Disclaimer: I do not own "Fairy Tail"

Chapter 1 "Unexpected news"

Lucy Heartfillia today was in a good mood. She paid for her rent and she has remained a decent amount of money for shopping, so she spent half a day at her favorite stores, and only in the afternoon, she decided to go into the guild.

As soon as the blonde stepped into the building, Mirajane ran to her.

"Lucy, I'm so glad you came!" happily smiled barmaid. "I got such good news!"

"What is it?" questioned with curiosity Celestial spirit mage. It seems that today was her day.

"I was contacted by the editor of 'Sorcerer Magazine' ", Lucy's heart skipped a few beats. "He wants to arrange a photo shoot", Lucy's eyes lit up. "On the beach", she was ready to jump to the ceiling. "With you and Natsu! By the way, I've told Natsu already", finished Mira, and now Lucy felt miserable.

"Not Natsu! He will ruin everything again!" Screamed the blonde.

"Hey, when did I ruin anything?" behind the girl pouted Natsu.

"What about my last photo shoot, which did not happen because of you, Gray and Taurus?!" Lucy was angry, remembering her previous failure.

"Well, I didn't know it was so important to you", shrugged Natsu.

"Really? And the fact that about a week I chattered only about it, picking hair style, swimsuit and poses, didn't you get a hint?"

"Oh, you can be very strange sometimes", replied the guy thoughtfully.

"What?!" The whole guild heard Heartfillia's cry. "You're a hard-hearted idiot!"

"And you're meanie, Lucy!" huffed Dragneel. "I'm not going to take photos with you!"

"Very well! My beauty will be enough", grinned triumphantly the fairy.

"No, no!" Mira stepped in. "They definitely need both of you, photo shoot is called 'Best teammates'!"

First their jaws dropped, and then they both shouted:

"I do not want to shoot with him!"

"I do not want to shoot with her!"

Lucy was lying in her bed and watching the ceiling. She felt nervous. Oh fairy, she was freaking out! The photo shoot is going to be tomorrow! She's definitely not prepared mentally and the fact that she got in fight with Natsu makes it even worse. She's regretting now that in anger she split out that he's a hard-hearted idiot. Actually he's her best friend. Although Natsu can act childish sometimes, but he's very kind and caring and always ready to protect his friends. Mirajane somehow managed to persuade Natsu to come to the beach tomorrow. Though he told he's going to do it for Fairy Tail image, not for Lucy. So the stellar mage decided that she should apologize to him tomorrow.

Lucy just hoped that this photo shoot wouldn't be fiasco again.

''Hm, Gray, Erza and Wendy are also our teammates. Why aren't they invited? Strangeā€¦", wondered Lucy before falling asleep.

A/N: So this is my new story. Sorry, the first chapter is short. Promise, next one will be longer. But actually, this fanfic will be only 3-4 chapters long. Hope you like it. Please review!