Chapter 31 – Last chance to be a man

Saki smiled as she looked up at the burning building, next to her was her blond boyfriend. She couldn't see the expression on his face. Her fingers reached for the phone in her pocket, texting quickly to Aoba. It was done.

"Masaomi, are you okay?" The blond nodded once as he he watched the flames. "It's over. They won't hurt anyone anymore." He looked up at the sky, his usual smile gone. "Are you happy now? Mikado. He held onto Saki's hand before they turned away from the burning apartment. It was time for them to leave.

No. This wasn't happening. Kanra closed her eyes. "Kanra, open your eyes." She didn't want to, as long as she didn't she could pretend this wasn't happening. "Kanra, you need to open your eyes." Izaya's fingers were on her chin. "Come on, Kanra. Your stronger than this." Kanra opened her eyes. "I'm scared, Izaya-nii."

"We need to get out of here." She felt him tie a piece of cloth around her neck. "W-here's Shizuo?" Izaya helped her out of the bed. "The whole building is on fire, he's gone to help everyone else." Kanra held on Izaya's arm with a death grip. Izaya pulled her down to floor, making their way to the bedroom window.

Izaya crouched looking out of the window. I should have known, Masaomi hadn't done anything like the others, the blond had been known to do extreme things. Once all three of them were safe, he wouldn't hurt the teen physically. No that was too easy. One sentence that would be all it would take, to make him regret everything.

The window opened with ease, Izaya looked back at Kanra. She was on the floor, one hand gripped tightly on his wrist, fear filled her eyes. He could see the flames licking at the outside of the building. They would have to jump, but with Kanra's current state it would be impossible.

"Kanra. Look at me." She did reluctantly, as long as Izaya was there, everything would be fine. But there was a look in his eyes. He was worried for both her and Shizuo. "We need to jump. Can you do it?" She nodded slowly. She could face her fear. Izaya was with her. "I don't have a choice." She slowly pulled herself, still gripping onto Izaya.

"It's too high." Below them the windows blew outwards, glass raining down. "We'll make it." She stepped onto the thin ledge, refusing to let go of Izaya. The fire escape was just below Izaya's office. She glanced behind her, seeing the smoke filter under the door and covering the ceiling.

Her heart was pounding in her ears. "Kanra. You need to move." She nodded pushing herself along the ledge. She was trying to ignore the fire she could see in the next window along. She wasn't sure what had caused it but the blaze had spread quickly, consuming everything.

She could hear Izaya urging her on, as he stepped out behind her. She moved to the next ledge, her foot landing on the fire escape. The windows on their floor blew outwards, Kanra screamed as the shards hit her and she lost her balance falling backwards.

She screamed as she free fell, before she heard something hit metal and a hand caught hers. Kanra looked up through teary eyes, Izaya was leaning against the fire escape, his wrist locked around hers. She could see the small cuts on his face and arms, blood running down his hand. "Move to the next one."

Her feet landed on the next level. Izaya flipped over to join her. "W-what do we do now?" If they went any lower, they would have to go through the flames. "She should be here soon." Who? She watched the flames and shuddered, Izaya's arms was around her waist as soon as she had.

The metal of the fire escape grew hot, Kanra hopped on her bare feet trying not to burn them. Izaya picked her up bridal style, since he was the only one fully dressed and not in the embarrassing nightie he had bought for her. "Is Shizuo okay?" Izaya's gaze met her own. "He better be."

"Kanra, close your eyes." She did as she was told, hoping Izaya wasn't going to jump. She heard the familiar sound of a motor bike before she felt something shoot up and cover her. She opened her eyes panicking as all she saw was darkness. Her vision was pitch black. Her arms tightened around Izaya's neck. "You never listen do you?"

The next second she could see again. The familiar figure rode up the side of the building stopping at the fire escape. "About time, Celty." He passed Kanra over to the Dullahan, carefully resting her on the back of the bike. What about you? Izaya read the message from the PDA. "I have to find Shizu-chan." He smiled at Kanra before climbing through the nearest broken window.

