Author's Notes: Here is the final chapter in To The Void. I do have plans in the future to write more short stories involving KaNack when he was still alive and his interactions with these Dawnstar assassins as well as future short tales involving the adventures of the Spectral Mage. Thanks for being there and reading KaNack's beginning, death and rebirth.

Special thanks to Ladydragon1316, CuZ D and MightyMerlin for all their awesome support and reviews and to Heiwako for being my editor.

It had not been an easy night for the residents of the Dawnstar Sanctuary; they had gone through at least fifteen invisibility potions, but it was necessary to sneak in and out of the college's mausoleum completely unnoticed.

Brelyna had proven herself to be quite wise; she knew that the Brotherhood was coming for KaNack, but made sure that no one would be there to interfere with their mission.

There had been two students asleep outside the large tomb having been forbidden by their new headmaster to enter it that day, still needing more time to mourn the loss of their beloved Arch Mage.

Vytalas gave the orders for his followers to leave the young casters be. He had, Lucia, their Imperial mage, cast a slumber spell on the students to make sure that the Brotherhood would not be disturbed when moving the Listener's body. None of the assassins felt like they could relax until they were finally out of Winterhold and back in Dawnstar.

The hard part over and done with, the Dawnstar siblings went to work on digging a final resting place for their leader.

Not every Brotherhood member was lucky enough to be buried amongst their fellow assassins. Only the ones whose bodies could be found were able to reunite with the family. Nothing changed the fact that no matter where in the earth they had been laid to rest, the Nightshade flowers bloomed.

The family was pleased that KaNack was now back home where he belonged, buried alongside his beloved Fool of Hearts. While the Argonian's grave was still bare, Cicero's was covered in Nightshade flowers, and off to the side was a broken lute. It was a decoration that KaNack had felt was necessary to adorn the Keeper's plot.

The Dark Brotherhood leader wiped the sweat from his brow before wiping his dirt coated hands on a nearby rag. This was not the first grave he had to dig for a beloved family member and he was sure that it would not be the last. The only difference this time was that there would be more than just the residents of the Dawnstar Sanctuary attending to say their final goodbyes to the former Listener.

The Family from spread about Skyrim gradually began to arrive, taking time away from their contracts and duties to attend KaNack's funeral. There were no less than thirty shrouded men and women gathered around the icy shores of Dawnstar. Some had been former initiates of KaNack's sanctuary while others had only known of the Dark Brotherhood leader by name alone. Nothing changed the fact that he still was one of the reasons why the guild of assassins was thriving today.

Vytalas stepped back so that he was standing alongside his Dawnstar family.

Babette, eternally ten years old with the mindset of a profession killer, she would most likely remain an active member of the Dark Brotherhood for centuries to come.

Yoth was a large and intimidating Orc barbarian. He was not the stealthiest of individuals; in fact he was very loud and rambunctious when not out on assignment. The Orsimer always looked forward to when the family would gather at the tavern to drink and celebrate.

Ardwen was small, timid and hardly ever spoke more than a few words to anyone. The Wood Elf was the Keeper and had been trained by Cicero to care for the Night Mother. She had been so excited and honored to be chosen as the Unholy Matron's caretaker, but when her mentor died, so had her playful and social nature. She was like a ghost, wandering about the sanctuary, tending to her duties and speaking only if she was being directly approached by someone. Even then it was a chore to get her to talk. She had her Keeping tasks and nothing more.

Linwe, the Altmer, had just been named by Vytalas as the Speaker now that the Dunmer was the Listener. He very tall, even for High Elf, and was believed to have come from the Void itself. He never raised his voice, rarely showed emotion, and never embraced his fellow brothers and sisters. His unattached nature made the Mer perfect for tasks which required him to go out and meet with the invokers of Black Sacraments.

The last of their sanctuary was their newest initiate, Lucia. She was only eighteen, yet had a natural gift in the magical arts and could learn spells much faster than normal mages. KaNack had been excited when he introduced her to the family two months ago. The reptile had been planning on putting her through what he lovingly called the 'Festus Trials', but had passed on before he had even had a chance to begin the lessons. She was a part of the Dawnstar Sanctuary and yet knew next to nothing about this reptile that everyone was calling a legend.

