The two jumped up and went to the bedside of Naruto, where he had the headband he had been given around his neck, The whirlpool mark around his eye now looking like a large purple tattoo on his face: "D...daddy c...can I open my eyes?" "Of course you c... is that why you wore that cloth over your eyes Angel-Chan? Because I would not look you in the eye almost a month ago you thought that no one should be able to look you in the eye?" Naruto nodded and said quietly as Quatre ran a hand through his hair to calm him down a little: "I could not stand the fact that I made you so sad when I showed you my eye. I thought that because you did not like me that no one else would and I was frightened." He took a deep breath and slowly opened his right eye, which was once again sapphire blue as it was the day he was born: "What happened Angel-Chan? Your eye has changed back to normal."

Naruto slowly adjusted himself and said: "It turns out that the way my eye was an active doujutsu that melted back into my normal eye after using it for awhile. I used it many different times during my training these past three weeks so it is now always active but my eye is back to looking normal." Minato gave him a careful hug and once they had pulled apart Quatre said as he hand glowed when he held it over the other eye that had been made useless and blind from the attack before: "Naruto-sama did you know that according to my scan that your eye now has sight?" Minato and Naruto turned to Quatre and there was a twinkle of hope blooming in their eyes: "Are you serious Quatre? I thought that my eye was forever going to be blind!"The young man settled back and said as he looked at the two: "The medical chakra from your father and I combined must have healed what was wrong with it but in order to be sure you are going to have to open your eye Naruto-sama." Naruto just sat frightened for a moment but Minato squeezed his hand in encouragement so he took a deep breath, looked up and slowly opened his eye, revealing another gorgeous sapphire blue orb to match the one that was already uncovered: "Daddy!Quatre I can see! Oh my goodness I can see again!"

Minato hugged his son as best he could and Quatre was going to say something when the door to the room opened and King Arashi came in with his wife Queen Hitomi, the both of the freezing when they saw Minato sitting on the bed next to their grandson, their eyes wide: "Dear Kami-sama! Minato, our grandson looks exactly like you , except for the hair and mark on his face." The two of them glowed with pride and the two royals sat down, Naruto tensing for just a moment before he calmed down and settled onto his pillows. Arashi and Hitomi smiled and Arashi said: "Hello young one my name is King Arashi Uzumaki, what may I ask is your name?" Naruto glanced at his father for permission and when he nodded Naruto smiled shyly and said: " name is Naruto Minato Camius Angel Uzumaki but if you do not mind please call me Angel."

The two nodded with smiles on their faces. They talked for a little while and then Hitomi asked: "How did you get the mark of the Whirlpool royal family over your eye Angel?" Naruto hesitated for a moment but when he felt the calming waves from Quatre he took a calming breath and said: "When I was five I was sitting by one of the doors leading into the garden at home when a member of ROOT ANBU appeared. I started screaming and he grabbed my shoulder and hit me in the face and punched me in the eye. This mark started out as a bruise over my once blind eye. Over the years it has gradually turned into a large Whirlpool. And I am also able to see out of it once again, which makes all of us happy." They all talked for a little longer and then the king and queen decided to go and help out some more with the clean up of Konoha: "Angel-Chan I have to get back out there to help with the clean-up. Syaoran and Tsubasa should be back soon and you will all head to the Namikaze Estates. And Jiraiya and Tsunade are not keyed into the seals so they will not be able to get inside." Naruto gave his father a hug and said: "Please be careful daddy I do not want to see you hurt again."

Minato gave Naruto a hug and a kiss on the cheek and left through the window to help his people clean up from the battle. Once he was gone Naruto looked around the room and spotted the bathroom on the other side of the room: "Quatre is there a bath tub in that bathroom over there?" His friend went to check and then popped his head back around the corner: "No there is not but there is a shower that you will be able to use. Do you have some clothes that you can change into?" Naruto activated a seal on his wrist and a bag popped out along with a new white cloak that had the Uzumaki crest on the back surrounded by silver flames and a hood that would hide his face. He grabbed his new cane and shuffled over to the bathroom, closing the door while Quatre went to clean up the bed to set up the meal of fruit, some cut up vegetables and some sparkling apple cider, the favorite of Naruto. About 30 minutes later Naruto came out and Quatre had to stop himself from drooling and throwing himself at the feet of his friend. He was wearing solid white pants with white boots, a white Chinese shirt with a silver Uzumaki swirl on his left breast, white gloves and his long hair pinned back by a white gold clip and the white headband on a short hook by his belt: "I...I have some food ready."