Kanra looked after him worriedly, until a helmet covered her head. Now that Izaya had gone, she felt so tired. Celty quickly grabbed her arms, so she didn't fall off, Kanra passed out behind her. She turned the bike around making her way to Shinra, Izaya and Shizuo would be okay.

Izaya made his way through the ruined apartment, dreading to see the mess of his own. Kanra was safe with Celty, If anything happened, Shinra would fix her up. The only one left unaccounted for was Shizu-chan. He walked through the remainder of the door, stepping into a corridor.

There was no light, but Izaya was used to being in the dark, a small amount of light from the screen of his phone. "Shizu-chan?" He ran along the scorched corridor calling the blond's name. He pressed the call button again dialing his number. When it went to voice mail he tried again. Shizuo finally picked up, after he had gone down two floors. "Shizu-chan. Finally."

"Hello?" That wasn't Shizuo's voice. "Who are you?" It was a girls voice that answered. "I live on the third floor. The owner of this phone helped us." Like he said he would. "Where are you?" The girls voice was quiet. "On the first floor. The stairs collapsed. The blond man got hurt." Damn. He opened the door to the stairway, seeing that they had collapsed onto the next floor.

Izaya ended the call, before vaulting off the broken banister, making his way down the debris. He was breathing hard as he reached the bottom. It had taken all of his skills to make it down the last three floors. Izaya held his phone out, using the little light, Shizuo was under the fallen stairs, his arms locked while two small children were underneath him.

"Are you the girl I was talking to?" She nodded tears in her eyes. "Is he okay?" Izaya rested his hand on Shizuo's cheek. He was out cold and blood ran down his face. He ignored the girls question, reaching underneath Shizuo, to pull her out. She cried again as her knees scraped the ground. Izaya pulled the unconscious boy out from the under the large body. Immediately the girl was by his side.

"Shizu-chan. Wake up." Izaya hit him a bit harder when there was no response. "Damn it, Shizu-chan." The informant reached for the small parts of debris, throwing them off of the blond. It took a while and soon there was only a large piece left, which only Shizuo would be able to remove.

"Shizu-chan. Wake the hell up." Izaya was slapping him over and over. He sighed in relief when he finally heard the blond groan. "Shizu-chan." Another groan. Shizuo's eye opened, his other one was covered in blood. "Flea?" Izaya glared at him. "What kind of idiot gets trapped in a fire? Get up." Shizuo groaned using his arms to push him up. He stood shakily, the large part of the fallen stairs, falling behind him with a crash.

"What happened?" Izaya watched the blond carefully. "We were on the third floor, when the fire stopped. The stairs were fine until we stepped on them. The kids should be fine." Izaya wiped the blood from Shizuo's eye. "Celty stopped it. She took Kanra back to Shinra." Shizuo nodded. "Everyone made it out then. These were the last two."

Shizuo carried the kids from the building, minding the glass everywhere and the broken door. Izaya never took his eyes off him. Shizu-chan was a monster, but even he shouldn't bleed that much. As soon as they were outside, the blond put the children down, the kids running into the small crowd at the side. Everyone was looking up hopelessly at their ruined home.

As soon as Izaya heard the sirens, he grabbed the blond's hand running from the scene. He wanted to make sure Shizu-chan and Kanra were okay, not wait for the police to take everyone's statement. The blond was starting to sway, probably from blood loss.

Shinra was expecting them, the door opening as soon as they knocked. "About time. Celty was getting worried." Izaya laughed bitterly. "Sorry Shinra. Shizu-chan was trapped." The doctor hurried them into the makeshift medical room. There was only one bed in the room and Kanra was sleeping in it. "Is she okay?" Shinra looked at Shizuo.