"Well, best to get started," Vytalas whispered to his daughter. The Dark Brotherhood leader stood before the fresh grave and addressed the many assassins that had come from the nine holds of Skyrim. "Dearest Brothers and Sisters, our beloved Listener and leader KaNack has been laid to rest…again."

This caused a few chuckles to sound out from the crowd. The Argonian would have approved, he loved to laugh and would have wanted smiles at his funeral.

"What can one say about a man like the Listener who had lived a life as long and full as his? He loved who he was and lived to serve the Dark Brotherhood. A true assassin, he would always go out and take the life of his contract, no second thoughts and no leniency. Yet, as merciless a killer he was, he also was kind-hearted. He saw all of us as his children and would treat us as lovingly as a father during our times of doubt."

The Dunmer paused and pulled down his hood to reveal the fact that he had a single ear. "I had felt that I had failed the Brotherhood once and was ready to abandon it," he admitted. "KaNack did not look down on me though. He instead pointed out the ways in which I had been true to the Dark Brotherhood." He laughed sadly. "He really was like our father; no one in our unique family could ever disappoint him no matter how badly things went during a contract. He told me once 'There are no failures, only lessons'." The Dark Elf smirked. "I may not give out as many hugs as he did, but I too embrace the notion that we are a family and our love for one another makes us stronger."

The Mer grimaced as he rubbed the back of his neck not sure how to finish. The archer was never good at giving speeches and hated being put on the spot. As the new leader, however, he was expected to give a proper eulogy for their fallen friend.

Vianna could see that her father was struggling for words and spoke up. "KaNack was the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, a vicious killer, a fearless warrior," she grinned, "but he was also a troublemaker. Even in his final days, I remember that the Listener would somehow always find a way to prank one of us. He believed that in a world consumed by death, it was important to be able to laugh. Those outside the Brotherhood see us all as heartless monsters, but I thoroughly believe that there was more laughter and joy had in our little sanctuary than in any palace residing in Skyrim. I didn't grow up amongst nightmares and psychopaths; I was raised amongst protective Brothers and adoring Sisters. I was raised a child of Sithis and I feel that I was all the luckier for it. Not everyone is as blessed as us to have a family as caring and supportive as that of the Dark Brotherhood."

"He was an arrogant bastard and cheated during drinking games!" Yoth announced loudly as he joined Vytalas' side and draped an arm over his shoulder. "He was also one of the finest men I ever had the pleasure of working under. I loved my Brother and he took me in when no one else would." The Orsimer smirked. "I know I don't look or sound like one who would be a part of our little family. I was too reckless for the Imperial Army and too fascinated in the art of taking lives to be welcomed into the Companions. The Night Mother saw potential in me however, and shortly after I had killed a drunk that had pushed me too far KaNack sent this gray fetcher to find me."

Vytalas smiled as he thought about the night he went out to look for the Orc Barbarian.

"I call you a fetcher because you punched me in the head, Vy."

"You wouldn't wake up," the Dunmer responded, trying desperately not to snicker at the memory.

"Anyway, the Dark Brotherhood took me in when no one else would. The Listener pulled me to the side when I approached him, questioning my sanity as I seemed to have an unhealthy thirst for blood." Yoth let out a content sigh. "KaNack told me that I wasn't crazy. He said that I was a loyal son of Sithis and it was not bloodlust but my devotion to my deity that caused my desire to take lives." He chuckled quietly. "I was never a monster in the eyes of him or any of my new family. I found my true calling with this guild and I'm eternally grateful that it exists for people like us. A place to call home and surrounded by friends and family that understand and take care of one another." He turned around to scowl at the grave. "You son of bitch, I was supposed to die before you. When I get sent to the Void, I am going to kick your ass."

Linwe rolled his eyes as he approached the gravesite and stood beside Vianna, not really fond of the jubilant Orsimer next to his leader.

