I am SO sorry! And I know I've said that a million times but I really really am! Also, thank you so much to those of you who review, I appreciate and enjoy them so much! Thanks to everyone who followed and favorited me as well! Anyway enjoy this chapter; I am already working on another to be posted this weekend! Again, thank you for reading and reviewing, Enjoy!

Lanie stared at her, her eyes wide in astonishment. She looked as if she was staring into the eyes of a snake, hypnotized by the awful power of its gaze.

"Lanie?" Kate asked, "Lanie, are you okay? I know it's a shock, trust me, I know. I'm so sorry I never told you this before but it was another part of my life, times were all I knew was darkness. I couldn't dare talk about her or even think about her most of the time because it just hurt too much. She is my daughter, but I never imagined I would ever know her again. I made that choice when I left her; I wanted her to have a better life. And now…" Kate stifled a sob, she had begun to cry again as she spoke, "now my daughter was almost murdered, the only parents she ever knew are dead, and I have no idea what to do!" Kate cried, as Lanie came over to her, finally over her shock.

Wrapping her arms around Kate, she hugged her, telling her not to worry. "Kate," she said soothingly, "Don't worry girl! I'm here, and Castle is sure to be there for you, and we'll go talk to Ryan and Esposito together. It will all be okay."

Kate looked at her through her tears. "You promise Lanie? You'll help us?"

"Of course, honey! And don't worry; Emily is going to be just fine. We'll get her fixed up, find her a good psychologist, and see where she wants to go from there okay?"

"Yeah," Kate said, "That sounds good. You're sure she'll be okay? And your not super mad at me for never telling you?" She questioned.

"Kate," Lanie said, "We all have parts of our life we plan to conceal. I don't blame you at all, and I'm sure Emily won't either once you explain. You were in an awful part of your life then, and everybody understands that. Don't worry."

"Thanks for understanding this Lanie." Kate said, "It's just so hard! And I did already talk to Emily, she acts okay about it, but I know she's not. She is exactly like me Lanie. She looks like me; I can tell she has the same pain as me. I already loved her, and now I just love her even more. So how am I supposed to deal with that if I know, was I in her situation I would really want nothing to do with me? How do I stand that when I love her so much?"

Lanie looked at her sympathetically. "You do what you know how to do Kate. You treat her like an extra sensitive victim, you make her feel comfortable, and you help her to let you in. You make her feel safe. You can do it. And then hopefully she will slowly let you in. Don't over think it. It will work out. I promise." She concluded, smiling at Kate, giving her hand a squeeze.

"Now," Lanie said as she got up and went to get her coat from her desk, "It is actually time for me to go visit our Miss. Emily and check on how she is healing."

"What have they been giving her? I mean, how do you even treat that much physical abuse and a chest full of bleach?" Kate asked, her voice rising as she inquired.

"Well," Lanie began explaining, "This is going to sound bad, but just believe me, it's for the best, and it is healing her." Kate looked at her with horror, "What are they doing to her Lanie!?"

"I'm getting there, don't worry. First they had to drain her lungs and stomach to get all the stuff out of there. Now that that is done, she is on heavy drug removal medicine, painkillers for all the cuts and things, and is seeing someone everyday for the mental stuff. The hospital staff said she is doing a remarkable job recovering. I guess I know why now, if she's got the Beckett spirit in her, but now that I think about it they did say she's been asking for you, now I guess I know why." Lanie finished.

"She's been asking for me?" Kate exclaimed, "Really? She wants to see me?"

"Yep." Lanie smiled, "And I guess it's been a positive tone when she does ask. Maybe it won't be as hard as you think?"

"Well who knows right?" Kate said with a smile on her face, "Maybe she's more adaptive than me. Well, anyways, can we go see her now? I need to be sure she's alright!"

"Let's go!" Lanie said, and they left.

As they drove nearer and nearer to the hospital, Kate got more nervous by the minute. She could feel herself shaking slowly in her seat, shivering at the cold air blowing in from the vent. As she reached out to close it her hand trembled.

It didn't matter that Emily had been asking for her. For all Kate knew it was so that Emily could yell at her until she was hoarse on how much she hated her! Kate had brought her to this world, and even though she knew that it wasn't her fault how could she help not feeling guilty?

If she hadn't gotten pregnant then those people would never be dead because they would never have had Emily, the exact type that the killer wanted. In her own way Kate had killed those people, and nearly killed her own child.

Kate's thought's followed her into the hospital as they pulled into a space and went in. She walked through the halls in a daze, finally reaching Emily's room and going in, Lanie following her. She looked at the bed, and saw a smiling girl sitting there with an older woman, who was holding her hand as tightly as she dared. The pair looked up and as Emily's face brightened the gray haired lady frowned, and stood up, still holding Emily's hand as if staking her claim.

"Hello," the woman said, managing a forced smile, "You must be Kate, Emily's…"

"Mother!" Emily called out from the bed. "Kate," she said, "This is my Grandma. She's said she's going to take care of me from now on."

All right, well I'm back on track with cliffhangers and will make a huge effort to update again before next Wednesday when I leave the country for a week! Thank you so much for reading, I know there was a lot of dialogue, which I'm not as good at (any tips fellow writers?) but I'm working on it! Thanks, comments welcome!