"If by her, you mean the teenage boy dressed as a girl, she fine. Her feet are cut up and she has small cuts over her body, but apart from that she's just tired. She started screaming in her sleep, so I had to sedate her." Shizuo nodded, before he was dragged to the edge of the bed. "What happened to you?" Izaya stepped in. "He fell three floors and got crushed under the debris. Shinra nodded before he set to work.

After he had dealt with Shizuo's, he cleaned the small cuts covering Izaya's body. "I didn't think I'd see the day, you two were so civil." Izaya smirked at him. "Were lovers. The three of us." Shinra blushed, wishing he hadn't said anything. "Don't you want to know who tops?" The doctor shook his head. "Since you're openly volunteering, it would be you. You always liked to be in control." Izaya gasped. "Are you calling me a control freak? That's not nice."

Kanra's head hurt as she opened her eyes. She was in a white room. Was it a hospital? Laying across the bottom of the bed was Shizuo. Izaya was sleeping in a chair beside the bed. Quietly she moved out of the bed, looking down at her bandaged feet. As softly as she could she stepped from the bed, wincing in pain. She didn't know where she was but her throat was dry.

Every step hurt as she stepped out of the room. Celty turned from her computer, quickly crossing the room. Kanra was lifted and placed on the sofa. You shouldn't be walking around. Kanra looked at the bandages, they now had red spots underneath. "Sorry, I wanted a drink." Celty left the sofa returning with a glass of water.

Shinra says you're a boy. Kanra nodded. Is it something Izaya's forcing you to do? She shook her head. "It's nothing like that. Izaya-nii isn't my brother." Celty was typing on her PDA. "You'd know me as Mikado." Celty's hands froze, before her fingers typed quickly. Mikado? How? You died. Kanra smiled. "Izaya-nii planned it, for my safety. You saw what happened at the warehouse."

The Dullahan threw her arms around him. I'm glad you're alive. Why a girl? Kanra shook her head."No idea, Izaya-nii said it would be easier." Kanra looked up at the small laugh. "You're cuter this way." Izaya made his way to the sofa, his arms around Kanra. "You're feet are bleeding." Celty got up and went to find Shinra. "If you needed anything, you could have woken me." Kanra relaxed back into him. "I didn't want to. Is everyone okay?" Izaya nodded. "I'm here and Shizu-chan is fine." She finished her water, before leaning back on Izaya and closing her eyes.

"Shizuo, it's only an injection." Shinra tried to move the needle closer. "I said I was fine, I don't need you jabbing me with that." Kanra smiled at the blond. "Shizuo, I don't want you to get sick." The blond cursed, letting Shinra inject him. Izaya carried Kanra to the bed. Since Kanra's feet had been damaged, he had been carrying her everywhere.

"What do we do now Izaya-nii?" Izaya looked down at her, still in his lap. "I was thinking about moving. The apartment will be expensive to fix. It would be easier moving." He gently placed her on the bed next to Shizuo, being careful not to hit her feet. "I'll go and sort everything out. Shizu-chan stay." The blond growled at him. "I'm not a dog, flea." Izaya smirked as he left the room. "But I love you so much." Kanra smiled at Shizuo's red face.

Two days later and they were allowed to leave, though Kanra still wasn't allowed to put pressure on her feet. Shizuo carried her, while Izaya led them to their new apartment. They were on the top floor again, Izaya opened the door letting them in.

Izaya's office was the same as his previous, but everything was new and the room was slightly bigger. The chairs looked more comfortable and the table was big enough, so that all three of them could eat together. Izaya led them to the bedroom, where the décor was soft and the bed was bigger enough for the three of them. "What do you think?" Kanra smiled. "It feels like you love us." Izaya kissed her gently. "That's what I was going for. Who wants to test out the bed?"

Izaya had a lot to do. He was behind on his clients, but he had Namie doing all the paperwork. Kanra was busy with her own, she made a good informant, like he knew she would. She had impressed Shiki, which wasn't such a good thing, but he kept an eye on her. She was handling everything well.