"Was KaNack perfect?" he began. "Of course not, he had a terrible temper, took his duty far too lightly at times and possessed the heart of a child. He was a hundred years my senior, yet would tell jokes and make us all celebrate at the end of the month like a pack of drunken Nords. At times I wondered if he really was the right person to be leading our guild." The Altmer was not at all fazed by the shocked and angry looks being shot in his direction.

"Yet, if one knows about his history with the Dark Brotherhood, they'd realize that despite his petty and clownish shell, he was at heart a true leader and assassin. He faced death and still shouted the name of Sithis, never allowing his faith to waver in even his darkest hours." Linwe frowned. "He tried to make us laugh and enjoy life because he understood that in our profession, death can come suddenly without warning. He wanted to make sure that in the limited time we had on Nirn that we managed to have brief moments of happiness. Those feelings of joy or pleasure are not to be had in the Void so he wished for us all to experience them as much as we could before being sent into the Dread Father's arms."

The Mer clasped his hands together as he looked at the ground. "I did my damnedest to not smile or laugh in front of him, but whenever that Argonian caught me off guard and saw that I was even the slightest bit happy, he would not let me forget about it any time soon. I may have a professional appearance to keep up, but I am going to miss that man and his selfless attempt to make even the most stubborn of us enjoy life while there was still time."

Ardwen shrunk in size as she cautiously joined her siblings and looked like a puny thing next to the huge Orc beside her.

"As you all know," she said in a soft voice, "I am the Keeper of the Night Mother. I am sure those of you who were present during the life of the previous Keeper understood that he and the Listener were more than just friends."

The assassins stared at the Bosmer in shock, for this had been the most that they had heard from her in the last six months combined.

"When Cicero passed, I too was at a loss for I had lost both my mentor and my friend. KaNack was mourning and yet he still took the time to try and be there for me as well." Ardwen bit her lip before continuing. "I hid myself away from my brothers and sisters, but the Listener knew that I had lost a very important part of who I was and he told me that it was better to mourn together than in solitude." She clasped a hand to her mouth, on the brink of sobbing. "He had lost his soul mate, yet that man, that selfless man, still went out of his way to make sure that I was alright. Not because I was the new Keeper, but because I was a friend who needed comforting."

The Mer grunted when she felt a strong arm pull her close. Yoth gave Ardwen a gentle smile and a light reassuring squeeze to let her know that it was alright to cry.

"When everyone else always just accepted me as a quiet loner to be left to her own devices, KaNack always took the time to sit me down and just talk. I never said much, he was willing to do most of the talking, telling me the adventures he had with his beloved jester. He knew I missed Cicero almost as much as he did." She hid her face in the strong leather armor of Yoth. "The last thing my Listener said to me before he left for his final contract was 'I'll make us some tea when I come back, Ardwen. Maybe this time you will have a story to tell me?'" She looked sadly at the grave. "I will share stories, KaNack. I will come here every day and tell one to you, I promise. I will tell you so many stories that Cicero himself will rise from the grave next to you and tell me to shut up."

A great hush fell over the group as the small unchild came forth and stood before the Dawnstar assassins, her small frame coming up only to Vytalas' hip. Babette smiled at the siblings that had come from across the country to attend KaNack's service. She was the oldest of all of them and they gave her the utmost respect because of it.

"Well, it's good to know that I had managed to attend at least one of the Listener's services," she began. "I think I can honestly say that I knew the Listener longer than any of you standing here. When I first met KaNack, he was a scrawny, temperamental Argonian with a thirst for blood that rivaled my own. In the end, he was a scrawny, temperamental Argonian with a thirst for blood that rivaled my own," she smirked. "He just had grayer feathers and more wrinkles." Babette smiled when she heard a few quiet laughs sound from the crowd.

