His birthday was coming up.
Lucy Heartfilia stared at the calendar, recounting the days until the celebratory day.
What should I get for him? Would he think it's weird if I get him a present? What can I even do for him?
Questions continued to build up in her head until she jumped down to her bed in exhaustion.
"Ahh." She slightly bit her lips. "What should I do for Gray?"
"Do what for me?" A familiar deep voice intruded her world of thoughts.
Lucy sat up from her bed in shock and was startled by the ice mage that was casually sitting in her couch.
"G-gray?" her voice cracked in surprise. "What are you doing here?!"
"I was just passing by and checking up on you." He shrugged back in response. "But what were you talking about?"
Lucy's face flushed in deep red. Not long ago, she confirmed her feelings from him and decided to do something new for a change. She wanted to express her feelings more freely. She didn't want to be tied down by her shyness and hopefully one day, tell him that she loved him. But she can tell that it wasn't going so well. Just by looking at him like she usually does, her heart was beating nonstop, and it felt like it was out of control.
"Nothing!" She blurted out.
"Don't lie to me." Gray gave Lucy a confused look. "You said my name…and hm? Why is your face so red?" he got up from the couch and walked closer.
"D-don't come closer! And why are you in my room without knocking? Go away!" Lucy screamed and jumped up from her bed and distanced herself from Gray.
"What's wrong with you today?" Gray continued to walk closer. "Are you sick? Are you okay?"
"I said don't-" Lucy tried to run to the other side of the room, but before that was even possible, he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. She stumbled in front of him and now they were looking at each other in the eyes.
"Gosh. I can feel the heat from this far. You must have a fever." Gray looked at Lucy with concern and led her to her bed. "Here." He removed the blanket from her bed and forced her to sit. "Lie down and go to sleep." He slightly smiled.
Lucy's heart banged on her chest uncontrollably at his warm smile. She could feel her face flaring up, and it really felt like she was on fire. "Thanks." She mumbled as she slowly sat down on her bed and lied down as he instructed.
"Take a good rest, Lucy. I'll stop by again later." Gray's hand slightly patted Lucy's blond head and headed towards the door. Lucy turned her head towards the side and watched him leave.
"Gray!" Lucy unconsciously called out his name. He looked back and arched his eyebrows in surprise. "Uh…" she didn't know what to say.
"What is it? Are you going to miss me?" Gray teasingly smirked.
"Hell no!" She felt enraging emotions flowing through her.
Still maintaining his mocking smile, he opened the door and laughed. "I know. I know. Good night!"
"I…" Lucy quietly whispered as his figure disappeared. Her whole body internally danced in content; she could feel it in her every bone that her feelings were true and pure. "…Love you."