Kanra had made a habit of going to see Shizuo once he finished work, the both of them would then pick up dinner. Usually Izaya would join them, but today he had things to do. "I'm going to see Shizuo." She bent down to kiss Izaya before leaving the apartment.

The first thing Izaya did was send three texts. The first was to his sisters, telling them they hadn't punished Aoba enough. The second was to Shizuo, telling him Kanra was on her way. The third he sent to Shinra. He let his friend know where Celty's head was in his burnt apartment, what he did with it was up to him. He knew his friend well enough, he would hide the head away in fear of his precious girlfriend losing his memories.

The last thing he had to do, he would enjoy. He had given the blond enough time to run with his little girlfriend. He scrolled down the list calling the new number. Hello? Kida had changed his number, so he wasn't expecting Izaya to call him. "Masaomi-kun." The voice on the other end froze. Izaya. You're still alive?" He could hear the hatred in the other's voice.

"I wanted to thank you for setting my apartment on fire." Another pause. You deserved it. Izaya smiled coldly. "And Kanra?" There was a bitter laugh on the end of the phone. She's your sister. She was the same as you. Izaya sighed. "Masaomi-kun, I don't have a twin sister. Kanra never existed"

What do you mean? I saw her, we all did. Izaya laughed. "Kanra was a fake identity." He could here the blond sigh angrily. Who was she then because... Izaya could practically hear the teen's thoughts. Appeared from no where, friends with Celty, friends with Anri, knew stuff about Kida only Mikado knew. She was the leader of Dollars.

It can't be...oh my god, what did I do? Izaya is she alive? Izaya's eyes were like ice. "You set the building on fire, it's a bit late to care isn't it Masaomi-kun?" Kida's voice was insistent on the other end. Izaya tell me is she alive? Is Mikado still alive? Izaya! Izaya laughed as he cut the call. "You'll never know."

A month later and all three of them had settled into their routines. Kanra had been hanging out with Anri and Celty all day. As she reached the apartment, she could hear Shizuo yelling and Izaya giggling. She used her key to unlock the door, taking a deep breath before she stepped into another argument. "I'm home." Izaya smiled at her. "Welcome back." Shizuo was glaring at Izaya.

Izaya ran through the door grabbing her hand. "Izaya get back here." Kanra sighed as she was led into another chase. It wasn't until they were out of the apartment and onto the streets, that Kanra asked what he had done this time. "why is he so angry?" Izaya stopped pulling them into an alley, they had a least a couple of minutes before the blond found them.

"Because of our relationship, you can't be my sister anymore." Kanra smiled. "So I can change my identity again?" Izaya slipped a small ring onto her finger. "I already changed it for you. You're now Kanra Orihara, wife of Izaya Orihara." Kanra froze looking up at Izaya's happy face. "What about Shizuo?" Izaya smiled. "He can be the mistress."

Kanra still wasn't happy. "So I could have been anyone?" Izaya nodded. "I could have been male?" Again he nodded. Kanra's hand slipped into her pocket. "Why the hell did you make me your wife? Izaya-nii?" Izaya was still smiling. "You can't call me that anymore. How about sweety or dear or hubby?"

Kanra's eyebrow twitched, before she threw the knife at him. He dodged with ease, seeing the look of murder on his new wife's face. "Are you angry? Kanra." He ran out of the alleyway, Kanra chasing him another knife in hand. "I could have been a normal teenage boy, without this damn wig." Izaya was laughing as she screamed at him. "Do you think I like wearing make up and skirts?"

Kanra was now crying angry tears, that she would never be known as a male again. "IZAYA-NII!" Izaya looked back over his shoulder. "I told you you couldn't call me that. It's either honey, dear or I'll allow sexy." Kanra threw another knife at him in reply. "Izaaayaaaa!" Izaya smirked vaulting over the gate as Shizu-chan caught up. Life had never been so much fun.


A/N:- And that's the end of this story. I hop you enjoyed it and let me know what you think.