Title: "Lonely Night Musings"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Every woman has those thoughts which she knows she should rid from her mind, but sometimes, April just can't help herself.
Warnings: Drabblish, Het, Multiple Pairings
Challenge: For a TMNT Tuesdays LJ comm weekly challenge
Word Count: 500
Date Written: 1 June, 2012
Disclaimer: April, Master Splinter, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo; all other recognizable characters mentioned within; and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are © & TM their rightful owners, not the author. Everything else is © & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

She couldn't help it. Certain women had certain thoughts when they were lonely, and April knew she was one of those. She fought the forbidden thoughts off most of the time, but when she was all alone, late at night, trying to sleep in her lonely, empty bed, or to relax in her bath whose cold water was oh so void, they came. She could avoid them during the day. She had learned to distract herself with other thoughts; heck, avoiding these thoughts was what her whole fling with Casey Jones was all about.

And yet, no matter what she did, sooner or later, every night when she was alone, the thoughts came again. She could tell herself that the strong, caring Turtles, who were handsome in their own ways despite having green skins and shells, were her brothers, that they were an entirely different species that may not even be anatomically compatible with her own body, but nothing kept her wonderings permanently at bay.

As she languished in her tub or rolled around in her bed, April would find herself wondering about them again. Did any of them ever think of her in such a light? Would it matter if they did? Was there any way that they could possibly ever do the deed? How did Turtles have sex, any way? They were no longer as young or naive as they had been when April had first met them. She knew they had to have done the deed, but for the life of her, she couldn't figure out how.

Then there were the other questions, the curious thoughts that made her blush deeply whenever they entered her mind and any one else was around. Just how were they built underneath their shells? They were so strong; most of them had amazing endurance in battle. Did that endurance last in the bedroom? Could any human woman hope to keep up with them? Would they even look at a human in that way?

She should be disgusted with herself, April thought, and yet she couldn't stop the thoughts. She couldn't stop wondering what kind of lovers they would be. Donatello, she knew, would be sweet, kind, and gentle. He would make sure his partner came before he did and put her pleasure far before his own. Leonardo would be another gentle lover whereas Raphael would be the wildest thing to ever hit any New York bedroom.

Then, she reflected, there was Michelangelo. He had the cutest grin amongst them but was hardly ever serious. Would he even crack jokes in the bedroom? That would get very tiring very fast, she thought, but then, still, she'd love the chance to find out just once what it would be like to mate with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. She yearned for her questions to be answered, but all of them were conversations that would never happen for she'd never dare ask them for fear of ruining the most special relationships she'd ever known.

The End