Hey! so I'm sorry the description for this was less than adequate, but the full, unbutchered one is still on here if you happen to be interested. Please leave me a review if you want me to continue this, because I hardly update for my other story Caraphernelia (Check it out of you haven't already! its pretty sick.) and don't want to have to write for a story that no one is going to read.


The guard pushed me up the rough wood stairs, splinters getting caught in the bottoms of my feet. He shoved me forward again, my father watching me with cold angry eyes at his throne, directly behind the carved guillotine. The Axe Master hulked up the stairs, pushing my head down onto the block, my father reading off my crimes to the people, their cheering thundering, the wide blade of the Guillotine slowly being cranked up. I lifted my eyes, coming into contact with the man who got me into this mess. FORBIDDEN FAX!

Chapter 1:

I sighed and picked at the beads sewn into the hem of my dress, before a teaching rod came down onto the top of my desk, making me jump.

"Maximum! daydreaming again? Where do you get the audacity?!" My tutor, Anne, screamed for the third time today. I simply smirked up at her, answering truthfully,

"Definitely not from my father." I responded coolly with a little smirk. She closed her eyes for a second, letting out a deep breath through her nose, before her dull blue eyes popped back open and she turned away from me, speaking loudly again about the proper way to lace a corset. I groaned internally, leaning forwards on my elbows, feigning attention, But my mind wandered to how many ways I could strangle that stupid woman with her own corset without getting in trouble. Again.

"Miss! Maximum Isn't paying attention again and her posture is atrocious!" I snapped back up in my chair, Anne whirling to look at me again, her face red with fury. My head snapped around, looking wide eyed at the snob sitting behind me, Lisa. With Fire Engine red hair and snakelike green eyes, She was easily my tutors favorite. And I had the "Fortune" of having her as my handmaid. The person who puts my hair up (stabbing my neck with the pins, "Accidentally") and shares my lessons with me. the only good thing about her is she has to do what I tell her, let me tell you, she HATED chasing me through the shallow, murky ponds out behind the castle gardens.

"Max! Hallway!" Anne screeched, shoving me out of the parlor and into the hallway. She gave me one last hard shove, sending me stumbling into the hall, my footsteps echoing in the empty hall. It was hardly past noon and I was already kicked out of class? I sighed and leaned against the wall, banging my heel against the wall.

if you ever thought being a princess would be great, you can guess again. It sucks. Don't get me wrong, I love the food and the horses and meeting all the people, but all the books on head stuff and straight line walking was never really my thing. I pushed away from the wall, walking quickly down the hallway. Screw Anne, I didn't want to stand in the hallway, I wanted to explore! I picked up the front of my long, dark blue skirts and ran down the hallway, down the stairs, into the ballroom, past the armory and out the front doors of the castle, into the warm sunlight and bustling sounds of the city.

"Hello, Aelid." (Aelid Is the name of the city, if that confused you) I mumbled to myself, and began to skip down the white marble steps. Once I hit the bottom, I looked around, wondering what I should do on my "break."

Remembering the monks would be praying all around the city at one, I set off in the direction if the cold cross suspended in the sky, right below it the grayish church bells, still swinging from when they had wrung at noon. I started towards the cathedral, A few people casting glances at me, probably because I never really got out of that damned castle very often.

I walked quickly away from the castle, stopping behind a cart full of raw meat, as the church bells chimed again, and the wooden doors slowly creaked open, the monks slowly making their way out of the cathedral, their heads bowed in their white robes, walking slowly and carefully, hands hidden under their wide, white sleeves. I saw a flash of brown moving fast among the sea of white and red. Startled, I began to walk towards the flash.

"Maximum!" I heard Annes angry voice ring out among the pleasant chatter of the people. I turned, seeing Anne and Lisa walking quickly towards me, both burning with anger. I set my jaw and turned, shoving my way between the people, while Anne called to me, the people closing behind me like water. I turned, dodging quickly through the people as fast as I could.

Suddenly Lisa appeared in front of me, grabbing onto my biceps hard. Lissa was shorted than me, and thicker, but I was easily tougher and stronger than her. I put my heel behind her and pushed her over my leg, her falling to the ground with a thud, releasing my arms, knocking down another woman in the process. The woman screamed and the women around her began to scold Lisa harshly. i took the moment to my advantage and bolted down a narrow alleyway. I was almost to the end when Ly arm was grabbed and I was yanked into the narrow branch of the alley, a hand over my mouth, squeezing so hard I couldn't even make a noise. I struggled against the hand, but the person pulled me closer to their chest, their other hand yanking my hand away from the one covering my mouth. I hyperventilated, trying to bite the hand.

Suddenly Annes angry voice echoed down the alley.

"And you let her get away? Her father will punish me for sure! That useless slag." Anne cursed. I smiled against the hand, suddenly going still. I'd much rather be kidnapped by whoever then go home to Anne. Suddenly she flashed by the narrow opening in the alley, Lissa in tow.

When their voices had faded, my captor released me when I started struggling. I whirled to look at him, still sitting on the stone ground, but was met with black eyes set in olive toned skin, fringed by dark hair and thick eyelashes, high cheekbones and most of his black hair covered by a monk's hood, but with the symbol the bottom of a heart and the sea on the bottom of the half heart. My breath caught in my throat.

An assassin.