Hey Guys! This is my first story, so I don't know how it'll go. I was sitting on the sofa when an idea just popped into my head, so I decided to make camp half-blood play truth or dare. Enjoy!


Rick Riordan: Who owns PJO and HOO?

Me: I thought you own it...

Rick: But I dont anymore!

Me: Who owns it? Who owns it?

Rick: I gave it back to myself.

Me: Oh.. Cool... =(

Percy P.O.V

It wasn't much of a bright sunny day at camp. I was really surprised, considering that the weather is controlled by Chiron here. There were dark, black skies, and the water (ocean, I should say) wasn't calm. I spotted Chiron and went to question him.

"Chiron?" I asked. "Why is the weather..." I pointed to the sky. "... Not happy?"

I know, not my best choice of words. but "not happy" was all I could think of.

Chiron looked up. "The weather will stay like this for a few days. The machine that controls the weather is broken, so the weather at camp is out of control." He waved his finger to the sky. "So this weather, has nothing to do with Zeus."

I nodded. "Okay." Then, for the first time in my life, I had an IDEA (Your probably thinking OMG). Lets play Truth or Dare until the freaky weather goes away! It was better than my usual ideas. I went to Athena's cabin to ask if Annabeth wanted to play.


She was sitting on the floor, (Don't ask me why) and sketching something on drafting paper. Annabeth didn't bother to look up at me. "Yeah?"

"You wanna play truth or dare? In my cabin." I asked.

"Sure, give me a few minutes. I'll be there."

"Okay." I walked out, and went to call the others.

(I don't want to explain that he went here and there and then he went there, so lets just say he brought Annabeth, Jason, Grover, Piper, Travis, Conner, Thalia, and Nico.)

We were all sitting on the floor of my cabin.

"So..." I said. "I'll go first. Thalia, truth or dare?"

"Dare,"she said confidently.

I thought about it for a minute, and whispered in her ear; "Admit you're scared of heights."

When I backed away, Thalia said "Do I have to?"

I smiled an Apollo smile (And we all know how Apollo smiles, right?).

Thalia started. "I'm afraid of..."

"Go on..."

"I'm afraid of heights." She put her face in her hands.

Travis laughed. "Are you sure your Zeus's daughter?"

Everyone except Annabeth, of course, cracked up.

"Percy," Annabeth said. "Did you have to choose that dare?"

While I was laughing, I managed to croak a "Yes".

"Okay, then." Thalia said. "It's my turn. BTW, I'm gonna KILL you, JACKSON."

I waved my hands around. "Ooo... I'm scared!" And I laughed again.

Thalia ignored me and said, "Truth or Dare, Annabeth?"

Annabeth P.O.V

"Dare" I said.

Thalia smiled. "I dare you to hold a spider in your hand."

"WHAT!" I screamed so loud, I think the cabin shook.

Jason smirked. "A dare is a dare!"

"Fine." I mumbled.

Conner took out a spider from his pocket.

"Conner," Piper asked. "Why is there a spider in your pocket?"

"You don't need to know.."

Piper rolled her eyes, and I tried really hard not to scream as he put it in my hand.

And then...

CLIFFHANGER! I was thinking of making suspense here... I don't know.. should I? YES, I SHOULD. I might update like everyday, or even every few hours! My normal chapters are going to be wayyy longer than this, so review!