"What impressed me the most about KaNack is that with all his faults, he always came through for the Dark Brotherhood whenever it was threatened. He was so young when all of this responsibility had been placed onto his shoulders, but the tragedy you all know as the Falkreath Fire forced him to grow up very quickly. He was only twenty-three and yet somehow he managed to not only begin to rebuild the sanctuaries you all live in today, but end the civil war that was tearing our land apart. When the Penitus Oculatus tried to finish what they had started, he made damn sure that those agents would never harm another one of our siblings. When those Morag Tong imposters tried to get all the guilds hunting for us, he not only stopped the murderers but the Listener also cleared the Brotherhood's name without betraying our secrets to the Empire."

The unchild clasped her hands behind her back and swayed playfully. "Time can pass by so quickly when you have eternal life. It seems like just yesterday that KaNack was kneeling down to me and asking what a child was doing in the Dark Brotherhood. Then just as suddenly he was an old man and just barely able to walk on his own. Nothing would stop him from performing his duties when he was a young man and that did not change in his final days. Even when his magic began to fail and his bones became brittle, the Listener continued to take contracts and send souls forth to the Dread Lord. He has served us well in life and now it is time for him to do the same in death."

Lucia crossed her arms and sighed heavily. They all had known the Argonian for years and had such wonderful memories to share about their experiences with him. The Imperial wanted to step up and add something as well, but there was nothing she could say that could possibly match the heartfelt words of the assassins.

She had been kicked out of the College of Winterhold for fighting and the Arch Mage came to her and suggested that there was another means to deal with all the pent up magicka burning within her. She had been so excited to start her new life in the Dark Brotherhood, but no sooner had she joined that the faction lost its leader. The most she knew about the reptile was that he hated bards, had a fondness for jesters, loved magic and apparently could hold his drink better than an Orc seven times younger than himself. All she could do was wait quietly for the moment that everyone had been looking forward to- the summoning of the new Spirit of the Dark Brotherhood.

Vytalas was relieved that his siblings had stepped in when they had, their stories and kind words made the eulogy more than he ever could have done on his own.

"We have said goodbye to our beloved Listener and Leader KaNack in the form we have always known him as- flesh, bone and blood. The time had come to welcome him back with the title that belongs only to one who is worthy of becoming a legend in our guild. Our Brother has been in the Void for five days, but now we will call him back to the mortal plane. I do not know what he will look like or how he is going to react, we all must realize though that this is the chosen soul of Sithis and deserving of just as much respect in death as he had received in life."

The Dunmer removed the summoning scroll from a pocket in his shroud and looked over the words carefully. He had read over them a hundred times since he had learned of the reptile's death, but he still could not help but feel apprehensive about bringing forth the spirit of his friend. The old Dark Brotherhood Spirit, Lucien Lachance, always seemed to be a constant resident in the Dawnstar Sanctuary, but Vytalas simply could not see himself summoning the Argonian to be by his side on a regular basis.

The Dark Elf had learned to depend on his own abilities and it wasn't going to be necessary to summon the spirit as often as the reptile had with Lachance. The former Dark Brotherhood leader needed to depend on the ghost from a young age; Vytalas was fortunate enough to know all about his responsibilities and what was expected of him far in advance of KaNack's passing. Still, it was going to be good to see his old friend again. Not many people get to make a guest appearance at their own funeral.

The Dunmer wet his lips and sucked in a deep breath before reciting the specific words necessary to complete the summoning process of the spirit. He was not a mage, but even those who did not have magicka flowing through their veins could use scrolls if they knew how to properly read them. He jumped backwards into the strong chest plate of Yoth as a blinding swirl of blue and white mist appeared before him.

"Easy there, Vy," the Orc chuckled. "Remember, it's just KaNack."

Indeed it was.

A hush fell over the assassins as the mist went away and standing in its place was an ethereal Argonian in Dark Brotherhood shrouds, the black handprint standing out even in his transparent form.

The Dark Elf's red eyes were as wide as mortally possible, he edged ever closer to the specter before him. He could tell it was KaNack by the large scar that covered the length of his face. His expression however was a grim one. The Argonian frowned and stared menacing at his caster with his pupil free eyes, not saying a word or even showing the slightest hint of being pleased at the summoning. The archer stood before the Spirit of the Dark Brotherhood and waited quietly for KaNack to say something, a greeting, a passage of wisdom. Something to mark the beginning of his life of the representation of the assassins' guild as a whole.


