NEW NEW NEW! This is MY NEW story, finding what was lost and i plan on making this about 25 ish chapters hope you like it.



Bella Swan

Edward Masen

Alice Cullen-Hale (Edward's cousin)

Jasper Hale (Alice's husband)

Emmett Masen (Edward's younger brother)

Rosalie Hale (Emmett's fiancée)

Elizabeth Masen (Edward and Emmett's mom)

Edward Sr. Masen (Edward and Emmett's dad)

Esme Cullen (Alice's mom)

Carlisle Cullen (Alice's dad)

Chapter 1

Edward's POV

"You don't control me!" I hissed at Alice

"Ya I know that Edward! But you're….you is not you, you haven't been you for 4 years" Alice said going through all the clothes in my closet. I did not like her touching my things

"What does it matter?" I asked slapping her hands away from my clothes

"Ever since your visit to Washington for a few months, you haven't been yourself!" she hissed slapping my hands right back and digging through my things.

I shook my head, only if she knew the truth about her. If she knew the truth, I do not know if she would believe me about anything

"You came here, did what you had to do for movies and music and you…you spaced everyone out! You still do Edward! You need to get a life," she said

What does it matter to her? It is my life for god's sake I have a life! How many people do you know who become famous at the age of 17? Not many!

"And even your music! You lost fans of everything because of it," she said

That was not true one bit everyone loves my music.

"My music is fine Alice, everyone still loves it," I said rolling my eyes at my cousin

"Your movies, you refuse to do any movies which includes sex with a girl!" she said rolling her eyes and putting her hands on her hips.

Sex….it made me think of that time…

"You know what you need?" she asked looking my way

"What?" I asked

I do not know if I even want to know what I need from my cousin

"You need to go back, go take care of what you did back in Washington, take care of it and come back like yourself, come back a man," she said

Back to….back to….going back to Forks. Was she crazy!

"Back to where I was?" I asked shocked at what she was saying

"Yes, I'll go talk to your mom about it!" she squealed running off not bothering to know what else I had to say.

She wants be to go back…..go back to their….go back to that…..I cannot….I cannot go back! I cannot go back to Forks it would hurt too much. What if I saw her again and she had moved on from me. How would I feel about that?

"Your mom said this is a perfect idea!" Alice squealed coming back into the room

She looked at my face and frowned, she did not like my thinking face

"Edward….aren't you happy? I mean this is where you WERE happy and came back here not yourself, wouldn't you want to do back?" she asked

I don't want to go back…there….that's where….that's where I met her, where we made love so many times in the month and a half I was there with her. Where I feel in love with that girl, it is where I wanted to make that girl my wife; I just wanted to make her mine there.

"No…" I said flat out to my cousin

"B-but why not?" she frowned

"I left for a fucking reason Alice!" I hissed at her

I did not want to leave but she does not know that

"Well maybe you shouldn't have left! Have you fucking seen yourself lately?" she hissed right back at me

"I am who I WANT to be Alice, you don't control me! I am my own person and it is my past not yours. Do you want to talk about YOUR past? We can get rid of mine Alice and easily switch to yours," I said being a bit harsh

She sighed at me and I knew I had been right. She obviously did not want to talk about her past to anyone but her husband.

"You're going; your mom was already looking up tickets to Seattle when I left the room….you need to be you again. Everyone is tired of this new you, we want the old you back Edward." She said leaving the room

My family did not need to know….they did not need to know I did not stay in Seattle and was not planning to do with this trip. If she is not there, I will search the end of the earth for her, she is my love and she is supposed to be my wife. She should have been my wife the minute I knew I loved her I did not want to let her go 4 years ago it was so hard. I followed Alice and went up to my mom; I knew what I had to do.

"If I'm doing this, I'm going for more than a few days," I said to my mother.

She jumped up and looked back at me,

"Edward your next movie shooting starts next week" she said

"I don't care! Cancel it! If I have to do this, I'm doing it my way," I said

She sighed and took a deep breath.

"Okay, I give you…4 months….and then if you're not back…..your career is ruined and you're done" she said

"Done," I said agreeing to anything to find my girl.

I would do anything for her, if it includes losing my fame I will do it, I do not care! She is worth the money I will lose; she is worth everything to me

"Did you just agree to that?" Alice screeched from the door

"Alice…" I said

"Edward! You cannot lose your fame, do not agree to that Aunt Elizabeth!" Alice said

"She mentioned it not me, I need time…not a few days…" I said

"What is it in Seattle?" she asked

They both looked to me,

"It's….it's nothing," I said

"Lies! Tell me!" Alice said

"It's….just something that happened while I was there the first time" I said

"I bet it was a girl! You met a girl didn't you? Ha!" Alice said

"Alice that's no—"I said getting interrupted

"Lies and lies. You met a girl, and you left her because she was normal and you didn't want to which explains why your so….not you" she said

"I didn't meet a fucking girl!" I snapped lying

She sighed,

"Okay…you didn't meet a girl so what?" she asked

I rolled my eyes sighing, only if she knew what happened in Forks.

Just Edward's point of view this chapter, please review for me :) Reviews=Happy Me!