This is for Kameslover3, who wanted to co-write this with me but I had already started it. I hope you like it : )
Well, my first crossover did pretty well, so maybe this one will too… I can only hope!
I don't own MBAV or BTR. Just a crazed fan I swear.
A dark tour bus chugged slowly through the pouring rain, all its occupants asleep except for the driver, who squinted to see through the downpour before him. He wanted to pull over and wait for this storm to pass, but he could barely see the road enough to even know where "over" was. Before he knew what was happening though, the bus spun, tires squealed, and the bus ran into a ditch, jolting its passengers awake.
"Whaz goin on?" a groggy shaggy haired teen asked, opening his hazel eyes slowly.
"M don know," another teen boy said, rubbing his eyes and running a hand tiredly through his blonde hair.
"Everyone okay?" a short brunette said, a little bit of fear clear in his voice.
"Did we crash?" another boy asked as he scrambled to find a black, sleek hockey helmet.
"You all okay?" the driver asked, pulling himself from the front of the bus. The four teens nodded.
"What happened?" the short brunette asked while his other three friends watched warily.
"This rain was too strong. I'm sorry you guys. We slid into a ditch."
"Where are we?" the blonde haired boy asked, making the driver glance at his GPS.
"On the edge of … Whitechapel."
"Thanks for babysitting tonight Sarah," Mrs. Morgan said as she handed Sarah her money.
"Oh it was no problem. I should get going before this rain gets any worse," the dark-haired girl said, slipping on her jacket and grabbing her umbrella. Good thing I brought my car today, she thought as she opened the door only to be greeted with pouring rain.
"You'll be okay heading home?" Ethan asked, making her look at him, ignoring the worry that was clear in his eyes.
"Ethan, it's me. I'll be fine. You need to get to bed. Don't you have a full day planned with Benny tomorrow?" Ethan rolled his eyes in attempted annoyance, but Sarah saw the hint of a smile play on his lips and the joy in his eyes.
"Yeah, I do. Just, text me when you get home? That way I know you got there okay." Now Sarah rolled her eyes in real annoyance.
"Yes Mama Ethan," she joked, making him blush in embarrassment. "I'll be fine. Okay? It's just a little rain..." she said, glancing out the door again as a burst of wind shot cold rain into the house. "Okay a lot of rain. I'll be fine. Quit worrying."
"Okay okay!"
"Bye," she said with an easy smile before stepping out and opening her umbrella. Sighing, she made her way to her car.
"What are we going to do?" one of the four boys asked as their bus shifted shakily. "If we move, this whole thing could tumble and we'll all get hurt."
"I have no cell service!" another guy cried out in anger, tossing his phone onto a nearby seat.
"Everyone calm down! We'll just wait until someone drives by, then we'll ask for help," a third guy said, authority clear in his voice.
"Are we gonna die?" the last guy asked, making the other three roll their eyes.
"I see headlights!" the driver of the bus called out, making everyone jump up, shaking the bus violently. "Stay still! I'll see if I can flag them down!" he said harshly before running out into the downpour, waving his arms like a madman.
Sarah was driving towards the outer edge of town, where she was supposed to meet her blood delivery man. As she was squinting to see through the downpour before her, her jaw dropped as she saw what looked like a giant drowned rat emerge before her headlights, arms waving wildly. Swerving to not hit him, she slammed on her brakes, making her tires squeal and her car spin just a bit before stopping. Jumping out of the car, she ran to the man, getting soaked in the process.
"Are you okay?" she asked the man, who was breathing heavily.
"Our bus… we crashed! Can you help us?"
"Is anyone hurt?"
"No, but we will be if we don't get out of that bus," he said, grabbing her and pulling her towards the hulking bus that she could now see. It was big black bus with red lettering on the side, and it was tilting precariously in a ditch; if there was any shift it could tumble, causing serious damage.
"How many people are in there?" she asked as she carefully stepped towards it.
"Only four in a bus that huge?"
"Yeah… Guys!" the driver called out, leaning towards the open bus door.
"Yeah?" a chorus of voices called back, and Sarah could've sworn she had heard them before.
"There's someone here to help us. Come on out here okay?"
"But be careful!" Sarah called, exchanging looks with the driver, who nodded.
The four boys looked at each other as they heard a girl's voice call out to them.
"Okay, we'll go two at a time," the blonde leader said, looking at the boy closest to him, who nodded in agreement. "Us two first, then you two. Okay?" he said, making the other two nod as well. He then turned to look at the shorter brunette. "Come with me?" The other guy just smiled and nodded again.
"We'll be right behind you," the other two said, making them nod before stepping out of the bus, which seemed to tremble with every step they took.
Soon enough, all four boys were out of the bus, which then fell over with a loud THUMP and CRASH. They looked at the bus before turning to see the girl that was standing in the pouring rain with the driver, and their jaws dropped.
She was gorgeous.
Sarah's jaw dropped as she stared at the four slowly getting soaked guys.
They were some of the hottest guys she had ever seen.
"Guys, this young lady stopped to help us. Show some respect!" the driver barked, making the four guys close their mouths and smile at her.
"I'm Kendall," the tall blonde one said, smiling at her.
"Logan," the shorter brunette by his side said, smiling as well. "Thanks for helping us."
"I'm Carlos!"
"And I'm James!"
"And we're Big Time Rush!" the four boys said all together then, making Sarah's jaw drop even more.
"Big Time Rush?"
"We're a band."
"Oh. Well, I'm Sarah," she said, waving at them. "Um… how about I take you guys to the nearest hotel? My car's right over there…" she said, pointing at the car that was still on the road.
"I'll stay with the bus, see if I can get a hold of a mechanic or something," the driver said, turning to the young lady. "Thank you for all your help."
"Oh, it was nothing, really," she said before turning to the guys, "Well come on. Let's get you to a hotel."
Okay, well, chapter one could've been better.
Hopefully the next one will catch your interest if this one didn't.