Every single assassin jumped in surprise and the Dark Elf fell ungracefully on his rear end. The next sound that followed was laughter that echoed in the small area around them.

"By Sithis, Vytalas, don't tell me did not see that coming? I'm a ghost," the Argonian grinned. There was a roar of laughter coming from the all the Dark Brotherhood siblings as their new leader gawked in shock at the apparition before him.

"You bloody fetcher!" the Dunmer hissed, standing back up. "That is how you want to be remembered? This is your big moment and you decide to turn it into joke?!"

"How many years have you known me, Vy? Do you really need me to answer that question?" the ghost snorted as he crossed his arms, still looking most pleased with himself. KaNack turned to the surrounding assassins from the Skyrim sanctuaries. "My beloved children, you honor me with your attendance. Know that all your hard work and dedication will be properly rewarded. Keep true to your faith and never allow your devotion to waver for our Dread Father honors those who believe in Him even when it seems He has abandoned us. All hail the Dark Brotherhood. All hail Sithis."

"All hail Sithis," the assassins repeated quietly. No need to wake up all Dawnstar and alert them that there was a Dark Brotherhood gathering in their backyard.

Having properly greeted the others, the specter turned back to his beloved Dawnstar family. He felt a sense of relief in seeing them and also joy in that on the mortal plane he could once again embrace his emotions without the presence of the Unholy Matron.

Vytalas grumbled as he tapped the rolled up scroll against his hip. He was hoping that the Argonian might be more serious like Lucien had been, but then again it would not have been KaNack if he didn't take the opportunity to pull a prank.

"Linwe," the mage exclaimed as he hugged the towering Altmer. "You old stick in the mud! Did you miss me?"

"I…I would be lying if I said that I was not wanting of your company," the Mer muttered, feeling more than a little awkward to be in the loving arms of the Argonian. The reptile broke off the embrace and pinched Linwe's cheeks.

"So serious!" he huffed. "I was three hundred and I was more fun than you."

The Altmer grumbled and glanced to the side, not sure how to react to the Dark Brotherhood Spirit's treatment.

"Ah, Vianna," he uttered lovingly as he took the half-elf's chin in his head. "Gazing upon you now after seeing your mother, I can truly appreciate how much you have taken from her."

"Kaie?" the Listener asked in shock. "You saw Kaie in the Void?"

"Yes, her and the other siblings you trained with when you were just an initiate," KaNack answered, letting go of the girl's chin. "I have been reunited with so many friends and family, Vytalas. It is true what they say, there is no such thing as 'goodbye' in the Dark Brotherhood."

The reptile gleamed at Ardwen. The Bosmer was keeping her head low, unable to look the ghost in the eyes.

"You still owe me a story, my Keeper."

The Mer's head picked up, her dark eyes glistening with tears. This had been the first time KaNack had ever called her 'Keeper'. That was a title he reserved strictly for Cicero, it meant the world to Ardwen for the spirit call her by that name.

KaNack narrowed his eyes when he saw the sour expression on Yoth's face.

"Are you still mad because I didn't wait around for your sorry hide to die first? I wasn't going to wait around forever."

The Argonian ducked as the Orc swung at his head and grabbed Yoth's leg, pulling it up from underneath causing the large barbarian to fall backwards into the hard frozen earth. Loud laughter once again filled the small area by the shoreline. Even Yoth had an amused look plastered on his face.

"Should have known better than to try and take you," the large assassin snickered. "I'm still mad at you though."

"Tell you what, I'll have Linwe buy your drinks next month to make up for it," the reptile offered as he pulled his friend to his feet.

"Wait, what?" the Speaker muttered as he stared at the ghost in disbelief.

"Funny with Nazir, funny with you," KaNack grinned as he continued to walk down the line of his Dawnstar family. He took a knee to be at eye level with the unchild. "Ah, my dearest Babette. You still don't look a day over eight."

