Chapter 1:

A/N: I just finished rewriting this. I hope that it is much better than before. I haven't gotten to the chapters yet.

Warning: rape, yaoi, and probably Mpreg later.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or I wouldn't be writing this.

Sorry I'm not the best writer. Please review and Enjoy :D

6 Years Ago:

A raven haired boy at the age of ten trudged his way through the woods to the little cabin he built at the edge of Mongolia. He had gotten into a fight earlier with one of his friends, and was oblivious to most of what was going on around him. He did however feel it when rough hands pinned against a rather large tree with scratchy bark by his sensitive throat.

"Hello, little Gray-Chan," a menacing voice snarled quietly but harshly in the young mage's ear.

"Oi, let me go!" Gray wailed with short breaths due to lack of air. He aimlessly tired lashing out at the man with kicks, but the stranger held strong. "Who are you? What the hell do you want?" the terrified ten year old managed to gasp out with his fleeting oxygen. The grip on his neck relaxed a bit.

"Oh, little Gray-Chan, I've heard so much about you from Ul," Gray stilled all his attempts of freedom and getting precious air at those words. His blood turned from cold to icy. Unwanted memories ran rampant in his mind. "I'm Umito , Ul's brother, why did you kill my baby sister, Gray-Chan?" The stranger now known as Umito sneered with venom dripping from every syllable.

"I-I didn't mean too! It wasn't my fault!" Gray cried, tears falling from his eyes.

"Oh, but it was. If you hadn't been so selfish this wouldn't of happened. It should've been you that died that night, my little sister would be alive if it wasn't for you!" Umito screamed in a rage. "You must compensate for your sins." He grinned mirthlessly at the boy and tightened his hand around Gray's throat.

Gray made a choked sound at the action. His vision began to blur over before clouding black.

The ice mage awoke when he felt his boxers sliding off him. He looked up to see Umito leering over him. Gray pushed him aside with a hard shove and scrambled away from the brunette.

Enraged further by the desperate action Umito grabbed the raven by the hair and threw him on the ground. Gray got head smashed on the side of his bed due to the impact. He laid on floor motionless.

Umtio leaned over the stunned ice mage and deposited him back on the bed. With no preparation Umito thrust in the younger.

Gray cried out in pain, it felt like he was being ripped in two. He gasped when lips were forced onto his. With every passing second The boy soon passed out from the agony and blood loss.

Taunting rays that signified the dawn streamed through the open window. The burning ache of yesterday's unwanted activities seared through his mind in hot flashes with a whole new meaning of corrupted pain. They played over in a timeless loop.

Hours transcended before the young ice caster was able to will the assaulting memories away. Gray leaned on the walls as he limped to the bathroom. Drops of blood and a white suspense that the raven didn't want to think about was left in his wake. The droplets shown mockingly on floor contrasting on wooden surface.

The freezing water of the shower ran over Gray in an icy embrace. The crystalline liquid evolved to various shades of red. He started to scrub himself raw, hating the tainted feeling that would remain for many years.

Though he wanted to Gray knew couldn't just stay in water. He slowly got out and slid on boxers and a shirt. He had a feeling that he would be unable to put pants. He walked to his kitchen to make sure that Umito really did leave and that he wasn't just hiding so that he could attack him again. The table a note was left that read"

'Little Gray-chan,

I left. Don't worry though I'll be watching you. If you don't behave., there will be a repeat performance.

~ Umito'

'No, no, no that can't happen. No, not again. No!' Gray thought, reading the note. He crumpled the offending paper in his hand and made a movement towards the door. A wave of dizziness due to the shock of what aspired took by surprise. He collapsed on the floor in a heap. Gray thought he heard voices and tried calling out but could only utter a moan before succumbing to the suffocating darkness.

"Gray, Gray!" two eleven year olds called out frantically when they saw him fall. They rushed over to the unconscious ice mage.

"Erza, the scent of blood is everywhere," the male of the two commented.

"Natsu, try and wake him, I'll check out the rest of the house," Erza, said, walking away. "We need to find out what happened here." Natsu nodded. He bent down to the ice mage.

At a closer look he could see red and purple bruises around Gray's neck. Gently Natsu pulled up Gray's shirt and gasped at the number of bruises there and trailing lower. He knew that most of those he didn't cause in the fist fight with him yesterday.

He noticed the paper still clenched in Gray's hand and pried it out. Natsu read the note and then reread it his anger growing. He wanted to know who this 'Umito' person was so he could give him a piece of his mind. Natsu hid the note in his back pocket and proceeded his advances in trying awake the ice mage.

"Natsu, come here, you are going to want to see this," Erza murmured loudly from the other room.

Natsu carefully picked up the broken ice mage and entered the room. His anger only grew until it was a raging fire like his magic at the sight. Dark crimson was splattered on the floor and on the bed sheets. A trail of the blood lead to bathroom. The metallic smell clearly came from this room. Another scent was there but he couldn't place it.

"I didn't see any external injuries on Gray besides on his head, what could of cause this?" the dragon-slayer growled out.

"I don't know, hopefully some of this is from the other guy, I do intend to find out," Erza grounded out through clenched teeth. Natsu couldn't help but to agree. He knew that all of this blood was Gray's though because of the scent.


"Master!" Erza yelled as she stormed through the guild doors. Natsu was right behind her with a still knocked out ice mage in his arms. The whole guild turned at the outburst from Erza. Makarov quickly came over to the trio.

"Bring Gray up to the infirmary," Makarov told them, trying to keep calm. He followed them up there wanting answers to as why the raven was out cold and injured. "Erza, Natsu what was Gray like when you got there?" he asked.

"We walked in right as he fainted. We checked out the house and no one else was there. In his bedroom there blood on floor and bed sheets as well a bloody trail that lead to the bathroom." Erza reported.

"I found a note in Gray's hand. Some guy named Umito beat him up and said that he would stalk Gray and beat him up again if he didn't 'behave,'" Natsu informed them taking out the note.

Master Makarov took the paper from Natsu and read it. He ordered the two out and decided to examine Gray himself. Hearing the anger shake his voice the two bolted out the door.

Finishing the examination, Makarov felt his blood rising. 'What kind of sick person does this to a kid, who does this anyone!? What is the Umito person like and why would he do this to Gray!?' Makarov asked himself as Gray began to wake.

Noticing the movement behind Gray's eyes, he watched as they fluttered open.

"G-Gramps?" Gray stuttered as he saw Makarov's face livid with anger and concern. He nodded. "How did I get here?" Gray articulated weakly.

"Natsu and Erza got worried when you didn't show and the clocked ticked passed 12, they decided to go and check up on you. I'm glad they did." Makarov answered.

"Do they know?"

"They do not and will not unless you tell them," he told him. "Gray, will you tell me, what happened?" Makarov asked gently. Gray hesitated. "Please? I need to know, so that I can keep this man away from you. Its okay, I will never think any different of you, and will always be there for you. Okay?"

Gray nodded and explained all that went on. Tears flowed endlessly as he retold what happened. Makarov came closer and let Gray cry in chest. "It'll be okay," he whispered trying to comfort him.

Tired emotionally and physically, Gray fell asleep again. Makarov sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He would have Gray spend the night and have an older guild member walk home with until Gray for month.

He let Natsu and Erza in and informed them to not be too loud because Gray needs to rest. He also told them not to ever ask Gray about this incident.

A/N: Sorry if was bad. I will work on the other chapters tomorrow and hopefully have chapter two up by Friday. Please review tell me if hated it, loved it. :) I hope you loved it! :D