer now than anything. "I'll squash you like the bug you are!" Tatsuya continued to blare, his anger getting the better of him.

"Float like a butterfly. Sting like a Bee." Isaac continued to mock the young heir. He threw two jabs, quicker than lightning, each one striking Tatsuya's jaw. All anyone knew was that two fists returned to Isaac's side and Tatsuya was staggering back. Isaac returned to his capoeira dancing and kicked the teen off of his feet. Isaac recovered his stance and back flipped, kicking Tatsuya in his side as he fell to the ground.

Tatsuya rolled to one of the tables. He slowly rose to his feet, blood trickling from his mouth. 'He wasn't this fast a few months ago! What gives?!'

Tatsuya charged again, using more caution as he took deliberate and well-aimed strikes at Isaac's chest and face.

"I don't remember Isaac being that fast when I watched the tapes." Mason said as he intently watched the fight, his eyes struggled to keep up with Isaac's movements. "There's no way he could lose if he was participating."

"Which begs the question." Zell said, watching the fight intently. He was having equal trouble tracking the movements of the blind teen. "Why would a blind man practice?"

Akihiko watched intently with the rest of his ninja companions, Lei Fang and Tina growing more and more wide-eyed by the second. Each of the younger ninja were having trouble following the dread head's movements. Ryu was the only who was able to process each move the teen made

"He's blind…He's quick…He's acrobatic…His style has a number of holes in it and yet…" Akihiko spoke aloud as he watched Isaac jump into air and axe kick Tatsuya in the back of the head. "He makes even the most skilled fighters in the village to shame." He looked to Ryu who wore an emotionless mask. "I'm not sure even you could take him, Ryu-sama."

"…I doubt that, Katsu." Ryu said. "His moves are fast, and admittedly a little random, but each move is deliberate in spite of that." This gained the attention of the whole table. "Isaac-san is dancing. Each move is timed to a beat." The table looked back to the teens fighting, Tatsuya starting to wear down from all the blows he's taken to the face and stomach. Isaac danced backwards, His hands in front of his face in a mock boxer defense, he dropped it for a moment, waving his hand in a circular motion as if he were ushering a dog to come to him. Tatsuya roared and charged Isaac again, only to have dodge out the way with ease. "He's expertly trapped the Nikamora boy in his rhythm without Nikamora even realizing it. Isaac won this fight before it even started."

"He can do that?" Lei Fang asked, dumbfounded.

"It's the most advanced technique that any martial artists or weapon master can perfect." Ryu elaborated. "But it takes years to perfect. I think the only one in here who has possibly come close to mastering it, is Gen Fu."

"You mean you haven't mastered it?" Kasumi asked. Ryu kept silent not sure of what to say.

Tatsuya jabbed at Isaac, only to have the dread head dodge around it, grabbing the young heir's arm and jumping into the air, twisting over his shoulder. "What say you we end this farce, eh?" Isaac whispered in Tatsuya's ear.

"Fuck…You…" Tatsuya strained in response.

"Buy me dinner first." Isaac kicked Tatsuya's legs out from under him.

Tatsuya landed and quickly rolled to his feet. He was ready to counter when he came face-to-face with Isaac's fist. Isaac leaned his weight into the punch, knocking Tatsuya back off his feet. Everything seemed to slow for Tatsuya as he sailed backwards in the air when he felt something grip his free floating ankle. Isaac had grabbed hold of the free floating teen, pulling Tatsuya back towards the cocoa skinned fighter. Isaac brought his free hand around in an over hand arch and slammed it into Tatsuya's stomach, following through and punching Tatsuya back towards the floor. Tatsuya landed with a hard thud.

The room went silent as Isaac slowly rose back to his feet. He unrolled his sleeves and moved back to his table, retrieving his effects and putting his glasses on. Soon, the sound of slow, impressed clapping could be heard. The room turned to Helena, the source of the clapping, followed slowly by her two stunned maids.

"Very good!" Helena beamed. "It is such a shame you are not competing, Monsieur Isaac. It would be a joy to watch you compete against our other competitors." The French woman lamented before turning to address the crowd. "Worry not, Monsieur Nikamora is simply unconscious. The wristbands let us know when serious medical aid needs to be administered." A team of medics entered and slowly began to assess the downed teen. "And without further ado, I am glad to announce that the Second Dead or Alive has officially begun!"