Naruto smiled and sat down in one of the chairs as Quatre set up the table from the corner with all kinds of fruits and vegetables that they both loved to eat. Once they had both served themselves they said a prayer and began their meal, Quatre smiling when his friend pretty much moaned as he ate: "Oh this is just heavenly Quatre!" The two ate in relative silence and were sipping their tea when Naruto quickly put the hood over his head and put the headband around his eyes once again, Quatre covering his head with a hood just before the door burst open and Kakashi rushed in, a look of confusion in his eyes: "Where is Minato-sensei? I thought that this was his room." The dark cloaked figure took another sip of tea and then said: "He was in here not that long ago but decided to go and help with the clean-up effort along with the others." "You are Kakashi Hatake, High Jounin, former captain in ANBU, Sensei of Team 7 and son of the White Fang am I correct?"

Kakashi turned and just looked at the angelic looking figure all in white, including white gloves that disappeared into his sleeves. Kakashi felt his face grow warm but then he shook his head and asked in a cautious voice as his hand inched towards his kunai: "Who in the worlds are you and how did you get into the village?" The figure just kept drinking his tea but after a moment turned his head, Kakashi seeing the white Konoha headband over his eyes: "I do not have permission nor would I want to inform you of my name Hatake-san. I have heard many kind things about you but have also heard many unkind things about you." Naruto stood up, took his cane and went to stand right in the face of Kakashi as Quatre put the empty dishes into a scroll: "You are forever late, have not taught your team anything and are very lazy. In my opinion you are pathetic and undeserving of your rank. Sakumo would be so ashamed of you and I believe that Obito is the same way." Naruto and Quatre walked out of the room and then the hospital with smirks on their faces as they left Kakashi standing in the room with tears pouring down his face, the words echoing in his head and cutting deeply into his heart and soul.

Outside of the hospital many people were openly staring at the white cloaked figure, a slightly taller black cloaked figure at his side, neither of them paying attention to what was going on or who was trying to get their attention: "I have to get out of here Quatre. I c...can feel" when Naruto started to shiver the eyes of Quatre widened so he lifted him into his arms and dashed into the Forest of Death, hoping that he would make it to the house before Naruto would get worse. When they reached the fence surrounding the forest he effortlessly jumped over it and continued to jump through the trees, following the chakra and magical signatures of Sakumo and Kimihiro: "Just hold on for a few moments more Naruto-sama we are early to your private estates." Naruto simply tightened his hold and did not say anything, the shaking in his body getting worse than before.

After a minute Quatre jumped over the fallen wall and was relieved that at least the garden cottage was still standing: "Sakumo! Kimihiro come here quickly! Naruto-sama is having one of his episodes!" There was loud thumps inside and the two came dashing out of the cottage, panic in their eyes: "Angel-sama!" They took him inside to the master bedroom and Sakumo said: "Angel-sama needs his father so I am going back into Konoha to bring him here."The two nodded so Sakumo turned into his bird form and took off quickly towards the village to find Minato so he could bring him out of his episode. He slowly flew across Konoha until he finally spotted Minato talking with some of the Jounin about the hospital and any repairs that it was going to need. He flew down and when Minato saw the bird his eyes widened and he excused himself then went to the alley where Sakumo turned back into himself: "Angel-sama is suffering from a major episode! Quatre managed to get him to the garden cottage and he is starting to feel sick so we need you over there right now."

Minato nodded and he used his Hiraishin to get the two of them to the front door of the cottage. They ran up to the master bedroom and went into the bathroom to get some cold cloths for his son and then they went into the bedroom where Kami was sitting at the side of his beloved holding his hand in worry while the nine holy Bijuu in their human forms were off to the side with worry on their faces. Minato went to the free side of his son, who was covered in sweat yet his skin was almost frozen to the touch: "Angel-Chan what is the matter baby? Kami-sama what is the matter with my Angel-Chan?" Kami brushed the hair from the face of his beloved and said: 'Apparently one of the weapons used to harm Camius was poisoned with something that leaves no trace. The reason he seemed as if he was getting an episode is because his body is purging the poison from his system.' "D...daddy? K...Kami-sama? Why is it cold? Can I h...have an extra b...blanket please?"

They all smiled with relief and Kimihiro gave an extra blanket to Kami, who covered Naruto carefully, said young man smiling in relief as he snuggled deeply into the blankets and made a sort of cocoon around himself, making them either chuckle or giggle at the picture he made. They all went downstairs and Minato said: "Tsubasa and Syaoran are almost finished..." "HELP! LET ME GO1 HELP ME!" Everyone yelled and ran upstairs where Naruto was holding onto the bed post for dear life while a lone Kumo shinobi was trying to pull him away: "Get down you..." before any of them could make a move there was a flash of light and Yue the Judge appeared, a sword made of blue crystals at the neck of the Kumo shinobi, Naruto holding him tightly: 'Do not touch Master Naruto you filthy animal.'