"You are looking rather young yourself. I see that you've seen fit to shed a few hundred years from your appearance since being sent to the Void."

"Vanity is a sin I am willing to admit to, Babette."

"As am I," she agreed, showing a hint of fang.

There was only one remaining member of the family whom he had yet to speak to and that was their newest Sister. The Spectral Mage walked towards the Imperial who seemed to have isolated herself from the others.

"Greetings, Sister," he began, looking her over. "As a fellow mage, I would have thought you'd be much happier to see me. What is troubling you?"

"Everyone else here knows you," Lucia muttered quietly, not looking the specter in the eyes. "They know all about you and your history with the Dark Brotherhood. I don't even know the first thing about you and you're a legend for Sithis sake."

"Hah!" he laughed. "I've lost two mentors in my time, Lucia. One was Savos Aren, the former Arch Mage of Winterhold, and the other was Festus Krex, the one whose methods I had been intending to train you with."

"Good luck with you being dead in all," she muttered bitterly. The Imperial scowled when the reptile ruffled her hair with his transparent claws.

"Some of the best lessons I learned came from one whom was already dead," he insisted. The Dark Brotherhood Spirit guided Lucia towards the others, keeping a hand resting on the small of her back. "Nonetheless, this is your family now. Do not isolate yourself from them for they are the ones who will always be there for you in the rough life ahead."


"An assassin's life is not an easy one, Lucia," KaNack remarked as he moved to stand by the new Listener's side. "There is much happiness to be had, but there are also plenty of dangers and you can be damn sure tears. The world out there is an ocean and the Brotherhood is your raft. Swim too far from it and you risk drowning."

"Odd analogy from an Argonian," the young assassin said as she rested a hand on her hip and smirked.

"I like her," KaNack chimed to Vytalas who was giving the girl a disapproving look.

"This was our leader for centuries, girl. I would speak to him with a little more respect," the Mer growled. "KaNack, I understand that you and Lucien had a rather unique relationship. You always summoned him to be by your side."

"Lachance," he uttered the name sadly. "Yes, he was my friend, Vy. He was always there for me and even took care of me when I became too old to do so myself."

"You were a great man, KaNack. You have to understand though that it highly unlikely that we will be summoning you here to assist us on Tamriel very often. We understand the Tenets and regular training has made it so that many of us do not require an extra hand in battle. We admire you, but I don't see us needing you except in the direst of times."

This bit of information caused the Argonian to frown and he was more than a little hurt by the bluntness of the new Dark Brotherhood leader.

"Vy, are you telling me that I am simply going to collect dust on some shelf in the sanctuary? I am relieved to be with Cicero again in the Void, but for pity's sake." The spirit grasped the archer's shoulders gently. "I miss the colors, I miss the life, I miss being able to feel on my own terms, not just the Night Mother's."

"I'm just trying to be honest with you, my friend," Vytalas answered stiffly. "Please don't make this hard for us. We don't have to return you to the Void right away. There are many here who wish to thank you for all you have done."

"All I have done?" he hissed stepping away from the Mer. "I did what was required of me, nothing more. If you simply summoned me so you could get your final goodbyes, then do so and send me back. You did say after all that I am not needed anymore." He shook his head and gave the Mer a tired look. "I am glad that we prepared you for this role prior to my death, Vytalas. I guess it was so hard for me in the beginning I just assumed that there would be more for me to teach you once your time as a Listener began."

"I've upset you," Vy observed feeling a twinge of guilt. "KaNack, we will summon you in the future, I'm…"

"I'm not a child," he snapped. "Please don't bring me forth from the Void simply to humor me." The mage began to pace in place, much like Lachance had done when trying to calm himself. "I required the company of others to function, but you are self-reliant. You are so much stronger than I ever was. You are going to be a great leader, Vy. You don't need a ghost around to tell you that."

He clasped his hands together and bowed politely to the archer. "You can send me back, Vytalas. I'm not saddened, quite the opposite, in fact. I'm relieved. Seeing you so confident assures me that the Dark Brotherhood could not be in better hands."

