Hi all! I know its been ages. I have two stories that I truly loved writing, but those are from years ago and it is going to take some time before I can get back into that mindset. In the meantime, I've started toying with something new. I don't want to be cliche, so please let me know if you hate it.

Disclaimer: I think we all know who these characters belong to ... and it isn't me! :)


That simple name is what started it all.

The aforementioned Katie was picking up a drink at the bar when she heard a familiar Scottish voice calling her name. It was a low-key bar with some soft background music, so there was no mistaking that someone was definitely calling her name. It hit her immediately whom the voice belonged to and she plastered an ear-to-ear smile upon her face.

"Oliver! Oh my word, it's been ages!" As soon as she turned around, she was enveloped into an enormous bear hug.

"Yeah, it has, hasn't it?" The Scotsman laughed as he released her from the embrace and took in the sight of her. Where there was once an athletic, if not slightly awkward, girl there was now a petite and lovely young woman. In their Hogwarts days, Katie had always been on the right side of attractive, but now Oliver really noticed how good looking she had become. Dark brunette locks complimented her fair skin and deep blue eyes. He avoided having his eyes linger too long on her body for fear of staring at the obvious female assets, but he was able to ascertain that those, too, looked quite nice.

"I'm up here, you know," Katie had caught him, but she didn't seem to mind as she laughed at the former Gryffindor Keeper, "Jeez, Wood, and I always thought you went the other way," She smirked even more as his mouth hung ajar at her comment, but before he could splutter his defense, she had started up again, "I'm supposed to be meeting someone, but I guess Witch Weekly's Most Swoon-Worthy Bachelor can keep me company for the time being."

"It's Most Eligible, thank you very much," Oliver corrected with a smile of his own, "And you aren't off the hook yet for the gay comment, either!"

The two were positively beaming at each other as they found a corner table for two in a quiet corner of the bar, "It's been so long, Ol – what are you doing with yourself these days?"

"Five years is quite a while," Oliver agreed, "I think the better question is what you have been up to? My life seems to be plastered all over the gossip rags, unfortunately," He took a swig of his beer and focused his attention on the woman in front of him.

"You honestly would not believe it," Katie gave a slight chuckle as she took a sip of her own drink. "I'm working in the fashion industry. Designing robes and whatnot; nothing too high profile, but I'm so in love with it. I haven't been this happy doing something since Quidditch at Hogwarts."

"That sounds wonderful, Kate," He grinned at her, before making an overly-serious face, "Although, nothing can compare to the joy that is Quidditch, of course!"

"Alright, you!" Katie nudged him playfully, "If you get started on the 'joys of Quidditch' I'm going to need a lot more of these," She pointedly finished off her drink and motioned for another.

"Why, Katie, Quidditch discussions are of extreme import and should be taken as such!"

"Please tell me you are joking? I can't tell if you are joking or if your inner Quidditch Nazi is begging for release?" The brunette eyed him suspiciously, waiting for his serious expression to crack into a smile. It did.

"I was never that bad," Oliver, too, finished his drink with a big grin on his face. "I think you lot were a little unfair with the nicknames."

"We had practice at five in the morning!" Katie objected. "That was unfair! Do you know how much beauty sleep it takes to look this good?" She winked at him as the bartender set another drink in front of Oliver.

Before Oliver could remark on how that beauty sleep must have really, really paid off, a man with golden blond hair had made his way over to the bar and to Katie's side.

"Katie! I'm so sorry I'm late," The man immediately embraced Katie and kissed her on the cheek.

"Carl!" Katie reciprocated the kiss on the cheek, "I was beginning to think you were standing me up."

"Me? Stand up a beautiful girl like yourself? Never."

Oh this one is laying it on thick, Oliver thought to himself, Then again, I was probably on a one way street to looking like an ass, myself. He awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Oh, Oliver, I'm being rude. Forgive me?" She flashed him a brilliant smile, "Carl, this is one of my good friends from Hogwarts, Oliver Wood. Oliver, this is Carl Michelson."

The two shook hands and it took Carl all of two seconds to realize that this was the Oliver Wood, "My word, Oliver Wood. Our magazine has been trying to get an interview with you for months. Quite the elusive fellow, hm?"

"Which one is that?" Oliver feigned interest. He never did magazine interviews. They could write about him all they wanted, but he did not care for feeding the hype.

"Wizard's World. We might not be as big as the others, but we're amassing quite the good reputation. Read a few issues and get back to us; I promise it wouldn't be the same money and looks driven approach as Witch Weekly," Oliver had to give him credit for trying to sell his merits, but it just was not going to happen. He feigned interest and accepted the proffered business card.

"I'll look into it," He tucked the card into his robes and finished the last bit of his drink, "If you'll excuse me, I've got an early practice in the morning," He shook Carl's hand once again.

"It has been so nice chatting, Ol. I've really missed you," The former teammates shared a tight hug and Oliver, too, kissed Katie on her cheek. Not the same one, of course.

"Don't be a stranger, Kates. Box tickets for the next home game are yours. Just tell them your name," He released her with a smile and nodded at Carl one last time before exiting the bar.

Suddenly, Carl did not seem nearly as interesting as he had whenever Katie had accepted his invite for drinks this afternoon. Actually, he did not seem interesting at all. Had she, Katie Bell, just fell under the spell that everyone else her age (and older!) had fallen under when it came to Oliver Wood? No, she told herself, I'm not exactly interested. I don't fancy him, I've just missed him.