Regina propped herself against the booth in Granny's, clutching the steaming coffee mug in her hands. Her eyes landed heavily on the mug, lost in her thoughts. The only sign of life from her features was her abdomen slowly receding up and down and her darkened eyelashes blinking every so often. She was wearing a black pencil squirt accompanied with her silk royal blue button down, Emma's as she recognized it as now.

It had been a little over two months since she'd watched Emma tumble into the hat's portal, along with life-long enemy Mary Margaret. All she'd wanted to do was reach out and cling to Emma's red leather jacket, to pull the savior from the black hole, but she knew the odds of her even succeeding without falling through too was rare. All the time that Emma had been gone her feelings for the sheriff had only grown stronger, and a hallow feeling had begun to form in her heart. She hadn't told Emma her feelings towards her, her strong feelings, due to the solemn fact that she assumed the blonde hated her.

The brunette jumped slightly as Ruby spoke up for the second time beside her. She shuffled in her position as she clutched the coffee pot, "More coffee?" She mumbled, patience fading, to the now recognized Evil Queen sitting before her. Regina shook her head, not making eye contact with the woman. Ruby's lips twisted in surprise at her subtlety, but slowly walked away moving to a different customer. Surprisingly, no one had made any contact with the Queen as she maneuvered her way through the town. After her incident with Daniel some people felt sympathy for the woman they had once loathed back in the Enchanted Forest.

Daniel had been her once true love, when he'd returned Regina figured she could push away all her thoughts of her feelings for Emma. To her thinking though, the events occurred in a total opposite. She never imagined having to be the one destroying her true love for the second time. Her heart was shattered, and at this point, she didn't know how she would feel even if Emma had returned. She figured she'd need her even more now. She felt weak, broken; all she wanted to do at this point was to be comforted in the grasp of the blonde. Yet, at the same time she loathed the idea of exposing her broken side to the blonde, she had no intention of sobbing in front of her.

The past mayor slowly stood from the booth, pulling herself away from the distracting thoughts as she snatched her purse, leaving the coffee behind. She carefully made her way around the tables of Granny's diner. Cautiously, she gripped the doorknob of the exit and made her way out. She reached into her purse gripping her car keys. After a moment she glanced up at her car and saw a man leaning against her Mercedes.

She swallowed hard, confused, and worried. The man had graying hair, and he wore black jeans with a gray shirt, quite sloppy, yet above his shirt he wore a suit jacket. Regina stopped in her tracks and felt hers lips twist in confusion as the man stepped forward extending his hand, "Hello, you're the mayor, right?" The man questioned while withdrawing his hand as all he was getting was a blank stare from the brunette. "I am," Regina stiffened, "…was." She mumbled while shuffling with her keys, "You are?" The man let out a heavy breath, "My name's Neal. I'm looking for a Swan," he stopped for a moment noticing Regina beginning to sink in her posture, "Emma Swan."