"Hold it!"

The assassins spun around. Lucia was rushing towards them and she poked the Spirit of the Dark Brotherhood hard in the chest.

"What about me?" she exclaimed. "You were supposed to train me in the art of destruction! There aren't any mages in the sanctuary! Who in Oblivion is going to show me how to perfect my craft? Yoth?! The fetcher broke three enchanted weapons in the last month!"

"Hey! I…Yeah, it's true," the Orsimer grumbled.

"I can't go back to Winterhold and I am not leaving my new family! You are the only one who can teach me, KaNack! I am willing to learn! Vytalas might not need you, but I do!"

The ghost blinked at as Lucia's upper lip twitched in a pitiful pout. The Argonian looked over to the Dark Brotherhood leader and gestured towards the girl.

"She makes a valid point. She needs to be properly instructed in the Arcane Arts. She will be quite efficient at killing once she gets through the training I had to endure with Festus."

"Assuming she survives it," Babette quipped as she flipped her hair back. "The girl is fairly young, KaNack."

"She is, but so was I when I first stepped past the Black Door," the specter insisted. He crossed his arms and glanced at the Dark Brotherhood leader. "You possess my scroll, you are the leader, this is completely your call, Vy…Listener," he corrected himself. "It's going to take me a while to get used to calling you that."

The Dark Elf sighed heavily as he looked over the young Imperial. The girl wrung her hands together, her blue eyes looking to him in desperation. She wanted the Argonian- scratch that, she NEEDED him. A small smile curved up from the archer's lips as he handed the summoning scroll over to Lucia.

"My dear, he's all yours."

"Great! This calls for a celebration! Mead and ale for everyone in the sanctuary!" Yoth exclaimed as he hurried back to the Black Door. A few of the surrounding assassins followed after the Orc while the other families thought it best to leave Dawnstar. They still had contracts to complete and had already paid their respects to their fallen leader.

"Party!" Vianna cheered.

"Wait! The Listener never agreed to that!" Ardwen exclaimed. "Keep them away from Mother! I just arranged the flowers the way I liked them!"

Linwe let out a loud and exhausted sigh as he ran a hand down his face and bowed to Vytalas and the Spectral Mage. "Listener. Spirit. It has been an honor and a pleasure. Now I must be off to bludgeon my oversized Brother. The Tenets say I cannot kill him, but there are plenty of other ways to get the man under control."

The High Elf then hurried inside as well with Babette close behind.

"Ah, Linwe and Yoth. Why don't those two just kiss each other and get it over with?" the mage chuckled as he grinned wickedly at the Dunmer before him. "I suppose this means that I am going to stick around a little while longer." The ghost pointed a claw at Lucia. "My little Sister, I am going to put you through Oblivion. It's going to be hard and you might end up hating me before it's all said and done."

The Argonian's claws lit up a bright white in color and he shot the energy to the ground bringing forth a blue and white flaming atronach.

"However, if you truly want to perfect your craft, you will fight your way through it and never quit."

The Imperial held the scroll close, realizing that she had just been handed a legend. She was going to be trained under a man who was chosen by Sithis Himself to represent the entire Dark Brotherhood. It was going to be an honor and a privilege.

"Well, I'll leave you two to your lessons," the archer sighed as he started for the Black Door. "I should go in there and keep an eye on Linwe and Yoth and make sure neither end up breaking a Tenet."

The Argonian smiled at the small female assassin before him and began to pace before her.

"Now listen up, Luca…"

"KaNack, you know my name is…." She grunted in pain as the reptile smacked her hard in the back of her head. "Ow! What in…?!"

"No whining!" he hissed, crossing his arms. "I will not put up with any whining." He tried to suppress the smirk as the Imperial rubbed at the back of her head.

"Fine. So, what do I call you? KaNack? The Spirit of the Dark Brotherhood?"

"Either title is fine," the Argonian insisted with a shrug. His expression suddenly softened as he gleamed at her. "If you want to though…you can call me 'Buddy'."