Yay! I made a Birthday series! One day I was sitting on my couch on my forum then I decided it was time I made a Birthday series. Although I didn't know the dates. So I randomly came up with the dates.

Pairings: You should already know. Lava, Techno, and Forgiven.

Warnings: Slight suggestive things but nothing to major.

Hope you like! Enjoy and Review~ I go in order by dates!

First up!

Kai: January 27th

!~!~!~!~!~!~! ( Birth ) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

It was a snowy January morning when expecting mother, Jane, had finally given birth to her first son. She pale hazel guys met with her husbands blue ones. She shifted her gaze to stare into the fluttering eyes of her baby boy. Jane's eyes met with soft blue. She ran her finger over his face.

"He's beautiful Damon." The pale women told her husband, who shook his head.

"His in not beautiful Jane. He's strong and handsome. Not beautiful." Damon pointed out as he took the child in his arms. Jane sighed and chuckled.

"Okay then, what do you suppose we name him?" She asked him. The man thought about it for quite some time. He examined the baby that had thin brown strands of hair on the top of his. He could imagine his so being a hero. Finally, he smiled brightly.

"Kai." He told her confidently. She studied the boy, and nodded.

"Yes, Kai. That's prefect. Happy Birthday Kai." She tickled his small stomach happily, greeting then new child happily.

!~!~!~!~!~!~! ( Past Birthday ) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

"Kai, honey, what do you want for your birthday?" Jane asked her two, soon to be three year old. The child looked up at her.

"I want a baby." Kai told her in his small child voice. His red-ish brown hair was in his eyes. Jane pushed his hair out of the way. She heard Damon scuff behind her.

"Are you sure about that Kai? Don't you want a sword of some sort? Something a man would want for his birthday?" Damon asked and picked up his son, who had become a mini version on him over the past two years. Jane glared.

"We are not getting him a weapon for his birthday. He's still a baby. If he wants a baby brother or sister, then that's what we will give him." Jane murmured as she took her beloved son from her husbands arms.

"So Kai sweetie, Do you want a baby brother, or a baby sister?" She asked Kai. The child smiled.

"I want a baby sister to protect forever!" He claimed. That's just what he got as well. Come November, just more than a months away from his own birthday, his little sister Nya was born.

!~!~!~!~!~!~! ( Present Birthday ) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

"Hey Kai! What do you want for your birthday?" Nya had asked him once they returned from a mission. He had planned to go lay down on his bed with his boyfriend of six months and just sleep. He, however, was pulled aside by his sister.

"Nothing." Was all he replied with before he went into his room, closed and locked the door, and proceeded to cuddle with his lover in bed. Nya couldn't help but huff. She was going to find out what he wanted, if she had to kill someone to do it.

Nya had spent the next week talking to the others about Kai's birthday. She had begged and pleaded for Cole to tell them what Kai wanted, but he refused to say. So when his birthday had came around, Nya made sure to have the others (minus Cole) set up a nice party for her brother.

When neither him, or Cole had came out of their room for quite some time, she took it upon herself to brag into their room. Not minded the lack of clothes they had on, she pulled her brother outside into the hallway. He had barely anything but his boxers on. He glared angrily at his sister.

"What is your problem Nya? What do you want!?" He asked her irritably, which was understandable though. She crossed her arms and mimicked his anger.

"I'm not letting you back into that room until you tell me want you want for your birthday." She growled at him. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I didn't want anything because I already got what I wanted." He told her. At the confused look he got he sighed again.

"I have you. I have great friends, and more importantly, I have a super hot, super horny boyfriend in there waiting for me. Now if you will excuse me." He said and slipped back into his room to continue with his boyfriend. Nya stood there shocked for a minute. Then she smiled and blushed.

"Well after you're done in there, we have a party for you!" She called to the door before leaving. Her big brother was so simple minded.

!~!~!~!~!~!~! ( Future Birthday ) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

When Kai had turned 27, he knew he wanted more with his simple life. Sure, his simple life was great. He had a great house, a good job and an amazing husband. Yet he felt as though something was missing.

Cole smiled and greeted him happily when he walked in the door, his lovers smile faded when he noticed the look on Kai's.

"What's wrong?" Cole asked as they both set down together on their small couch. Kai sighed.

"Something's missing." He told his smaller lover. The former-Earth ninja gave him a questionable look. Kai again sighed.

"My life is basically prefect. I just know something is missing though." Kai told him and wrapped his arm around the other. Then it hit him.

"Oh I know! Cole, we should adopt!" He exclaimed happily. Cole gave him a shocked look but after a while he stopped and smiled. He then nodded and picked up the phone to call the orphanage. Kai smiled widely as well. Come his birthday, he would have a beautiful son or daughter, and he couldn't wait.

!~!~!~!~!~!~! ( End ) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

Finished it! It was so much fun to write! Next up, Lloyd. Review!

Shout out to my girls! : AbiBeyer, PowerInPink, SilverChangedHerNameAgain , TrueWhiteLightRangerZora, Janinaharm