He thrust his sword forward and pierced the neck of the Kumo shinobi, causing him to fall out the window dead. Yue gave Naruto a kiss on the forehead and he said before disappearing with a small smile on his face: 'You are safe now Naruto-sama. Keroberos and I will be by your side permanently on your next birthday.' Once Yue had disappeared they all rushed to Naruto and lay him down on the bed because he was shaking again. Everyone went back downstairs but Minato sat down next to the bed and ran a hand through the hair of his son, a soft look on his face: "We are going to move you to the Namikaze Estates as soon as Syaoran and Tsubasa are done with it. I hope that they are done soon because if one person can find you here then others will be able to do so as well." Minato made sure that his son was fast asleep before covering him up once again and going downstairs where he saw that Kami and the nine holy Bijuu were gone but Obito was there having tea with Tsubasa, Syaoran, Kimihiro, Sakumo and Quatre who was standing by a far window looking outside without really seeing anything: "Barton-san are you alright? You seem very distracted by something."

Quatre just stayed there for a moment but then he turned to face them and said: "I am sorry Yondaime-dono I was thinking about everything that has happened in the past few days." Minato sat down and said as he drank some of the tea that they had passed to him: "We should move everything to the Estates so I can set the seals to keep Angel-Chan safe from those who wish him harm." Everyone nodded and Minato said: "Obito, would you sit with Angel-Chan while we get everything ready to leave?" "Of course Sensei." All of the others started to go and get things ready while Obito went to the main bedroom where Naruto was once again fast asleep in his cocoon of blankets, a peaceful smile on his face and a small pillow in his arms. Obito sat down by the side of the bed and looked at Naruto, a small smile on his face: 'I can understand why Sensei would hide you away Angel-sama. Not only are you very gorgeous but you are also sweet, pure and innocent.'

'And even though you have never been in an actual battle before you fought like a veteran shinobi. Lady Kushina and Minato-sensei should be proud.' Obito then gave Naruto a kiss on the cheek and settled back with his eyes closed, not noticing that Naruto had opened his eyes briefly and smiled before falling asleep once again. About an hour later Minato came into the room to find his former student asleep in the chair and his son was still fast asleep in the bed: "Obito. Obito wake up it is time to go." The young man jerked awake and stretched: "Sorry for falling asleep Sensei but it has been busy in the village lately and I have not been able to sleep well." Minato nodded and said as he scooped Naruto up and carefully carried him downstairs: "Don't worry about it Obito. I actually sent you to watch over Angel-Chan so you could at least rest for a little while before you ended up passing out." Obito smiled gratefully and they all jumped into the trees, Naruto snuggling closer to his father so that he would not fall: "(yawn) Daddy where are we going?" "Go back to sleep Angel-Chan I will wake you up once we reach the Estates." Naruto nodded and once again fell asleep, his hands still gripping the small pillow tightly, a tear rolling down his face: "Gamakichi..."

About 20 minutes later the entire group entered the Namikaze Estates, Minato handing his son to Sakumo: "Take Angel-Chan to the bedroom across from the master bedroom while I update the seals and wards so no one can drop by unexpectedly." Sakumo nodded and they all went inside while Minato went up to the outer walls to set up some more seals so no one, not even his mother and father would be able to get inside without permission. Once he had finished he wiped his brow and went inside so he could shower and change into different clothes. Once he was done he went into the new bedroom of his son where he was still asleep with the others spread around the room talking quietly while Obito was in a chair by the bed sleeping peacefully again, the window open to allow the cool air into the room: "I have to get back to help around the village and assess the damages. I will be back as soon as possible but please take care of my son and eat something, all of you." They nodded and Minato gave Naruto a kiss on the forehead before disappearing in a yellow flash to check on everything and see how those from Whirlpool were doing.

Inside of the Namikaze mansion Kimihiro turned to Quatre and asked: "So how long have you known Naruto-sama Barton-san?" Quatre thought about it for a moment and then said: "I first met him about thirteen years ago when he first earned the demon summoning contract. I was the first high level demon he was able to summon and we became fast friends. When he was training in his mind-scape I would visit with him sometimes and would also teach him medical techniques when he would ask for them." The entire group just grew quiet after awhile and then started talking about different things, Naruto and Obito both sleeping as if they did not have a care in the world.

Guess who Fanfiction Land Peoples! I am so so so sorry that this chapter has taken so long but for awhile I had been working on Mazoku of the Elemental Nations and now am working on Mazoku of Magical London. I am also working on a story for my Archive of Our Own account called Silence of the Keeper. It is under the name KillItWithFire130 so please go and read it to let me know what you think. Now please read and review this chapter and hopefully I will be able to work on Hiding in Plain Sight and The Wandering Master soon. Bye bye peoples! Sai